Hallo, ik ben Rosalina Klerkx, ik ben een RHIA-gecertificeerde zorgbeheerder met meer dan 6 jaar ervaring in het creëren van een productieve omgeving voor zorgprofessionals. Leiding gegeven aan een team van 12 opname- en verkoopmedewerkers in een instelling voor langdurige zorg met meer dan 170 patiënten. Opstellen van complexe HIPAA-conforme rapporten aan patiëntendienstcoördinatoren in een zorgkliniek.
Shopping for cannabis is a lot of fun these days, in some areas anyway. Not only are we spoiled with the convenience of walking right into a retail store and buying legal products, but there is so, so much to choose from. I’ve been lucky to be able to travel around the country a bit and go to quite a few dispensaries in a handful of different states. Overall, most are nothing to write home about. Just your run of the mill shopping experience. But here and there I’ll come across a shop that stands out from the rest with great pricing, excellent customer service, and great product selection. Below is a list of my personal favorite cannabis dispensaries of 2021.
Shopping for pot is fun, but it can be confusing as well, especially if you’re in a new city or state. Although this list isn’t very long, it does cover a few different areas around the United States. For more information on each of these shops, like current menus and pricing, check them out on Weedmaps, or their individual store websites. For more articles like this one, and exclusive deals on flowers, vapes, edibles, and other legal products, remember to subscribe to The THC Weekly Newsletter for deals on legal cannabis products, as well as all the latest news and industry stories. Also save big on Delta 8, Delta 9 THC, Delta-10 THC, THCO, THCV, THCP & HHC products by checking out our “Best-of” lists!
This was my go-to spot when I lived in the Southern California. It was about an hour away, but seriously well worth the drive. They have a huge selection of products including flower, concentrates, edibles, tinctures, inhalers, and accessories – and they carry some of these items at basically every price point. I’m a big fan of their pre-packaged ounces that range from $100 to $120, because you can’t find that anywhere and as a high-volume smoker, buying by the eighth, which is the standard, can get pretty expensive.
Even if you buy the lowest price eighths they have, which are usually around $20, that still costs $160 for a full ounce. It’s not insanely expensive, but you get better quality for a better price with the pre-packaged ounce deals. In addition to their low prices, they also have a customer loyalty program where you earn points with every purchase. The points can be cashed in for discounts once you collect enough.
I’ve only been to Native Roots a couple of times, when I’m in Denver or passing through on my way from Indiana to California. This is a pretty straightforward place with good selection and decent prices. They have numerous locations all over the Denver metro area and some of them have drive-thru/pickup windows, which is especially convenient if you’re in a hurry or have kids in the car with you.
They have an easy and convenient online ordering system and everything is organized and moves quickly once you arrive at the store. Also, they’re very responsive on social media, which might not matter to everyone but I personally enjoy that because it gives me another way to learn about and connect with the company.
Since moving to the Midwest, this is my go-to spot for goodies. Conveniently located in rural, east-central Illinois, they’re in a prime location for Illinois residents who don’t want to drive all the way to Chicago, as well as customers coming from right across the state line. Illinois is rather pricey when it comes to weed, and they’re particularly hardcore when it comes to taxation. High-THC products, those with over 30%, so all concentrates, carry an extra 12.5.%, in addition to the state, county, city, and excise taxes that you need to pay.
That being said, their base pricing is fair, and even lower than other dispensaries in the state, despite being in a smart geographic location where they don’t have a lot of competition. When you shop at dispensaries in Illinois, there are no displays or anything like that. You walk in, order one of many iPads that line the perimeter of the store, and you place your order than go to an available register to pay and pick it up. You can also skip all the in-store hassle and just order online, then go directly to the express window, which is what I prefer to do.
Reef Dispensaries have multiple locations in Vegas, other parts of Nevada, and in Arizona. Their stores are on par with the Vegas lifestyle, open 24/7, 365 days a year. It’s a smart business choice that makes them an easy shopping option for both locals and tourists alike. As far as pricing goes, it’s fairly standard but they do run a lot of deals.
What’s also great about Reef dispensaries is their dedication to the communities in which they serve. In addition to offering their customers a wide array of lab-tested products at honest prices, they make regular and sizable donations to local charitable organizations and outreach programs. Reef dispensaries are more than just weed stores, they’re staples in their communities.
It’s not much, but I hope that my travels can help make your shopping experience a bit simpler and more enjoyable. I know the last thing I want to do when I’m traveling is spend all day scouring Weedmaps for decent, affordable weed. If you have any locations, anywhere in the US, that you’d like to add to the list, drop us a line in the comment section below!
Hello and welcome! Thanks for stopping by CBDtesters.co, your #1 web source for cannabis and psychedelics-related news, offering the most interesting stories of today. Join us frequently to stay on-top of the quickly-moving world of legal drugs and industrial hemp, and remember to check out The THC Weekly Newsletter, to ensure you’re never late on getting a story.
Disclaimer: Hi, I’m a researcher and writer. I’m not a doctor, lawyer, or businessperson. All information in my articles is sourced and referenced, and all opinions stated are mine. I am not giving anyone advise, and though I am more than happy to discuss topics, should someone have a further question or concern, they should seek guidance from a relevant professional.
Across the past few articles in our what is (drugs) series we’ve looked at some of the new kids on the block: Mephedrone, 2C-B, Nos and GHB, exploring the world of designer drugs and how they’re changing the wider drug scene around the world. In today’s article we’re going to look at the grandfather of designer drugs. Arguably the most famous psychedelic, influencing a generation in the 60’s, changing the world of art, culture, politics and psychology permanently… of course it’s time to talk about LSD.
This titan of the drug world has been fascinating trippers and scientists for years and we think it’s time we get to know the drug properly. In this article I’ll look through the history of LSD, the psychology, the legality and even some research on the drugs’ therapeutic uses. So sit back, relax and pop on some early Pink Floyd, it’s time to get trippy.
Lysergic acid diethylamide, or LCD for short, is a synthetic psychedelic that was synthesised from a chemical that can be found in a parasitic fungus that grows on mouldy rye. Taking acid leads the user to experience altered realities, hallucinations and introspective thoughts and in lower doses can just result in an elevated mood and a sharpening of the senses. It was first synthesised in the 40s, accidentally, by Dr Albert Hoffman and then went on to become one of the most popular drugs of the late 20th century inspiring entire music genres and most of the hippy movement.
What Does it Look Like?
LSD comes in different forms, but in its purest state it is a white crystalline powder. You’re much more likely to see it as a small paper tab with the Acid blotted onto it. The patterns on these tabs can vary but often you’ll come face to face with a neon coloured cartoon or a smiley face. These tabs are then placed on or under the tongue and left there as you wait for the drug to enter your bloodstream. LSD can also be bought in its liquid form although this is much more expensive and harder to dose, but when taken this way, you drop a small amount of the liquid directly onto the tongue. Acid gummies and candies are also available for those with more of a sweet tooth.
LSD has its origins in a fungus called Ergot, which grows on mouldy rye. The chemical was known to cause hallucinatory experiences when ingested although paired with other less fun side effects, including convulsions. Ergot has even incredibly been linked to the Salem Witch trials, the theory being that there was a blight of mouldy rye at the time and this could have caused the experiences associated with witches! With the knowledge of Ergot’s potential powers a Swiss scientist called Albert Hoffman decided to work on synthesising a new structure combining some parts of Ergot’s chemicals with others, until one day he created LSD. He initially was unaware of how powerful the chemical would be and accidentally first experienced LSD’s effects. He got a small amount on his finger whilst at work and reported feeling dizzy and restless, going home to experience heightened sensory experiences. The first deliberate trip was taken when Hoffman decided to experiment on himself and take more LSD. His cycle ride home has become legend as he fought the surreal trip, describing the experience as follows:
“Everything in my field of vision wavered and was distorted as if seen in a curved mirror. I also had the sensation of being unable to move from the spot. Nevertheless, my assistant later told me that we had traveled very rapidly..”
After these early experiments, LSD was produced on a larger scale by the company Hoffman worked for and taken recreationally throughout the 60’s. Psychologists even promoted it arguing that it spread love and peace throughout people and the drug was incorporated into some therapy sessions. In the 60’s LSD was seen as a wonder drug, trialled for almost anything. Soldiers were given it to see if it gave them super powers, psychopaths given it to feel empathy, you name it LSD was probably used to treat it. Eventually though stories emerged of accidents and the dangerous side of LSD and it was eventually made illegal in both the US and the UK. The cultural impact of LSD was hard to ignore though. In the 60s and 70s bands became famous for their psychedelic sounds. Pink Floyd, Hendrix and the Beatles all were synonymous with Acid and the psychedelic generation, started by Dr Albert Hoffman in the 40’s.
It’s tricky to exactly write how LSD makes a user feel as each person has a different experience. In general LSD gives you a feeling of giddiness, dizziness and sometimes euphoria. It heightens the experiences of colors, sounds and tastes and in high enough doses produces hallucinogenic effects. The effects of LSD often kick in after 20-90 minutes and trips last for quite a long time, ranging from 6-15 hours. When on a trip people can experience all sorts of things, sometimes good and sometimes bad. Being in a comfortable environment and making sure that your head is in a good place are ways to increase the likelihood of having a good trip. DO NOT take LSD if you are feeling low, or uncomfortable or if you are in a strange environment as these are all factors that can lead to a bad trip. Of course, if you do have a bad trip, being around people who can look after you (trip sitters) and making sure that you can get somewhere safe will help.
What are the Psychoactive Effects?
LSD like most psychedelics affects serotonin, a neurotransmitter often associated with mood and inhibition. LSD binds to serotonin receptors in the brain. Studies have shown that the particular Receptors that LSD binds to are associated with deciding what’s important to the brain. For example, recognising someone you know in a crowd of faces. On LSD the brain is better at locating actually important stimuli and can move on from dwelling on negative thoughts as patients with depression and anxiety often do. Even more recent studies have shown that when the brain is on LSD it moves away from the usual structures of neuronal connections that its anatomy controls and is able to freely form new associations across the brain, integrating areas that usually wouldn’t work together, potentially explaining the feelings of wholeness one feels on a trip.
LSD is an incredible drug that has been used in many areas of research. It can give you an experience unlike any other drug, leading to hallucinations and thoughts that can genuinely be life changing to the individual. Because of this LSD has been used in forms of therapy. LSD has recently been used with great effect in the treatment of Alcohol dependency. The drug has little to no withdrawal effects and a very low chance of dependency. When compared to other drugs including alcohol and tobacco a recent study in the lancet ranked it as one of the lowest drugs when it comes to risk of harm to the user and to others. It is, when used correctly, a very safe drug and it’s clear to see the benefits it offers. As mentioned earlier, the role LSD played in art and music in the 1960’s also can’t be ignored. Many artists owe some of their greatest hits to the drug. The Beatles album Revolver arguably couldn’t have been made without it.
LSD is illegal in most countries, being listed as a Schedule 1 drug in the US and a Class A in the UK, both countries’ most severe classification. Possessing and selling LSD is a criminal offence and can lead to heavy fines or even prison sentences. Beyond the legality, it must also be remembered that LSD is a very powerful psychedelic, which if taken in the wrong environment can cause dangerous side effects. A bad trip isn’t fun for anyone and can even lead to subtle forms of PTSD (Acid flashbacks) if particularly traumatic. Famous stories of Syd Barrett from Pink Floyd and Peter Green, of Fleetwood Mac, both having traumatic experiences with LSD are warnings of what can happen if acid is taken without the necessary precautions. As with any psychedelic, know the risks, be safe and you should be fine.
Even though I am aware of the many positives of LSD and have seen and heard of lots of friends having a great time on acid, I was always quite wary of it. Hearing the horror stories about ‘bad trips’ and Syd Barret going bald led me to believe that Acid was a scary drug that would irreversibly change me, so I took some time before trying it. Of course, when I did, I had a great time and a particularly introspective trip. My vision was the main thing I noticed changing, becoming sharper and brighter and I saw fractal patterns in the lights. The only down side was when I was coming down I imagined that my dead nan was watching over me in my bedroom, but hey Highs and lows…
LSD has a long and vivid history, spanning across the last half of the 20th century and leaving a permanent mark on the arts and science together. It can be a life altering drug when taken safely and correctly, but it has to be treated with respect. Perhaps it isn’t as popular as it was in the 60’s and people don’t see it as the wonder drug they used to, but the impact of cultural LSD can’t be overstated.
Hello readers! Thanks for joining us at CBDtesters.co, the #1 internet location for the most recent and interesting cannabis and psychedelics-related news from around the globe. Visit the site everyday to stay abreast of the quickly-moving landscape of legal drugs and industrial hemp, and sign up for The Psychedelics Weekly Newsletter, to ensure you always know what’s going on.
Disclaimer: Hi, I’m a researcher and writer. I’m not a doctor, lawyer, or businessperson. All information in my articles is sourced and referenced, and all opinions stated are mine. I am not giving anyone advice, and though I am more than happy to discuss topics, should someone have a further question or concern, they should seek guidance from a relevant professional.
Year 2021 is coming to an end, and we have collected the best year-end discounts for you. As part of ‘THC WEEKLY’ New-Year’s deals, all Delta-8, HHC, THC-P, THC-O, THC-V, Delta-10 and even Delta-9 THC are now offered with huge discounts. This is your opportunity to stock-up on premium products.
Our famous New Year’s deals are your best opportunity to stock-up on top-selling products, as they are offered way below their regular price. Whether they are psychoactive products, such as Delta 8, Delta 9 THC, THC-O and HHC vape carts, non-psychoactive, such as CBD, CBG and CBN softgels, or any other product in between, they are currently on sale and you can get them easily online, without leaving the safety of your home.
This is your final chance to stock-up on premium products, as starting next week, prices are back to normal. Take advantage of the New Year’s deals and get yourself the products you always wanted.
As always, the best New Year’s deals are first offered to the subscribers of the THC Weekly newsletter, so make sure to SUBSCRIBE below.
Our ‘Best Choice’ award goes to ‘Binoid Delta 8 Premium Vape Cartridges‘, offering you a combination of quality, variety and price. Upon our request, they have created a special bundle for our readers, with an additional 25% discount.
If you want to experience the full range of Delta 8 THC, you should choose the special bundle, currently sold with an additional 25% discount, when using code ‘HOLIDAY25‘.
The 12-pack bundle includes the following flavors: Hybrid (Blue Dream, Gelato), Indica (Grand Daddy Purp, Mango Kush) and Sativa (Lemon Haze, Strawberry Lemonade) + 2 extra vapes, as a special bonus.
MUST HAVE PRODUCT: The Blue-Dream hybrid Delta 8 THC vape cart is amazing. If you want to relax, but at the same time, feel great and energetic, this is the one for you. Whatever you do, don’t leave without it (but don’t let that stop you from choosing one of the bundles, as all carts are very good and you get them for a great price).
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the 6-pack or the 12-pack bundle and use coupon code HOLIDAY25 for the additional 25% discount. With the extra 2 bonus cartridges, you will only pay $13/cart, an amazing price for such a high-quality product.
THC-P (AKA Tetrahydrocannabiphorol or THCP) is a new super-potent cannabinoid that is considered to be stronger than both THC-O, Delta 8, Delta 10 and even Delta-9 THC. Each of the new THC-P vape cartridges contains premium THCP distillate, Delta 8 THC and terpenes.
Both the 4 pack and the 8 pack bundles feature the following strains: Aurora (Indica), Trainwreck (Sativa), Fruit Loops (Hybrid), & God’s Gift (Indica).
TIP: Start low and grow slow as this is one strong cannabinoid… Choose one of the bundles and experience the differences between Sativa, Indica and Hybrid.
INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the 6-pack or the 12-pack bundle and use coupon code HOLIDAY25 for the additional 25% discount.
With 10 mg of hemp-derived Delta-9 THC, and 20 gummies per pack (200mg total), the new Sweet Slices Delta 9 Gummies is a great choice for anyone looking to buy Delta 9 products. Currently, using the Testers 15% discount code, you can get the whole box for $17, which is 85 cents per gummy, an amazing price for this product.
TIP: Get an additional 15% discount using the TESTERS coupon code.
The Vegan Delta 9 Gummies are another top-selling Delta 9 product. With 10 mg of hemp-derived Delta-9 THC it is a great choice for anyone looking to buy Delta 9 THC products online. Each pack contains 10 of these small babies, total 100mg THC.
Stocking-up opportunity: Take $5 off the price with the GUMMY5 coupon code. This great offer will allow you to get Delta-9 THC gummies for as-low-as $1/gummy! A great price for Delta-9 THC gummies, finally available online.
New Year’s Deals – $5 off with the GUMMY5 coupon code)
Choose between: Guavaberry Fruit, Blueberry Citrus and Kiwi Mixer.
Have you tried the new THC-O edibles? The Long-awaited THCO gummies have arrived and they are so strong! Be the first to try them and see for yourself why the internet is already obsessed with THC-O.
THC-O is a new potent cannabinoid. Some even believe it to be stronger than regulat THC (delta-9 thc) and slightly psychedelic, as in some cases people report it to produce a mild spiritual experience. With 25mg of THC-O in each gummy, 500mg total, the Mixed THC Gummies is a prefect choice for anyone looking to try this new cannabinoid.
Effects: THCO might produce a strong uplifting and happy feeling with a calming body sensation.
TIP: Choose the 3 pack or the 6 pack and get an additional 25% discount using the HOLIDAY25 coupon code.
If you want an effective product, try the Entourage Hybrid 40 mg Mini Fruit Slices, featuring both HHC, Delta-8 THC, THC-O, CBN, CBD and CBG in one well-balanced product. Using this product you can expect to feel euphoric, focused, relaxed but at the same time feel a little energetic and experience body buzz.
TIP: Choose 1 LB (90 ct) and use the cbdflowers coupon code for an additional 20% discount. This will take the price down to as-low-as $80/lb, an amazing price for this popular product.
Another great way to experience this new high-potency cannabinoid, is by using a THCP tincture and getting full control of the dosage. As THCP is considered to be one of the strongest cannabinoids, using a tincture will allow you to start low and grow slow, which is the right way to handle new products.
Currently, as part of our ongoing promotion, you can get a 25% discount on all bundles, using the HOLIDAY25 coupon code. Take advantage of this great stocking-up opportunity and buy premium THCP tinctures (1000mg) for as-low-as $25/bottle, a unique price for this hard-to-find product.
TIP: Start low and grow slow as this is one strong product…
Another great product is the new Entourage Get Crispy Bar, infused with 100 mg of the same entourage cannabinoid blend! As the product contains 100 mg a piece you can share it, as there are 2 to 4 servings per snack.
Choose between Indica, Hybrid and Sativa.
Don’t forget to use the cbdflowers coupon code for an additional 20% discount. This will take the price down to only $8/Treat, a very good price for this effective product.
Want to try high-quality HHC products? Be the first to try the new HHC vapes and edibles, currently offered as part of a BOGO deal (Buy One Get One free).
Choose between Sure Diesel, Purple Punch, Zkittlez, Wedding Cake and 8 more flavors of HHC vape carts, both Indica, Hybrid and Sativa.
Don’t forget to use the BOGOX2 coupon code at checkout.
The new ‘CBN Saver Bundle‘ offers us a great way to experience the relaxing benefits of CBN, heavily discounted for the holiday. CBN has been known for it’s great night time relief and it is usually taken right before going to bed.
The bundle iscludes the following items: 600mg CBN Tincture, 100mg CBN Gummies, and CBD+CBN Softgel pack. If you have never tried CBN before, now it’s your chance to do it, as all products are on sale!
Want to save more? Get an additional 15% discount, using our ‘THC WEEKLY‘ coupon code.
Bundle up these great Delta 8 THC wax dabs and save big. Use ‘HOLIDAY25’ coupon code and the get the 12-pack for a great price. In spirit of 420, the 12-pack comes with an extra 2 dab concentrates FREE!
INSTRUCTIONS: Use the ‘HOLIDAY25′ coupon at checkout for an additional 25% discount. With the extra 2 bonus wax dabs, you will only pay $13/dab, a great price for this product.
Our New Year’s Deals will continue to be updated regulary, so keep returning here, or SUBSCRIBE to the THC Weekly newsletter, as more hemp-derived THC deals are added on a weekly basis
Affiliate disclaimer: We work hard to find and verify the best products, so we may include affiliate links to support the maintenance and development of this site.
By now we’re all relatively familiar with Delta-9 THC, how it functions in the body and affects our minds. At a base level, most consumers know that THC is the predominant psychoactive compound in cannabis – it’s the reason pot gets us high. What is less commonly known, is how many THCs there really are. In this article, we’ll be covering 15 different tetrahydrocannabinol compounds, simply because there is research available on them. There are, however, even more THCs than that.
Cannabis science has come a really long way since the initial discovery of cannabinoids back in the 1940s. I mean, who knew there were so many different THCs to choose from? To this day we continue to uncover new and exciting things about this incredible plant. Remember to subscribe to The THC Weekly Newsletter all the latest news and industry stories, as well as exclusive deals on flowers, vapes, edibles, and other products. Also save big on Delta 8, Delta 9 THC, Delta-10 THC, THCO, THCV, THCP & HHC products by checking out our “Best-of” lists!
THCA – Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid
For the sake of explaining things chronologically, we’ll start at the very beginning by looking at THC in its most natural form: THCA, or Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid. Simply put, THCA is the type of THC found in raw cannabis plants. So, when you walk into a dispensary and start looking at different bud samples and see how much THC is in each one, what you’re actually looking at is the levels of THCA. Once heat is applied, THCA loses its carboxyl acid group and becomes just THC. This process is aptly known as decarboxylation.
THCA is found virtually everywhere in the plant, including the stems, leaves, and flowers. On its own, it has very minimal psychoactive effects. Some people enjoy chewing on the leaves and stems, which can produce some relaxing feelings, but don’t expect too much more. The mind-altering effects come into play after decarboxylation, as THCA is just a precursor to all the other tetrahydrocannabinols.
This compound is believed to have a wide array of therapeutic applications and can even fall into the category of nutritional and dietary supplements. THCA benefits can be utilized via eating, blending, or juicing the raw cannabis plant matter along with other superfoods, like berries, kale, and avocados.
In chemistry, “delta” refers to the location of the double bond on a molecule’s carbon chain. In the case of THC, we have many different variations. With delta-9 THC, the double bond is on the 9th carbon chain. Move that bond over one spot to the 8th chain, and now we have delta-8 THC. Keep moving that double bond and you get a variety of different delta THCs.
Delta-3 THC, delta-4 THC, delta-6 THC, and delta-7 THC are all synthetic isomers of THC, developed between the 1940 and 1970s to establish different versions of THC that could be used to avoid patent problems and issues with shelf life and stability. I have not been able to find any mention of a delta-5 THC anywhere.
Although some minimal research into these compounds does exist, it’s not much and not anything very substantial. It’s generally believed that these synthetic isomers are not as potent as delta-9 THC, although that is not always applicable. The only worthwhile research I was able to find here was regarding delta-6 THC, and its potency in the human brain. This study from 1980 discusses how several cannabinoids can cause brief, cataleptic episodes.
Catalepsy is a disorder characterized by the body’s inability to move or respond to external stimuli. Body stiffness and muscle rigidity is common. During this study, delta 6 was not found to be heavily correlated with catalepsy, however, it was noted as being one of the most potent cannabinoids with the most powerful effects on the brain.
When people think of “THC”, Delta 9 is what they’re thinking of. Delta 9 THC is the main psychoactive compound in the cannabis plant. For decades, Delta 9 has been at the heart of prohibition efforts because lawmakers were to intently focused on its mind-altering properties while completely dismissing all its many possible uses in the health and wellness sectors.
As delta 9 ages, a significant portion oxidizes and “degrades”. Most of it turns into CBN (cannabinol), while a small amount turns into Delta 8 and possibly, other trace cannabinoids and compounds. As a result of this chemical process, Delta 8 THC remains stable when exposed to air, meaning it could have more potential medical applications than delta 9, although Delta 8 is somewhat less potent. In cannabis plants, delta 8 is only present in trace amounts, so in most of the products you find online or in stores, the delta-8 THC is actually a synthetic converted from CBD, not a plant-extracted compound.
Then we have delta-10 THC. D10 is a completely synthetic cannabinoid that was discovered on accident. As with many of the nation’s cannabis trends, delta-10 THC started in California too. An Adelanto-based company, Fusion Farms, bought some outdoor flower to manufacture concentrates. As many already know, California is subject to very large, nearly annual wildfires; and unbeknownst to Fusion Farms, the biomass they purchased was contaminated with fire retardant. Since they were unaware of the contamination, they continued with the extraction as planned but after the distillation process, unusual crystals began to form. These crystals were similar to THC, slightly different from any previously identified cannabinoid. And thus, it was dubbed delta-10 THC.
With the growing popularity of edibles, 11-hydroxy-THC is an important comound to cover. 11-hydroxy-THC is not a cannabinoid per se, but a metabolite created by our bodies when we consume THC in certain ways. When you eat plant-based THCs, such as delta-8 or delta-9 THC, the body breaks it down and metabolizes it via the liver. 11-hydroxy-THC is the resulting metabolite of the other tetrahydrocannabinols, and it’s much more potent. This is why delta-8 THC edibles are just as strong as delta-9 edibles, but the same can’t be said for flowers or vape products.
This process is known as first pass metabolism, and it’s the reason why ingesting cannabis products orally has much more intense and long-lasting effects compared to smoking. So, if you’ve been wondering why edibles get you beyond baked, this why. If you’re anything like me and many other cannabis users I’ve spoken to, edibles hit different than smoking. Even though it takes a while to feel anything, once they kick in, I’m laid out on the couch almost every time. I feel more stoned, I’m laughing at everything, and eventually, I get super tired. This seems to be commonplace when it comes to edibles; but why exactly do they differ so much from smoking, from a scientific standpoint?
It comes down to two factors: the drug-metabolizing enzymes in your GI tract, and blood flow to the liver. When you first eat a cannabis edible, various enzymes in the GI tract begin digesting the food. From that point, blood flow from the GI tract goes through the liver where all these enzymes are metabolized, then the blood continues to general circulation. When the metabolites are formed, that’s when you get the effects of 11-hydroxy-THC.
However, when you smoke cannabis, THC is absorbed through the lungs and distributed directly into the bloodstream. The active compounds make their way to the brain where they interact with the CB receptors that are part of the endocannabinoid system. In this scenario, you are feeling the effects of the phytocannabinoids themselves, rather than the compound formed during metabolism.
THCV, or tetrahydrocannabivarin, THCV is a naturally occurring analog of THC. THCV comes from the precursor cannabinoid CBGVA, which breaks down to into THCVA (tetrahydrocannabivarinic acid), which then is decarboxylated to form THCV. What’s interesting about THCV is the way that it interacts with our endocannabinoid system, and the subsequent effects it has on appetite and weight.
THCV is a CB1 receptor antagonist, which is the reason THCV is known to suppress appetite, whereas delta-9 THC is a CB1 agonist, promoting hunger (or munchies). This theory has been tested pretty extensively on mice, although human trials are lacking. Either way, this could be a possible breakthrough treatment for diabetes and other dietary and weight-related health conditions.
THCP, on the other hand, is a special type of THC analog called a homolog. A homolog is a molecule belonging to a series of compounds that differ from each other by a repeating unit. In this scenario, the repeating unit is the alkyl side chain. Delta 9 THC has a 5-term alkyl side chain, which means that it contains 5 total carbon atoms. THCP has an elongated 7-term chain.
And finally, let’s take a look at THC-O-Acetate, which is referred to as an acetate ester of delta-9 THC. Let’s cover what exactly that means. We know that delta-9 THC is created as a result of the decarboxylation of THCA, but there are different ways that decarboxylation can occur. Summarized, an acetate ester is a byproduct of a certain type of decarboxylation called LTA decarboxylation, a process that is very different from the standard method of heat/light induced decarboxylation.
LTA decarboxylation uses a very toxic compound known as lead tetraacetate to promote oxidation to create oxidative decarboxylation, resulting in acetate ester. Acetate ester is not a naturally occurring compound and can only be produced using some sort of chemical catalyst. As such, THC-O-Acetate is a synthetic analogue of delta-9 THC. Although it’s gaining popularity, especially in vape products, it’s important to know that this is NOT a compound in any capacity in the cannabis plant.
Tetrahydrocannabihexol – Delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabihexol (THCh, Δ9-THCh or n-Hexyl-Δ9-THC), along with is cannabidihexol (CBDh), are phytocannabinoids that were discovered in 2020 by the same group of Italian researchers who first isolated THCP and CBDP (tetrahydrocannabiphorol and cannabidiphorol). In short, THCh is a hexyl homolog of delta 9 THC. THCh carries a n-hexyl side chain rather than alkyl like most THCs.
These are the first hexyl derivatives of cannabinoids that have been discovered thus far. The definition of a hexyl group is “an irregular, saturated radical compound of hydrogen and carbon, derived from hexane.” Often this is the result of the loss of one or more hydrogen atoms.
The situation with tetrahydrocannabutol is quite similar. It’s a homolog of delta-9 THC with the main difference being a butyl side chain replacing the alkyl chain. There is virtually no information available on this cannabinoid, other than the discovery that it has an affinity for both CB receptors, comparable to that of delta-9 THC.
The answer to that is a bit complex, but here it goes. When it comes to the “strongest” THC, it depends, to an extent, what product types and consumption methods you’re most interested in. To elaborate on that further, if you’re looking for strongest smokable type of THC, then THC-O will likely be your best bet. The downside, for me anyway, is that it’s completely synthetic.
If you’re looking for something naturally-occurring, then THCP is said to be extremely potent. Unfortunately, it’s a trace cannabinoid so you won’t find large amounts of it in raw flowers. To utilize this compound, you’ll need to find concentrates, vape products, and other extracts that contain it.
Realistically, 11-hydroxy-THC is probably the most potent form of THC, but obviously you won’t find this specific compound in any products because it’s a metabolite formed when we eat THC products, not a true phytocannabinoid. And if you’re not a person who like to use edibles, then you’re not getting any 11-hydroxy-THC anyway.
For me personally, I get the best effects from delta-9 THC products. Despite the belief that THCP and THC-O are stronger, I personally have not noticed being any higher when using products containing these compounds. Call me a purist, but I still get the highest off good, old-fashioned, high-quality flowers (and live resin concentrates).
When it comes to cannabinoids in today’s market, variety is certainly not lacking. Although many of these THCs are not yet available commercially or pharmaceutically, it’s exciting to know how many different versions of this psychoactive compound are being discovered, and how slight chemical variations can lead to some interesting differences in effects and benefits.
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Disclaimer: Hi, I’m a researcher and writer. I’m not a doctor, lawyer, or businessperson. All information in my articles is sourced and referenced, and all opinions stated are mine. I am not giving anyone advise, and though I am more than happy to discuss topics, should someone have a further question or concern, they should seek guidance from a relevant professional.
Acting can be hard… Ignoring the fame, money, luxury it affords, it can still be an exceptionally tiring job so sometimes an actor will just want to sit back and relax after a hard day on set. What better way to unwind than enjoying the relaxing prowess of cannabis. Cannabis has been shown to reduce anxiety and even reduce performance nerves, so it’s a natural fit with the high stress world of being an actor.
In this article we’ll have a look at some of the famous faces who have shown the most love for that special herb, campaigning for legalisation or just promoting the benefits of cannabis use. Some, you may have guessed… *cough* Seth Rogan, but others are a little more obscure. But, one thing uniting everyone on our list is their understanding of cannabis and its component compounds’ myriad benefits. So, join us as we walk down Hollywood Boulevard and see some of the stars who we’ve found out use cannabis.
Celebrities, and artists in general, have always had a symbiotic relationship with weed. So, it’s no surprise that to this day, there are numerous actors who are very open about their love for cannabis. For more articles like this one, and for exclusive deals on flowers, vapes, edibles, and other legal products, remember to subscribe to The THC Weekly Newsletter. Also save big on Delta 8, Delta 9 THC, Delta-10 THC, THCO, THCV, THCP & HHC products by checking out our “Best-of” lists!
Seth Rogen
Where better to start than the man who’s made a career from movies centred around cannabis and stoners in general. With films such as Pineapple Express, Knocked Up and 40 Year Old Virgin, Rogen doesn’t shy away from using cannabis on screen, portraying the classic, even iconic, image of his stoner character. Rogen’s career started with a small appearance in Donnie Darko, before he became much more recognisable, appearing in the films listed above as well as writing and starring in the hit movie Superbad. Rogen is one of the most famous celebrity cannabis users around.
In an interview with the Irish Times he was quoted as saying: “I drink my coffee as I smoke my joint, and I continue smoking weed until I go to sleep. I often will wake up in the middle of the night and have a few hits of a joint if I’m not sleeping well”. Rogen doesn’t drink and it may be that part of his reason is because he gets so much joy from cannabis, he doesn’t need anything else. Seth Rogen has even started his own cannabis company called Houseplant. Houseplant specialises in cannabis based items, including bespoke ashtrays as well as tailored strands of cannabis. He also seems to enjoy being associated with cannabis, saying:
“I’m honoured to be associated with weed, honestly. Sometimes people expect me to try to wiggle out from under being a very famous stoner. But I’m as proud of it as anything.” Rogen has smoked weed on Television, with talk show host Conan O’Brien and has always advocated cannabis’s calming effects. I think it’s pretty clear that Seth Rogen is a rather strong campaigner for a greater awareness of the benefits of cannabis and clearly earns a place on our list.
Woody Harrelson
Woody Harrelson is another iconic actor who has a fond relationship with cannabis. Famed for playing a number of characters with calming southern drawls (see Three Billboards outside Ebbing Missouri or Zombieland) he is always a welcome and friendly presence on screen. His relationship with cannabis is well documented and he is often keen to highlight the issues in laws restructuring cannabis’s use. In an interview with the Evening Standard, whilst Harrelson was in a play, he said: “There’s a level of hypocrisy that exists within governments about it, and I have to call bullshit when I see it.
Tobacco and alcohol and various pharmaceuticals are all much more addictive than pot. If they’re going to be hardcore about banning things, I say spread it out across the board” His activism for legalising cannabis is widely known and he was even arrested in Kentucky for planting hemp seeds, a rather symbolic act to highlight the hypocrisies in the state’s then laws on cannabis. Though he did give up smoking cannabis for a little while in 2017, reports are that he has been brought back to the green side by none other than Willie Nelson who Woody went to see at a show before lighting up with him backstage. It seems Woody has some friends in high places.
Lady Gaga
Lady Gaga (real name Stephanie Germanotta) started her career as a singer, with hugely successful hits including poker face and paparazzi, but recently has shown that her talents extend to the silver screen. With a phenomenal performance in A Star is Born, which led to her first Academy Award, she has most recently been seen in the latest Versace film. Lady Gaga is also a cannabis advocate, using the drug as a way of relieving the chronic pain she suffered from an operation.
In an article she once told the Daily Mail of her love of cannabis ‘I take a puff and I’m me when I was 17 again in my white gogo boots looking for a job and there’s something quite creative and liberating about that.’ Her medical use of cannabis for her chronic pain may have gone a little too far though, with her reaching a stage where she would smoke ‘15-20’ joints a day to deal with the after effects of a hip operation. She now has a much more stable relationship with cannabis.
Jack Nicholson
Perhaps a surprise addition to our list, but Jack Nicholson, one of the world’s leading and most iconic actors is a well known cannabis user. Most famous for his iconic roles in films such as: A Few Good Men, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and of course The Shining, and being the only actor to have been nominated for an oscar across the past 5 decades, he was also known for his party lifestyle and candidness about drugs, cannabis being one that he used often. After the allegations about Roman Polanski came out, Nicholson was found with a stash of cannabis stored in his bedroom.
Cannabis was his drug of choice for years: “I still love to get high, I’d say, about four days a week. I think that’s about average for an American,” he said in an interview from the 1980’s. It also seems that he understands cannabis’ medical uses as well, not only using it for recreational purposes. Recently he was interviewed by the Daily Mail and said about cannabis: ‘I don’t tend to say this publicly, but we can see it’s a curative thing.’ Perhaps this is Nicholson’s nod to the many benefits that cannabis and its component cannabinoids offer users.
Sarah Silverman
After Seth Rogen, there aren’t many actors who are as vocal about their cannabis use as Sarah Silverman. Perhaps more famous for her comedy shows, but still well known for film appearances (School of Rock, Wreck it Ralph and Bad Santa) Sarah Silverman has become a key spokesperson when it comes to cannabis use and legalisation. She has often spoken openly about how she uses cannabis to help her sleep and sometimes write comedy, saying on a podcast ‘“Sometimes at night I’ll smoke a little pot before bed and I’ll think of a great idea for a joke, but then in the morning I realize it’s not a complete thought in any way.
I think George Carlin said `write stoned and edit sober’ or something.” Teaming up with Seth Rogen, they started the campaign ‘Cannabis in Common” a movement urging governors across the United States to think seriously about the legalisation of cannabis. She is a very important voice when it comes to raising the awareness of the benefits of legalising cannabis across the entire USA.
Jack Black
Jack Black is a household name, with movies that have made all generations laugh: School of Rock, Kung Fu Panda and Tropic Thunder to name a few. Did you know he was a cannabis enthusiast? He’s shown the public that he knows his way around a pipe in his brilliant interview on Getting Doug with High. He has long been an advocate for cannabis legalisation, even being on the Marijuana Policy Project’s VIP advisory board, a group with the sole aim of cannabis legalisation. He has a special relationship with cannabis, seemingly understanding its medical benefits too.
In an interview with Marijuana Venture about cannabis’s medical uses he was very enthusiastic: “Of course! It’s an effective painkiller, a proven sleep aid, appetite stimulator and glaucoma destroyer … and it can induce deep, powerful belly laughter — the best medicine!” All ideas that we strongly get behind and find it encouraging that a celebrity of Jack Blacks Caliber is able to speak openly about in public interviews.
A Hollywood walk of fame through the cannabis users who ‘light up’ the big screen. Some of these actors may have been expected, some surprising but all highlight how popular cannabis is within some of the acting circles. What may be most visible is that all of these celebrities have been quite outspoken about their support for the complete legalisation of cannabis and also of its uses beyond recreational use. Perhaps, with this visible support from celebrities, public opinion and eventually political opinions of cannabis will shift, making it more accessible and legal for everyone.
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