Saturday 30 April 2022

Which Country in the UK is Closest to Legalizing Cannabis?

The United Kingdom is far from the most progressive when it comes to cannabis legalization. In fact, in the western world, the UK is considered to have some of the least groundbreaking drug laws in general. Whilst the US, Canada and parts of Europe have made some real litigious changes, the UK have sat idly back. But, that’s not to say that all hope is lost. In fact, over the last few years, some countries within the United Kingdom have shown hints of intention. Perhaps the UK isn’t as stagnant as we once thought.

But which country in the UK is pushing for change the most? And which country is holding the whole group back? Well, let’s take a look at how such laws even work in the United Kingdom and how far off they really are from legalizing cannabis. n the meantime, stay current on everything important happening in the industry by subscribing to the THC Weekly Newsletter. Also, it’ll get you premium access to deals on cannabis flowers, vapes, edibles, and much more! We’ve also got standout offers on cannabinoids, like HHC-O, Delta 8Delta 9 THCDelta-10 THCTHCOTHCVTHCP HHC, which won’t kill your bank account. Head over to our “Best-of” lists to get these deals, and remember to enjoy responsibly!

The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom – sometimes known as Britain – is an island nation made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Whilst the UK is referred to as a nation, it is best described as a political union between 4 semi-independent countries. There are many people who see this alliance as a positive unity, and others who demand the United Kingdom be disbanded. Scotland came very close to securing independence in 2014, with the NO’s winning only 55% of the vote. On the other hand, the Republic of Ireland became independent in the 1940s, leaving Northern Ireland to stay a part of the UK. Evan Evans writes:

“Although the UK is a fully independent sovereign state, the 4 nations that make it up are also countries in their own right and have a certain extent of autonomy… Although all 4 countries are bound to the Crown and united, each country has its own identity and are often considered separate in the minds of locals. There are even regional languages like Welsh and Gaelic, though English is spoken throughout.”

The issue with the United Kingdom has always been due to its history. It was once known as the Kingdom of England, which highlights where the source of power was in this so-called equal alliance of four nations. Although each nation now has the ability to make its own laws and has a certain level of independence, many people would argue that the power is still mainly in the hands of the English parliament and monarchy. This has led to many movements within Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to become independent.

How Laws are Made

So, how are laws made in the United Kingdom? Is it actually possible for cannabis laws to be different in each nation? Could Scotland legalize cannabis without England doing so too? These are all valid questions. Ultimately, each member of the United Kingdom can propose their own set of laws and regulations. They also have their own governmental systems. Scotland is run by the Scottish National Party, England by the Conservatives, Wales by Labour and Northern Ireland… it’s a little trickier. They use a system similar to proportional representation. Practical Law writes:

“The United Kingdom has four legal systems, each of which derives from a particular geographical area for a variety of historical reasons: English law, Scots law, Northern Ireland law, and, since 2007, purely Welsh law”

Therefore, each nation in the UK has the power to create and propose their own laws. The United Kingdom has realised that the only way it can survive is to promote devolution, and de-centralised power. However, cannabis legalization specifically is a tricky one. Whilst nations within the United Kingdom have the ability to create and deal with laws that are of relevance to them, legalizing cannabis seems like a bigger issue. Therefore, it’s hard to imagine that one nation within the UK would suddenly legalize cannabis. And if they did, would the other UK nations support it or would they not? Nonetheless, there has been some real movements from each nation in support of cannabis legalization and, each time this happens, pressure is put on the UK as a whole to make real litigious change. But who’s pushing the hardest?


England is home to around 84% of the UK’s population, which highlights the level of power the nation has. Plus, the monarchy and houses of parliament are all based in London – the capital city of England. When it comes to the UK alliance, England has a great deal of power. Quora writes:

“England dominates the United Kingdom in most ways. It has by far the largest economy and is the most developed. It has by far the largest population. It is home to the seat of the UK government and a large majority of the parliament’s elected constituencies.”

Whilst all nations have devolved rights, England – some would say – has an unspoken dominance. Therefore, if England decided to legalize cannabis, it is likely that the other nations may follow suit. However, on the other hand, when England decided to leave the European Union, it wasn’t a popular decision in other UK nations. These results highlight the indecision in the ranks of the UK:

“The decision by the electorate was to “Leave the European Union”, voters for which secured a majority of 1,269,501 votes (3.78%) over those who had voted in favour of “Remain a member of the European Union”, with England and Wales voting to “Leave” while Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to “Remain”

However, overall, a push towards cannabis legalization from England would have a huge effect on the rest of the UK; especially with the amount of population.

Pro Cannabis

In 2018, England and the rest of the UK legalized medical cannabis. This was a huge moment for the nation, who have on the whole been trudging behind other countries when it comes to progressive drug laws. In fact, in 2021 the UN revealed that the UK was dominating the medical cannabis industry. Left Foot Forward writes:

“A new report from the UN’s International Narcotics Control Board has revealed the UK is the world’s largest producer of legal cannabis for medical and scientific uses.”

Plus, possession of personal amounts of cannabis in England are now dealt with as petty crimes by the majority of police in England. This means that prosecutions from small amounts are becoming uncommon.

Against Cannabis 

However, there are very few patients who are able to get their hands on cannabis prescriptions. Prescriptions are not given for free on the NHS, and the private doctors that do provide it cost a great deal. Some can cost up to £50,000 a year. Plus, whilst CBD and medical cannabis may have been given the green light, England have no made real effort to legalize recreational THC. The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has openly said he has no intention of legalizing the drug. 


Scotland is the second most populated country in the UK, with around 8% of the population. Scotland have essentially the same laws as England when it comes to cannabis, as do the rest of the nations within the UK. However, there are some slight hints at progression by Scotland. Politics writes:

“the country has an agreement with Police Scotland whereby people caught in possession of a small amount of drugs will not be arrested, but instead given the opportunity to divert away from the criminal justice system”

Overall, Scotland has often been considered to be a liberal branch of the United Kingdom. However, Nicola Sturgeon – the current leader of Scotland – is openly not a big fan of cannabis. She recently rejected a young boy’s plea for cannabis oil to aid his seizures. Plus, Scotland has a nation has not made much progress in cannabis prescriptions since the UK legalized it in 2018. In fact, they have done worse than England.


Wales is the third biggest nation in the UK, with a small 5% of the UK’s population. Wales were a big pusher for medical cannabis legalization in 2017, and put huge pressure on the UK government to implement it. This occured when, in 20217, a Welsh MP spoke in parliament, saying:

“The tide of world opinion is moving in a direction of legalising cannabis. There are 29 states in America – the majority of them – that have already legalised medical cannabis without any problems arising”

His words rang true with many members of parliament and UK citizens. 

Northern Ireland 

Northern Ireland is the smallest nation in the United Kingdom, with only 3% of the population. Whilst they may seem small, they have put some pressure on the rest of the UK to legalize cannabis. In 2021, the Belfast Lord Mayor spoke in favour of cannabis legalization. She said: 

“I think it (cannabis) should be legalised…I don’t think criminalising that deals with the issues. We’re looking at the legalities around it. It’s very open, the drug dealing is now on the streets.”

She, like many others, have acknowledged that criminalizing and banning cannabis only creates more issues, instead of fixing them.


The United Kingdom is a small nation when compared to others round the world, however, due to their empirical history and large economy they do have power around the world. Unfortunately, the UK has not laid its flag in the sand when it comes to cannabis legalization. Instead, they have sat idly back. Nonetheless, there have been small hints of progress. But where have these mainly come from within the United Kingdom?

Well, it seems that ultimately England has the majority of power – especially with 84% of the UK’s population – and therefore it has inevitably come from there. Nonetheless, it’s the pressure that the smaller UK nations put on England that also assists. If the UK is ever to fully legalize cannabis, it will need to be a joint effort from all UK nations. Unity is key.

Hello and welcome! You’ve made it to, the #1 web spot for the most comprehensive independent news coverage of the cannabis and psychedelics industries. Join us whenever possible to stay in-the-loop on the ever-changing landscape of cannabis and psychedelics, and subscribe to The THC Weekly Newsletter, so you’re always on top of what’s going on.

The post Which Country in the UK is Closest to Legalizing Cannabis? appeared first on CBD Testers.



Cannabis Clubs in Spain: Have They Closed Down?

The USA has certainly dominated the legal cannabis market in recent years, with now 18 states having fully legalized cannabis and 38 of them having legalized it for medical use. However, certain parts of Europe have been showing signs of real change also. You’d think that a continent containing the Netherlands and specifically Amsterdam would do more for cannabis legalization but, on the whole, stagnancy has been rife throughout. The UK, France and Italy have been infamous for their slow and steady approach. However, small nations like Luxembourg and Malta have recently decided to take big strides towards weed legalization.

Germany is supposedly only a few years away and Spain has been known to have an underground culture of legal cannabis establishments. But what about Spain and their famous cannabis clubs? Well, in 2021 it was announced that their industry of secret weed clubs would have to come to an end, but has that actually happened? Let’s take a deeper look. 

We’re here to keep you up to date with all the latest stories and changes. We cover tons of topics in the emerging cannabis industry, and put out the THC Weekly Newsletter, so you can subscribe and keep up with everything going on. Plus, sign up and you’ll get some sweet deals on products like edibles, vapes, and other cannabis paraphernalia, including cannabinoid compounds.


Spain is a hot, beautiful country at the bottom western side of Europe, with a population of around 50 million. What was once the world’s first global empire, is now a proud nation that is home to the second most-spoken native language in the world: Spanish. The design and architecture in Spain is an incredible balance between rustic and artistic. The Spruce writes:

“Spanish mission architecture has retained many of the classical building elements throughout the years. Blending influences from Spain, Mexico, and Indigenous cultures, this simple and rustic, yet beautiful architectural style has become a popular choice in warmer climates across the United States”

Barcelona hosts some of Gaudi’s best work. The pinnacle of this is his iconically designed La Sagrada Familia. 

Cannabis in Spain

Cannabis in Spain, like many other nations, is a slightly grey area. In the context of the rest of Europe, Spain is more liberal than most, but is not quite at the level of many US states. At the current moment, cannabis in Spain is decriminalised for personal cultivation and use, but is illegal to sell or to purchase. It’s confusing to understand it completely and it’s actually this confusion that led to the existence and creation of cannabis clubs. But we’ll get on to that later. First of all, let’s be a little more specific around the legal situation.

Selling Cannabis

It is 100% illegal to sell cannabis buds in Spain. However, it is not illegal to sell the likes of seeds or hemp products. This is quite common in European countries. CBD products are legal in Spain, as long as no more than 0.2% THC is contained (this will go up to 0.3% in 2023). However, these CBD products cannot be in the form of buds – they must only exist as edibles, drinks or tinctures. 

Purchasing Cannabis

Purchasing cannabis is illegal through and through. Like any other country, there are street dealers who will try to sell it to you on the streets or on beaches, but ultimately that transaction will be considered unlawful. But with Spain’s cannabis clubs, you can become a member and indirectly purchase cannabis that way. By paying a members fee, you are then eligible for their products. 

Cultivating Cannabis

The growing cannabis laws in Spain do differ from much of Europe; it makes them stand out. It is actually legal to cultivate cannabis in the privacy of your own home in Spain, but there must be no more than 2 plants. Plus, these plants must be grown out of sight of neighbours or other passers by. Growing cannabis in secret? Well, this sounds the same as any other country, doesn’t it? however if you are caught then you won’t be prosecuted as what you’re doing is technically legal if you stick to within the guidelines. 

In 2022, Spanish officers raided a cannabis cultivation ground and destroyed around 415,000 plants, worth up to 100 million euros. The CBD-based plants were being grown to be used to treat medical issues. However, Sky News writes:

“Although CBD sale and consumption is legal across Spain and in many European countries, Spanish law bans the cultivation of cannabis plants for anything other than industrial purposes, such as textiles and seeds, according to the Agriculture Ministry”

Medical cannabis in Spain is not really regulated and thus does not have much of an industry in the country.

Smoking or Vaping Cannabis

Whether you’re smoking or vaping cannabis, it is illegal to do this in public places in Spain. This includes streets, parks, buildings, beaches – anywhere that is considered a public space. There are hefty fines, confiscations and even prison sentences if people don’t obey these laws. However, this means that smoking or vaping cannabis in private places is allowed. It is this exact law that led to the invention of cannabis clubs. Their whole purpose was to be this exact private place for people to consume weed. The logic was this: If there were private clubs for people to consume cannabis, then it would not be breaking any laws. 

Cannabis Club

Officially, the first cannabis club in Spain opened in 2001 but it was from 2007 that the industry began to boom. It is believed that there are now more than 500 cannabis clubs in the country, all having thousands of members. 400 of these clubs exist in Barcelona, but they also exist in many other cities in Spain – not just Barcelona and Madrid. The original idea of these clubs, as previously mentioned, was to offer a private place for people to consume cannabis legally. Unlike the Amsterdam and California model, this was not a profit scheme, it was more of an underground movement. Members pay an upfront fee, and are then allowed to have access to the club, which grows and offers its own cannabis to members. Transform Drugs writes:

“With no profit motive to increase cannabis consumption or initiate new users, the clubs offer a more cautious, public health-centred alternative to large-scale retail cannabis markets dominated by commercial enterprises.”

This is why it can be quite difficult to join Spanish cannabis clubs, especially if you’re a tourist. There are certain strict rules that must be abided by. You need to have an ID to join, you need to have a Spanish address to join, and in some cases you need to be referred by an existing member to join. Cannabis club owners are aware that their entire existence relies on the respect and well-mannered behaviour of their members. Spain Weed Guide writes:

“At these clubs, you are not actually buying weed. As a rule of thumb, you want to avoid the topic of buying products while inside. You will either be corrected or in some extreme circumstances, asked to leave.” 

Buying cannabis is illegal, but paying a membership fee and smoking cannabis on private premises technically is not. The entire existence of these clubs rely on certain legal loopholes. However, that’s what makes the cannabis clubs quite fragile. 

Have They Closed Down?

In 2021, the supreme court of Spain supposedly shut a legal loophole down that allowed for Spanish cannabis clubs to exist. After this, it was reported that many if not all of these holy places would face closure. But since then, it’s all been a little quiet from the media. So what has actually happened? The Guardian writes:

“The associations began as private clubs where members could buy and smoke cannabis on the premises. In recent years, many have departed from this model to become outlets for the massive quantities of cannabis grown in Catalonia, often under the control of eastern European and other mafias.”

What began as a strict, underground members club culture, has now become many clubs trying to promote cannabis. This model is more similar to that of California and Amsterdam. Whilst not all cannabis clubs run this way, even the existence of one or two rebel clubs like this is enough to force the entire industry to close down. The law that once said that: “private consumption of cannabis by adults … is part of the exercise of the fundamental right to free personal development and freedom of conscience”, was overturned in 2017. Since then, the city of Barcelona was running on its own independent regulated laws but that ability has now also been overturned. From reports it seems that many owners of cannabis clubs knew that this day would come, but enjoyed the ride nonetheless. The simple members fee of around 10 euros was enough for the clubs to be seen as money-making, cannabis-promoting establishments. 

When Harris Bricken, a cannabis law blogger, attended the 2022 Cannabis Business Conference in Barcelona she wrote on what she heard from many activists and poltictical figures:

“After all these years of cannabis movement in Spain not only do we have no regulation of medical use or medical cannabis, but, outside of decriminalization there is not even a legal framework for private cultivation and consumption.”

Final Thoughts

What had begun as something so sweet, was now becoming sour. Whilst cannabis clubs in Spain do still exist, they have become stricter and harder to be a part of. And the ones that do, can very easily and frequently be shut down.

Hello and welcome!! Thanks for joining us at, your first choice for independent news coverage of the cannabis and psychedelics markets. Drop by frequently to stay up-to-date on the exciting landscape of cannabis and psychedelics, and subscribe to The THC Weekly Newsletter, to stay ahead on everything happening.

The post Cannabis Clubs in Spain: Have They Closed Down? appeared first on CBD Testers.



Friday 29 April 2022

Deliriant Hallucinogens: What They Are and Legal Status

Much like with cannabis, which can be organized into groups like high-THC weed or high-CBD weed, hallucinogen drugs also have their own categories. Psychedelics and hallucinogens are often thought of synonymously, but this is not the case, and hallucinogens are broken down into three group. Psychedelics and dissociatives are the first two, and the third grouping is called ‘deliriant hallucinogens’. How do these differ from other hallucinogens, and where can we find them in life?

Deliriant hallucinogens represent the most non-interesting hallucinogens for recreational use today, but are steeped in a rich history worldwide, and are used commonly in medicine. We’re an independent publication specializing in cannabis and psychedelics news. You can keep up with everything going on by subscribing to The Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, which will also put you in first place for new product promotions, as soon as they are available to the public.

Deliriant hallucinogens

So, what are these deliriant hallucinogens, and how do they vary from the standard hallucinogens like LSD and psilocybin, which we know and love? Though deliriants cause a form of hallucination, they are more associated with bringing on delirium, which is an abrupt change that causes mental and emotional confusion and disruption. Deliriants can therefore make concentrating, remembering things, and sleeping, very difficult to do. Dementia patients are known to suffer from delirium, as are those withdrawing from alcohol, or coming out of anesthesia.

Deliriants are under the heading of hallucinogens, and they do produce hallucinations of a sort. When this happens, the hallucinations tend to integrate well into consciousness, like a fully formed dream. Psychedelics like LSD or DMT progress in levels, leading to an all-encompassing and extreme hallucination. To put it more clearly, the deliriants create hallucinations that make sense with regular life, whereas psychedelics create hallucinations that are in an over-the-top, and out-of-this-world way.

Deliriant hallucinogens are not serotonergic like psychedelics, meaning their main mode of action is not on serotonin receptors. Instead, they effect a different neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, and work as antagonists at acetylcholine receptors. This decreases acetylcholine levels, which leads to delirium, sedation, tachycardia, and the realistic hallucinations we just went over. How exactly the delirium reaction comes on is not completely flushed out.


As both cannabis and caffeine inhibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which breaks down acetylcholine, deliriant users who use weed or caffeine raise their levels of acetylcholine, thereby improving cognitive function and stimulation ability. This means that both of those substances limit the effects of deliriants.

Examples of deliriants

Deliriants are found in nature, in plant genera like Datura and Brugmansia, which both contain a compound called scopolamine. Scopolamine is a tropane alkaloid and anticholinergic, which is used in medicine to treat motion sickness, and the nausea and vomiting after surgery. Other deliriant plant examples are Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade), Hyoscyamus niger (henbane), and Mandragora officinarum (mandrake). Nutmeg is also a deliriant when eaten in large amounts, and fly agaric mushrooms, which are not standard psilocybin mushrooms, instead asserting their effects through ibotenic acid and muscimol, are considered either deliriants or hypnotics much of the time.

One of the most common deliriants in Western medicine is diphenhydramine, the active component in the allergy medicine Benadryl, which when taken in larger-than-prescribed doses, can bring on these effects. At prescribed doses, it certainly still acts as a deliriant, but without any, or as strong, hallucinations. Benadryl is an over-the-counter medication without an age restriction, meaning it’s legal for sale to anyone in the US. It comes, however, with a warning about operating heavy machinery. Because of the heavy deliriant effects, allergy medicines like Benadryl are viewed as an old-school method, while newer drugs like Allegra won’t cause the same depressant effects. Benadryl retains popularity still as an allergy medicine despite this, and as a sleep aid.

Another well-known synthetic deliriant drug is dimenhydrinate, also known as Dramamine. This is probably the most popular motion sickness drug, and is often given to people who get carsick. Dramamine is also an over-the-counter drug without a minimum age requirement.

What are all the types of hallucinogens?

As stated, there are three types of hallucinogens, for which psychedelics are just one kind. ‘Hallucinogens’ refer to psychoactive substances, and the three categories they are broken down into, are as follows: psychedelics, dissociatives, and deliriants.

Psychedelic hallucinogens are drugs like DMT, LSD, psilocybin, and mescaline. They are serotonergic drugs that produce vivid hallucinations that often involve out-of-this-world visuals, or characters that are not in line with standard reality. They are known for creating euphoria, and feelings of connection, making a person feel spiritual, and altering cognitive function. They bring on feelings of overall well-being, and illicit life-changing experiences.

magic mushrooms

Dissociatives are drugs like ketamine, PCP, and DXM. Ketamine and PCP are both drugs created for the purpose of anesthesia. They quite literally create the feeling of disassociation between parts of the brain, described, for ketamine, as “electrophysiological and functional dissociation between thalamocortical and limbic systems.” They distort sensory perceptions and make users feel disconnected from their environment and themselves. In essence they create a dreamlike state. DXM, in high doses, resembles dissociative anesthetics. The drug esketamine – a half-brother to ketamine, was legalized for medication-resistant depression in 2019. A large and growing gray market for ketamine also exists, where its used for off-label uses in pain management and to treat numerous psychological disorders.

Deliriant hallucinogens are for recreational users, the least fun. Though Benadryl is sometimes abused, its not popular in this way like drugs of either of the two previous groupings. And this is true even though medications like Benadryl are perfectly legal, as well as many of the plants that produce deliriant compounds. These drugs aren’t known for providing the same kind of euphoria and ‘fun’ of other drugs, and are not popular on a recreational scene, though they’ve certainly been popular enough throughout history, and have plenty of medical uses today.

Historical use of deliriant hallucinogens

Most plants that do things have been used in some way or another in different parts of history. Even those that are poisonous and kill, have their place, though not as a medicine, therapy agent, or recreational drug. Deliriants are found in different parts of history, for different uses.

As the story goes, deliriants were brought into Europe, and the areas around, by the Romani people, who regularly used plants like Datura, which they smoked, or orally ingested, to bring on hallucinations. Deliriants, because of their anticholinergic effects, are associated with neurodegenerative diseases like dementia, as well as causing users to experience hypoventilation and hyperthermia, to bring on feelings of dysphoria and discomfort, and sometimes to induce hallucinations which are unpleasant to the user. It’s been thought that some groups in history (particularly in hedgewitchery – earth magic) would add in other medicinal or neuroprotective plants to counteract the negative effects like feelings of dysphoria or senile behaviors.

Deliriants are seen in tons of stories in European mythology, including henbane, belladonna, mandrake, jimsonweed, and fly agaric mushrooms. Greek mythology includes plants like henbane leaves, which were made into wreaths and put on the heads of the dead so they could better forget their previous lives while making their way to the underworld. The genus name Atropa, home to belladonna, is named after the Greek Fate, Atropos.

Other stories involve an association between mandrake and the gallows where men were hung in early medieval times, henbane used in magic during Greco-Roman times, and henbane’s association with black magic in the Late Middle Ages. Also during the Middle Ages, Scopolia carniolica (henbane bell), found in Central Europe, was used to make love potions. Datura, which is still used in Latin American shamanism traditions, and for sorcery and black magic, has been employed in Mexico, South America, and the Southwestern US by indigenous cultures for hundreds of years, for ritualistic and sacred purposes.

deliriant hallucinogen Datura

In South America, plants of the Brugmansia genus are sometimes added to ayahuasca, as a way to take advantage of tourists by bad shamans. Good shamans refer to this as a way to steal a person’s energy and power, for which they believe each person has a limited amount. Belladonna is long associated with witchcraft, and at one point was known as an aid for the “flight of witches” which apparently brought on drunken-like behavior and hallucinations.

The genus Aconitum also known as ‘wolf’s bane’ was also heavily associated with witchcraft in European mythology, particularly with werewolves and shapeshifters. Some believe that the idea of changing into a werewolf came from wolf’s bane, which can cause paresthesia, which apparently makes a user feel like they’re covered with fur. In Greek mythology, Athena used Aconitum to turn Arachne into a spider.


As the world of psychedelics grows, its good to know what’s what within and around it. Though its easy to think of dissociatives and deliriants as psychedelics, its actually that all three are separate categories within hallucinogenic drugs. Deliriants might not be the most popular drugs today, but they are widely used medicinally, and have a rich history of use throughout antiquity.

Hello everyone! Thanks for joining us at, the #1 web portal for independent and comprehensive news coverage of the cannabis and psychedelics industries. Read-thru the site regularly to stay current on all relevant topics; and check out The Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, to keep up with the important stories of today.

The post Deliriant Hallucinogens: What They Are, and Legal Status appeared first on CBD Testers.



Thursday 28 April 2022

This Weekend Only! Get 1 Full Ounce of THC-O Distillate for Only $50

From now until April 31st, you can get FULL OUNCES of THC-O distillate for only $49.99! Distillate can be used to make a variety products including vape carts, edibles, and dabbables. This high-quality concentrate 97% pure THC-O, so stock up while supplies lasts. In the meantime, scroll down to learn more about this compound, how it’s made, and how you can access this deal!

For this and many more deals that are updated regularly, remember to subscribe to the THC Weekly Newsletter, so you can subscribe and keep up with everything going on. Plus, sign up and you’ll get some sweet deals on products like edibles, vapes, and other cannabis paraphernalia, including cannabinoid compounds.Plus, gain access to exclusive deals on flowers, vapes, edibles, and much more, along with premiere offers on cannabinoids, like HHC-O, Delta 8Delta 9 THCDelta-10 THCTHCOTHCVTHCP HHC, which will save you lots of $$. You can find them in our “Best-of” lists!

What is THC-O?

THC-O is short for THC-O-Acetate, or THC Acetate/ATHC. Most of the time, you’ll see it written as THC-O or ATHC. It’s important not to confuse ATHC with THCA. In the case of tetrahyrdocannabinolic acid, or THCA, the A stands for acid (not acetate like with ATHC). THCA is the parent molecule of THC, found in raw plants that have not yet been decarboxylated.

THC-O is a synthetic cannabinoid that can only be produced in a lab. While it may be tempting to try and make some at home, the process can be volatile and dangerous, so it’s best left to the chemists. In short, THC-O is an analog of THC, meaning is has a similar chemical structure but, as is the case in chemistry, minor changes often lead to substantial differences.

Because it’s an artificially produced cannabinoid, what you see is what you get – meaning all you get is THC-O and none of the beneficial terpenes and flavonoids that are found in natural extracts. With THC-O, you do not get to benefit from the entourage effect. This is an obvious issue for purists and whole-plant advocates, but when it comes to pharmaceutical formulations, isolated cannabinoids are always preferred.

The purity of distillates means that 1 milligram of concentrated oil measures out to just about 1 milligram of cannabinoid, whereas 1 milligram of full-spectrum plant extract might have 0.5 milligrams of THC, 0.3 milligrams of CBD, and 0.2 milligrams a combination of other terpenes and compounds. This makes distillates very easy to use for specific dosing and product production.

How THC-O is Made

Let’s talk a bit more about the THCA and THC-O connection. I have already covered the difference between the two (acid vs acetate), now it’s time to discuss how THCA can be converted to THC-O. Again, it’s a complex chemical process that should only be attempted by experienced chemists, this is NOT something that can be done safely at home.

In raw cannabis plants, cannabinoids are found in carboxylic acid from. Carboxylic acids are any of class of organic compounds in which a carbon atom is bonded to a hydroxyl group via a single bond, and to an oxygen atom by a double bond. When exposed to heat, the compounds lose their carboxylic acid groups and become the cannabinoids most consumers are familiar with.

Carboxylic acid and hydroxyl groups are both polar and hydrophilic, meaning small amounts of THCA (or any other cannabinoid acid) are water soluble. Using two chemicals – sulfuric acid and acetic anhydride – the conversion can begin. Summarized, the process goes like this: THCA + heat > D9 + sulfuric acid + acetic anhydride = THC-O Acetate. When THCA is converted to THC-O, the polar C-OH becomes C-O-CH2C=O-CH3. The carboxylic acid group is hydrolyzed by the heating with the sulfuric acid, which then reacts with excess anhydride to produce acetic acid. This acid reacts with regular THC at the hydroxyl group and becomes the potent THC-O-Acetate.

To reiterate, sulfuric acid and acetic anhydride are both very corrosive and hazardous chemicals that should not be in the hands of amateurs and everyday consumers. Attempting this process at home is incredibly risky.

About the deal

Full Ounces of THC-O Distillate For Only $49.99

(No coupon code needed)

THC-O Distillate is incredibly versatile and can be used for numerous different things including filling your own carts, making edibles and other products, or simply dabbing straight out of the jar. High quality and effective! Get one jar or stock up now while the price is low – weekend sale, don’t miss out!

TIP: Click the link below to get full ounces of THC-O distillate for only $50!

$50 ounces of THC-O distillate

(No coupon code, sale ends April 31st!)

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Wednesday 27 April 2022

Animals That Get You High

We’re a curious species. And we like to do things that make us feel good. Put those two attributes together and we’re a species that’s curious enough to find new things to make us feel good. Even when those things come from odd places. We know of tons of plants and other substances that can change the way we feel, but that’s pretty standard. What’s less standard and more ethically debatable? The idea that some animals can also get a person high.

Whether you’re picking certain flowers or mushrooms, or letting a snake bite you, there are tons of ways to have a psychoactive experience in nature. Welcome to our independent news publication; which specializes in cannabis and psychedelics reporting. Stay up-to-date by subscribing to The Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, and make sure you’re first in line when product promotions become available.

Psychedelic toads

One of the best examples of animals that can get you high, are psychedelic toads. Psychedelic toads are toads that contain chemicals called bufotoxins within glands in their skin. These bufotoxins are known for containing 5-MeO-DMT, a name that should sound familiar. This compound is another form of the DMT found in plants like Psychotria viridis which is one half of ayahuasca.

DMT is a hallucinogenic compound that’s found in plant genera like Phalaris, Delosperma, Acacia, Desmodium, Mimosa, and Virola, as well as in the leaves of more ordinary citrus plants. DMT is also found in some sea sponges, like Smenospongia aura, S. echina and Verongula rigida, but is most well-known, in toads like Incilius alvarius (sometimes incorrectly called Bufo alvarius), also known as the Colorado River Toad and Sonoran Desert Toad. This particular toad originates in Northern Mexico and the Southwestern US. There are also a number of psychedelic fish, some of which may or may not be related to DMT.

Though the toads don’t need to be killed to access the venom, which is released upon excitation of the toad, they often are. This becomes an issue with the practice in that it threatens the lives of the animals. Technically, the toads can simply be excited and the venom collected, but their killing is an unfortunate aspect of getting high off a living thing.

Using toads to get high isn’t a new invention, even if its gaining popularity today. The practice goes back as far as the Olmec period in pre-Columbian era Mesoamerica, from around the years 1,200 BCE to about 400 BCE. DMT trips are short, lasting from just a few minutes to an hour and a half. When mixed with Banisteriopsis caapi (caapi vine), DMT breaks down much slower due to the presence of MAO inhibitors, and trips last for many hours. This mixture is called ayahuasca. DMT is under investigation for its medical value, and is undergoing trials currently for depression.

Fire salamander

When it comes to animals that get you high, most seem to be in the slippery skin category, although how they get you high varies between animal species. Plenty of creatures can bring on a psychoactive reaction without the help of DMT. Take the fire salamander, Salamandra salamandra. This species is quite common in parts of central Europe, and is usually seen as a black salamander, with spots or stripes of yellow.

Fire salamanders produce an alkaloid called samandarin, which for humans and all vertebrate animals causes muscle convulsions, hypertension, and hyperventilation. Samandarin comes from a family of compounds called samandarines, which are effective through transdermal uptake, or which can be taken orally. What starts as a restless reaction, progresses to convulsions, paralysis, and even death within a few hours, if the right amount is taken. Poisonings are generally characterized by internal hemorrhaging. These salamanders can produce a range of other toxins as well. Another main one is tetrodotoxin, a sodium channel blocker, which prevents nervous system messages from getting through, therefore keeping muscles from working correctly.

fire salamander

If this all sounds not super awesome, there is folklore around the compound which says it has hallucinogenic effects and is a strong aphrodisiac. While these claims are often dismissed, there are overlapping stories of the compound being used in salamander brandy (which is actually schnapps), a drink native to the country of Slovenia. However, it didn’t become a part of conversation until a 1995 article by a gay named Blaz Ogorevc, which described the process of making brandy with the creatures. According to a 2003 article entitled Salamander Brandy: “A Psychedelic Drink Between Media Myth and Practice of Home Alcohol Distillation in Slovenia, salamanders were indeed used for brandy making, but only as a cheaper method to make it, which was looked down on by the general population. While it is known to cause effects, these effects don’t sound very psychedelic.

This idea was echoed in another place. A Cracked writer might have done the most to understand the situation, traveling through Slovenia, and then making the brew himself at home upon not finding the real thing in his travels. He described the process of procuring a salamander, milking it for secretions for a period of time, and then adding it in during the fermentation process to make brandy. In the end he described a powerful drunken high, in line with many of the stories he was told, but not quite in line with a powerful psychedelic aphrodisiac experience. He said he was repeatedly told that it “takes the legs out from under you”, and described an experience that included difficulty in standing and walking, likely a result of the neurotoxins.

The banning of the drink (if it actually is) could be to preserve the animals from getting killed, but it could also hark back to the older back hills tradition of using salamanders and their poison to make a cheaper form of brandy, which apparently made people sick quite often, and which is/was associated with being a lower class cheat. In fact, I find that the much more plausible answer, as it is a poison that causes some kind of effects, and humans have been known to play around with such poisons all throughout history.

Hallucinogenic fish

Next up we’ve got hallucinogenic fish (dream fish), like Sarpa Salpa of the sea bream variety. Interestingly, what it is that they contain is not well understood, but it can apparently cause a trip similar to LSD, according to some. Others say that effects are much more like deliriant hallucinogens, which are more likely to cause delirium (mental disruption and confusion) than hallucinations. Sarpa salpa and other similarly acting species are found in coastal areas, particularly close to Spain, and sometimes around Britain. In Arabic these fish are known as the ‘fish that makes dreams’, though the term ‘dream fish’ is used for a number of different fish that all lead to ‘ichthyoallyeinotoxism’. This term is associated with intoxication from consuming fish, and most come from the genus Kyphosus.

Some researchers think the psychedelic effects have to do with macroalgae that accumulates from what the fish eat, and that its not produced by the fish themselves. It has not been ruled out that DMT is responsible in some cases, with German anthropologist Christian Rätsch describing how several reporters have eaten these dream fish, and subsequently experienced intense hallucinations.

Other fish species eyed for possibly causing psychedelic effects include the sea chub, though its unclear once again if the toxins from the fish come directly from the fish, or the algae that it eats. Siganus spinus is another possibly psychedelic venomous fish, nicknamed ‘the fish that inebriates’, and Mulloidichthys flavolineatus called the ‘the chief of ghosts’, is found around Hawaii. Yet another grouping of hallucinogenic fish, represented by Tetraodontidae, includes the likes of puffers, blowfish, toadfish and bubblefish, all of which contain the neurotoxin tetrodotoxin.

hallucinogenic fish to get high

Snake venom

Some animals we don’t necessarily think of trying to kill us, like toads, even though technically the venom is a self-defense measure. For smaller animals it means death, whereas to humans it might mean tripping out. Other animals though, we are wary of, because we know they have the strength to kill us. Such is the case with many species of snakes, some of which are capable of killing a human being pretty fast. However, as with the case of many plants, just because something can kill us at some level, doesn’t mean it can’t make us high on another. Such is the case with snake venom, though it extends to the use of scorpion venom and wasp venom as well.

Medically there are not many cases to go off, and the method for getting high is primarily used by opioid addicts. In one account by scientists from the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research’s Drug Deadiction Center in Chandigarh, India, two users hooked on cobra venom, were getting their jollies by allowing the snakes to bite them on the tongue! They were both opioid addicts of at least 15 years, and stated that the high lasted close to a month. The case was published in a study called: Snake Venom Use as a Substitute for Opioids: A Case Report and Review of Literature.

According to that report, “the snake bite was associated with jerky movements of the body, blurring of vision, and unresponsiveness, i.e. “blackout” as per the patient for 1 h. However, after waking up he experienced a heightened arousal and sense of well-being, which lasted for 3–4 weeks…” The subject also said that the practice was common for where he came from in India (Northwestern Rajasthan).

The report also pulled from a few other cases, all presenting in India, and all dealing with recreational snake bites, mostly with opioid addicts. Cobras, kraits, and other green tree snakes were mentioned for this use, and one patient told of ‘snake dens’ where snakes were graded based on the level of intoxication of their venom. Besides the tongue, patients reported getting bites on the feet as well. Venom intoxication is described as promoting “happiness, grandiosity, and excessive sleepiness”, and from the report, evidence points to higher socioeconomic classes partaking in this activity.

In terms of how the venom works, while its not entirely understood, “it is known that some of the neurotoxins result in an analgesia, which is independent of the centrally mediated opiate-independent analgesia. Long-form of alpha-neurotoxin found in cobra venom is known to act on nicotinic acetyl choline receptors (nAChRs). These possibly act through the acetylcholine receptors and can substitute morphine and mitigate opioid withdrawal.”

Tree frogs

When looking into psychedelic toads, it becomes clear that this has to do with toads and not frogs, but this doesn’t mean that their slippery counterparts won’t also get a person high. In fact, such is the case with tree frogs of the Phyllomedusa genus, which have been getting people high for possibly centuries. These frogs are mainly found in South America, particularly in the Amazon rainforest.

tree frogs - animals that get you high

The frogs produce a wax secretion that they use to keep from drying out, and rub all over their skin for this purpose. The species Phyllomedusa bicolor (also called the giant leaf frog) is the most well-known, and has been used in natural medicine traditions and by shamanic hunters in a practice called the ‘Kambo cleanse’. Hunters go as far as to say it temporarily heightens their senses.

The compound in these secretions is called dermorphin, a natural opiate which binds strongly to mu Opioid receptors, and is reportedly 20-30 times the strength of morphine, but without the same level of addiction ability. This compound is not found in mammals, but can be found in certain other bacteria, amphibians, and molluscs. Dermorphin is a potent pain killer, with illegal use tied to racehorses, where its ability to dull pain can enhance horse performance. Why we aren’t using this, rather than more addictive opioids which are causing massive issues with addiction and death, is certainly a question that should be investigated further.

Ants – Animals That Get You High?

While most people think of ants as an irritation they’d prefer not to have in their house, others consider ants as interesting creatures. They behave in well organized ways, working together to construct and maintain intricate structures and tunnels, and have a fine-tuned ability to communicate together. They manage to avoid drowning in rain storms, are known for carrying many times their own weight, and in the right circumstances can make you trip your head off.

Different cultures describe experiences of hallucinogenic encounters with ants, particularly in shamanistic rituals or natural medicine traditions. Some Native Americans in the US had rituals which involved things like fasting for three days from food, water, and sex, and then consuming harvester ants to induce hallucinations. It was also written of eating patches of eagle down which were moistened, and stuffed with about five ants each. These were eaten until the eater’s face turned red, and they couldn’t eat more. This kind of consumption went on through the late 1870s and was associated with as many as 17 indigenous groups, however it died out since that time.

Though ants are very small, consuming large amounts can have an effect. Native Americans in South central California ate Red Harvester ants, that contain a venom full of proteins, histamines and other reactive chemicals. The venom of these ants is said to be as much as 10 times that of honeybees, and the amounts taken were equivalent to 35% of a lethal dose for a 45.5kg (100lb) person.

Most of the stories involving ants include a fast period, or sleep deprivation period, beforehand, and the use of other psychotropic substances like Datura, a poisonous flower. It could be that the toxins had a better chance of working on a very empty stomach, or in stressed conditions. Though these ants are said to possibly cause mild-altering effects, hallucinations, and catatonic states, the end result seemed dependent on several different factors.

red harvester ants - animals that get you high

Animals That Get You High – Conclusion

There are a lot of substances with psychoactive properties, and most of them aren’t well-known. In terms of animals that can get you high, while there are plenty of options, it must always be considered that 1) we don’t know everything and there’s often a fine line between getting high and death, and 2) these are living things that can feel pain and fear, and arguably shouldn’t be used solely to get a person high.

However, issues of morality aside, it’s quite interesting that the body of one animal can cause such highs in another. While I personally believe we should be conscientious in how we treat other living animals, it certainly opens a door of possibility that such compounds are created by other living beings.

Hello all! Welcome to, your #1 internet platform for well-rounded independent news coverage of the cannabis and psychedelics fields. Come by every day to stay up-to-date on all related topics; and subscribe to The Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, so you know everything important going on.

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The post Animals That Get You High appeared first on CBD Testers.



Tuesday 26 April 2022

Weed On the Roofs of Public Housing? New York Wants It

If you think this sounds like a strange headline, it is, but its also true. The real question about whether weed can be grown on the roofs of public housing buildings, is if this would cause massive issues with the federal government. It is a catchy idea though, and maybe it will happen.

Growing weed on the roofs of public housing buildings might be the next move to widen the legal cannabis industry, and New York is first to propose it. We’re a news publication focusing on the growing cannabis and psychedelics industries. Stay current by signing up for THC Weekly Newsletter, and also get prime access to offers on edibles, vapes, and tons of other cannabis products, including cannabinoid compounds. We ask that you remember, *cannabinoid products are not everyone’s favorite thing, and we do not promote anyone to buy products they are uncomfortable with!

What’s the news?

In an April 9th panel discussion for the New York State Association of Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic & Asian Legislators 51st Annual Legislative Conference, New York City Mayor Eric Adams brought up the idea of growing weed plants on the roofs of public housing buildings. According to a Gothamist report, Adams stated, “We want to examine the possibilities of having a greenhouse space on (New York City Housing Authority) rooftops to grow cannabis… The jobs can come from NYCHA residents. The proceeds and education can go right into employing people right in the area.”

A spokesman for the mayor clarified that the office “wants to ensure ‘those targeted by the war on drugs are first in line to benefit from the legal cannabis industry.’” This idea comes from the mayor attempting to find ways to welcome and bolster New York’s newly won cannabis industry. If this actually were to happen, the mayor explained that housing authority residents would manage the weed greenhouses and that a licensing system would be instituted for cultivation approval.

The whole thing, aside from giving a new avenue for growth in the cannabis industry, would work to help communities that were hit hard by the war on drugs, so they could profit from the new market. It would prioritize these communities to be first in line to access benefits from such a program. The gardens/greenhouses would be city-sanctioned properties of the NYCHA and would add to the cannabis industry, while benefiting stressed populations.

weed public housing

The idea also attempts to answer “the challenges of cultivating cannabis in a densely populated metropolis like New York City.” It would be accomplished, according to the mayor, by “embracing hydroponic greenhouses on buildings throughout the city—including those owned by NYCHA.”

And while this all sounds great, and like an inventive way to use space in a crowded area, it does have an issue. Sure, cannabis holds incredible value for both medical and recreational purposes, and can assist governments in bringing in new lines of tax revenue, but there is one obstacle sitting in the way.

Is growing weed on the roofs of public housing just a pipe dream?

Technically it sounds like a good plan. Area is limited in a place like Manhattan, and growing on rooftops proposes a good usage of space. It would also provide help and income to those in the buildings, which could benefit populations which are struggling. How much would go to them in the end, and how useful it would be, are impossible to say. However, as a general proposal, it does sound decent.

Until it’s considered that even though this is a proposed policy within a state that has legalized cannabis, that the federal government subsidizes these housing projects, making for an uncomfortable overlapping of federal and state government. This proposes a problem as cannabis is still federally illegal on all fronts, and the federal government would probably have a major issue with continuing to fund a project that blatantly breaks federal law.

Though Adams brought up the idea in the panel, there is no formal push just yet, so the US government hasn’t had a reason to officially respond. The most the federal government did to comment on the proposal right now, was through a statement by a spokesperson from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, who reportedly stated to Gothamist that “marijuana is illegal in public housing.”

A spokesperson for Adams did recognize the federal government issue, though no answer was offered for how Adams plans to go around it. For that matter, nothing was stated about whether this idea will go forward, or not.

cannabis NY

Federal cannabis bills

A few years ago this idea would have died immediately. Even now it proposes quite an issue, but it proposes it at an interesting time, when things are already in flux enough, that the federal government doesn’t have to be a dealbreaker. In fact, the federal government is already getting closer to passing one legalization/decriminalization bill, with another ready to go. As these bills challenge federal prohibition, its quite possible that near-future changes could open the way for this project.

The MORE Act (Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act), which functions both as a decriminalization bill, and a legalization bill (as it does involve setting up tax rates), passed the US House of Representatives on April 1st via a 220-204 vote. This moves it on to the Senate. Whether it can pass the Senate or not is a big question, as a nearly identical bill from 2020 got as far, just to die in that arm of Congress.

The MORE Act is not the only bill out there though. The Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act is a bill sponsored by Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer. Unlike the MORE Act, it wasn’t officially introduced into Congress yet, meaning it was put out there to test waters and gain support. Though the bill was supposed to be formally introduced around ‘420’ of this year, it was postponed to later in the summer.

It provides yet another avenue for legalization through the federal government, and attacks it through the Senate first. As the Senate has been harder to get bills like this through, a passage through the Senate first could mean a much better chance of a full approval. It’s quite possible that both bills will die out, or that both, or just one, will pass.

That there is so much interest on a federal level to decriminalize and/or legalize the recreational use of cannabis, indicates that Mayor Eric Adam’s proposed plan to grow weed on the roofs of public housing buildings really isn’t that far out. By the time New York could formulate and pass a bill, cannabis might already be legal in the whole of the US anyway.

Cannabis and New York

On Wednesday March 31st, 2021, New York became the 16th state to pass a recreational cannabis legalization bill when Governor Andrew Cuomo signed in the New York State Cannabis/Marijuana Regulation & Taxation Act, permitting those 21 and above to partake. This bill also paves the way for a regulated market, which is slated to open sometime in 2022, though no official date was released. According to the bill, adults can have up to three ounces of cannabis, and 24 grams of concentrates.

weed legalization

Senate Bill S854A passed by a General Assembly vote of 94 to 56 (though original numbers put it at 100 to 49), after first passing the Senate floor with a 40 to 23 vote. Though recreational sales have not started yet, as of mid-April, 2022, over 50 licenses were granted to farmers in New York to grow recreational marijuana.

Incidentally, about 24 hours after New York legalized for recreational use, New Mexico followed suit, becoming the 17th state to pass a legalization policy. That one-two punch was followed by Virginia in the summer of 2021, which was the last state thus far to pass a recreational legalization bill. All told, 18 US states have legalization policies, and Washington DC as well, although due to being the home of the federal government, Washington is legal for possession, use, and cultivation, but not for regulated sales.


Nothing more has been said about this recent proposal by New York City’s mayor to grow weed on the roofs of public housing buildings, but as a federal legalization gets closer, the issue of state vs federal becomes less and less pertinent. It could be that this idea to use government subsidized buildings to cultivate cannabis becomes the norm, and if/when a federal legalization passes, perhaps government buildings will become synonymous with growing weed.

Hello and welcome!! Thanks for joining us at, your first choice for independent news coverage of the cannabis and psychedelics markets. Drop by frequently to stay up-to-date on the exciting landscape of cannabis and psychedelics, and subscribe to The THC Weekly Newsletter, to stay ahead on everything happening.

The post Weed On the Roofs of Public Housing? New York Wants It appeared first on CBD Testers.



Cannabinoid Market Sales Data: Where Is It?

It’s odd to have a large and ongoing conversation on a topic, yet not be able to reference information for it. Such is the case right now with the cannabinoid market in the US, which includes the likes of delta-8 THC, HHC, THCO, and delta-10 THC. Writers keep talking about product popularity and market expansion, but in the end, there is no real cannabinoid sales data to elucidate the situation. Where is it?

Finding cannabinoid sales data is quite difficult, which means understanding the size and depth of the market is nearly impossible. Maybe in the future, more companies will release data, but for now we’ll have to wait and see, and speculate only. We cover tons of topics in the emerging cannabis industry, and put out the THC Weekly Newsletter, so you can subscribe and keep up with everything going on. Plus, sign up and you’ll get some sweet deals on products like edibles, vapes, and other cannabis paraphernalia, including cannabinoid compounds. Keep in mind, *cannabinoid products are not everyone’s cup of tea, and we only encourage people to use products they are comfortable with!

What is the cannabinoid market?

The cannabinoid market is a market made up of different naturally occurring, or synthetically-made, cannabinoids, which are sourced from hemp plants. This includes hemp-derived delta-9 THC, and CBD. All the cannabinoids in the cannabinoid market, apart from hemp-derived CBD, either only occur in small amounts that are not enough for product production (delta-8), or simply don’t appear in nature at all (delta-10).

This market came to being with the 2018 US Farm Bill, and the legalization of industrial hemp and industrial hemp products. This was done by way of a new definition for hemp, which separates it from high-THC marijuana. Anything under .3% THC is considered ‘hemp’, while plants with above .3% THC are considered ‘marijuana’. The definition for hemp, however, only includes the plant itself, and does not include synthetic forms – or analogues – of any of the compounds found within hemp.

This is important, because though all cannabinoid products are sold as ‘hemp-derived’, none of them exist for public consumption without synthetization. This discrepancy becomes more profound when considering that some of these compounds don’t exist in nature at all. Though I suppose ‘hemp-derived’ is a loose enough term to fool consumers into thinking what they’re getting is a direct product of the hemp plant, this is 100% false. Since they use synthetic processes, none of these products fall under the definition of hemp, making them prosecutable (in theory) under the Federal Analogue Act.

The idea that they are in fact illegal, despite marketing lines from vendors claiming federal compliance, was backed up when the biggest sales platform, Shopify, banned all items that do not meet federal regulation. While this is often cited as a response to the under .3% THC issue, the much more damning aspect is that these products all necessitate synthetization.


This doesn’t make the compounds dangerous, as none seem to be thus far. But as an unregulated market, and with unscrupulous vendors willing to create lies to sell products – even going as far as using bogus third-party testing facilities to gain user trust, the ability to know what else is added to products, or if they’re cut with something, is impossible. Plus, since all use synthetization methods which the companies are not being open about, we know nothing about these processes, or what dangerous chemicals they might leave behind in a final product.

How does it exist if it’s not legal?

Great question! Why would a country that loves having drug wars, put up with an illegal drug market that’s right under its nose? Drug wars are highly unpopular, have caused extreme damage, and maybe most importantly, have never done anything useful. This means a lot of taxpayer money spent to ruin lives, and not much more. While the federal government sold the idea of these wars more easily in the past, it’s much harder these days.

And especially when the drug in question is weed, or anything related to it. Not only are we talking about a drug with no death count (in great contrast to the current opioid issue), but it’s one where about half the country already live in places where its legal, making it that much sillier to wage wars against it. At least not outwardly. Though Shopify didn’t make a statement about the federal government, it could be assumed that this is why the site did a 180º turn so quickly. The federal government might not be able to get the public onboard with a drug war, but it can enforce its own sales laws.

A last point about the government openly going after these compounds, is that it’s a dicey move if the people catch on. What do I mean? The government itself most certainly pushes synthetic cannabis products in the form of synthetic pharmaceutical cannabinoid medications like epidiolex (CBD) and dronabinol (THC). As in, pretty much exactly what it puts out smear campaigns for (synthetics are dangerous!) are exactly what its pushing.

The more the government outwardly comes down on synthetics, the more it puts itself in the position of needing to answer the question of why pharmaceutical synthetics get a pass, while others do not. To make it even more questionable, many of the illegal synthetics, like THCO, were made by the US government during the 1900’s, and none are attached to a danger profile. The US government would obviously know this since it made them.

Where’s that cannabinoid market sales data?

The problem with an enterprise in an illegal industry reporting any kind of information, is that it makes it known. Though there are plenty of estimations for how much money drug cartels and other criminal organizations bring in, no one knows for sure, because illegal operations don’t report to any government. This goes beyond simply not paying taxes, too. It doesn’t bode well for any black market operation to have private information known by governments.

This is itself a damning notion to the idea of the ‘federal compliance’ that these companies like to advertise. If they were federally compliant, and doing well, they’d be happy to report their earnings, But they’re not doing that. Not directly to government agencies, and not to press or anyone else. For as much as people like to talk about the market, and its size and popularity, no cannabinoid market sales data exists publicly to back any of it up.

Does this mean sales aren’t quite as high as marketing would have us believe? Possibly. Or, they could be higher, and keeping numbers out of the press maintains a level of privacy for these companies. If it was known for sure that they were really making bank, the government might be that much more earnest about getting involved. At least for now, the whole thing is questionable, and under a shield of confusion; meaning no one really knows the size of it, and nothing has been confirmed.

company data

Personally, I’m a bit stumped. While I never meet anyone who knows what these products are, the market does seem to truck along. That it’s a marginalized industry is for sure, but in a country with around 350 million people, even marginalized industries can do okay. From my experience, most people who buy these products don’t understand what they are, or where they’re from. Given the choice between a synthetic, and something actually plant-based, most seem to prefer the real option. This means the industry likely will never fully compete with the real one, whether black market or above board. Having said that, if a product is in every little roadside store, and offers something not otherwise available in certain locations, it can still net a decent profit. It suffices to say that though the cannabinoid industry has not released sales data, that money is coming in.

Does anything exist?

Most companies involved with the cannabinoid market are not large corporations or publicly traded, which is how this information stays hidden. Publicly traded companies must submit information to both the government and shareholders, that private companies do not. It’s through one of these publicly traded companies, that we get anything at all in terms of the cannabinoid market and sales data.

In December 2021, Hemp Bench Marks published a form that was submit to the Securities and Exchange Commission, by the publicly traded company LFTD Partners. This now represents the only situation in the field where such data has been released, and this company is the parent company to brands like Lifted Made which produces URB Finest Flowers.

As per its own description in the S1/A filing, “Our business is primarily engaged in the identification, structuring and seeking to execute on acquisitions of all or a portion of one or more operating businesses involving the manufacture, sale and distribution of products infused with hemp-derived cannabinoids (including but not limited to delta-8-THC, delta-9-THC, delta-10-THC, CBD, CBG and CBN).” 

As per Q2 of 2020 filing information, LFTD brought in over $1.26 million for net sales, and “49% of sales were generated from the sale of e-liquid and disposable e-cigarettes, 47% of sales were generated from the sale of hand sanitizer, and 4% of sales were generated from the sale of hemp and hemp-derived products.” By the next year at the same time, “LFTD reported over $6.69 million in net sales, a more than five-fold increase year-over-year. Ballooning sales were driven almost entirely by hemp-derived cannabinoid products” The company further stated, “95% of sales were generated from the sale of hemp and hemp-derived products, and 5% of sales were generated from the sale of e-liquid and disposable e-cigarettes.”

Revenue went up again in Q3 of 2021, with the company bringing in $8.8 million. This can be seen in an accompanying 10Q form LFTD filed to the SEC in which it shows that hemp-derived products brought in nearly all revenue in the most recent quarter: “During the three months ended September 30, 2021, approximately 99% and 1% of sales were generated from the sale of hemp and hemp-derived products and e-liquid and disposable e-cigarettes, respectively.”

LFTD was in the process of acquiring Savage Enterprises at the time this information was released. Savage Enterprises is a similar company which is not publicly traded. However, because of the business deal, Savage did have to release some info as well. According to filed documents, Savage’s sales nearly doubled between Q3 of 2020 to Q1 of 2021, going from just over $2.77 million to over $5.26 million. It then pretty much doubled in each following quarter, rising to over $10 million by Q2 of 2021, and then to over $20 million in the most recently accounted for quarter. Savage says its rise in revenue is “primarily driven by the growth of its award-winning hemp products brand Delta Extrax, under which Savage sells hemp-derived delta-8-THC, delta-9-THC, delta-10-THC, THC-P, THC-O, HHC, and other emerging cannabinoid products.”

What does this mean in terms of entire market data? Which products specifically are selling? And how do these numbers compare to other comparable companies? None of that is known. Seeing numbers from one company (or even two) can be misleading because there’s no basis for comparison, or way to know if the numbers represent a lot or a little of a total industry. Another point to consider, is that this deal never went through. LFTD cancelled it in mid-December, not long before Shopify began banning cannabinoid products. How much Shopify’s move hurt these companies is unknown, nor it is understood if other commerce sites doing the same, could stymie the growth these companies have made.

sales data

Is the cannabinoids market dangerous?

I suppose one could say that this depends on how danger is defined. If it’s the possibility of anything bad happening, then I suppose there’s some danger, though in the form of additives, or processing methods, not the compounds themselves. Weed and weed products don’t come with a direct death toll, but plenty of other drugs do.

Like opioids, which the government not only promotes by allowing pharmaceutical companies to sell them, but which wants to lessen guidelines for prescribing, even as 70,000+ people die of opioid overdoses a year. And even as these companies face billion-dollar law suits because of the damage their drugs have caused. Or there’s alcohol, which kills an even higher 95,000+ a year, which can be found everywhere, and which is known to cause indirect deaths through things like drunk driving.

That the government allows these things, but has anything negative to say about the regular cannabis industry, or the cannabinoids industry, is funny at best, and incredibly concerning at worst. Even ketamine has been pushed under the table in favor of people dying from opioids. The idea of the death toll of just these two drug classes (opioids and alcohol), makes it incomprehensibly stupid that there are still smear campaigns for anything related to cannabis.

What is concerning, is how low companies in the cannabinoid market will go to sell their products. However, even saying that is a stretch considering the lies, hidden truths, and buried drug information of pharmaceutical companies. Though I often talk them down because of the business tactics used, I will take most any of these cannabinoid companies over a government-backed pharmaceutical company. Period.


As a writer covering the industry, I don’t have an issue with the cannabinoids market, I just want it regulated so that it can be ensured that products aren’t cut with bad substances or additives, or made with dangerous processing techniques. Apart from that, it would be incredibly interesting if the cannabinoid industry released enough sales data to get a better picture of what’s going on. However, due to the nature of it all, this is unlikely.

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The post Cannabinoid Market Sales Data: Where Is It? appeared first on CBD Testers.



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