Wednesday 30 November 2022

Colorado is 2nd State to Legalize Psychedelics: Voted in By the People

Mid term elections came and went, and they certainly changed the landscape in terms of drugs. Not only did Maryland and Missouri pass cannabis legalization measures for recreational use; Colorado also made a big move when it became the second state to legalize psychedelics by allowing entheogenic plants. What does this mean for the state?

How did the vote go?

Mid term elections aren’t always exciting, particularly because they’re not for presidential candidates. But that doesn’t mean exciting things can’t happen, and Colorado is a great example of this. This year, while five states allowed residents to vote on recreational cannabis legalization measures, Colorado did it a bit more like Oregon, putting it to their people to choose if they wanted to legalize some psychedelics.

And the people said yes! Coloradoans had Proposition 122 put before them, the Decriminalization and Regulated Access Program for Certain Psychedelic Plants and Fungi Initiative. The winning yes vote came from a massive 91.46% of the voting population (you read that right), which was comprised of 1,296,994 votes. The no end accounted for a mere 8.54% of the voting population, with 121,111 votes. To say Colorado really wanted legal psychedelics, is practically an understatement.

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So what does this Proposition 122 do? The newly passed Colorado measure works to define specific plants containing psychedelics, as natural medicines. These include dimethyltryptamine (DMT); ibogaine; mescaline (but not the peyote plant, which is technically already covered federally under the American Indian Religious Freedom Act, while the other mescaline-containing plants were never federally illegalized, making for a loophole); and psilocybin; and psilocyn, the compounds found in magic mushrooms.

It also decriminalizes the personal possession, use, transport, and cultivation of these plants, so long as the person is 21 or older. Along with this, it creates the Regulated Natural Medicine Access Program which will be used to open an industry of licensed healing centers where such medications can be administered as a part of natural medicine services.

How does this differ from Oregon?

Colorado is not the 1st state to pass a law to legalize psychedelics. In fact, its technically the 2nd state to pass a recreational legalization, and the 3rd state to offer some form of access measure. The most well-known, is the first to do it, Oregon. In the 2020 elections, Oregon also put it to its people to decide if they wanted to specifically legalize psilocybin mushrooms.

In November 2020, 55.75% of the voting population gave a yes vote to Measure 109: Psilocybin Mushroom Services Program Initiative. That equaled 1,270,057 votes. 44.25% of the voting population voted no to the measure, comprised of 1,008,199 votes. This measure came with far less specifics than the Colorado measure, and there was uncertainty for many months over what kind of a legalization it was, and if it counted more as medical. In 2022, Oregon released its first draft rules for the industry, making a few things clear.

According to these rules, not only does this only relate to magic mushrooms, but only one kind of magic mushroom applies: Psilocybe cubensis. Meaning once its not this particular magic mushroom, the legalization no longer holds. But it also doesn’t apply to some other important things. Like personal possession, or the ability to self-cultivate the mushrooms. Oregon only went as far as to legalize use of the mushrooms in approved centers, under the eye of trained, but not medical, tripsitters. Everything outside of this specific scenario, is not legal.

Colorado and its move to legalize psychedelics is much wider-reaching. It involves many different plants with psychedelic compounds, it allows the personal possession of the plants, and the personal cultivation of them. Though it will set up centers for use, it doesn’t disallow the personal use of the substances outside of this. As it relates specifically to plants containing psychedelic compounds, it excludes psychedelics like LSD and MDMA, which are synthetically-made, and do not appear in nature.

But didn’t Colorado already legalize MDMA?

Yes, Colorado has been on a rampage. Not only was Denver the first city in the US to pass a decriminalization measure for psychedelics in 2019, but in 2022, Colorado passed HB 1344, which was officially signed off on in June of this year, after essentially racing through the state’s congress at nearly unprecedented speeds.

HB 1344 is an interesting bill. It doesn’t exactly legalize MDMA, because it’s not federally legal yet. What it does is work as a pre-emptive legalization. As in, the second the US passes a federal legalization, Colorado is already ready to go with laws set up to govern the use of the drug in the state. This means, should it not get a federal pass, HB 1344 is useless. It goes into action only upon the federal passage.

Colorado legalizes MDMA for pilot program
Colorado legalizes MDMA for pilot program

How likely is this federal passage? Very likely. When the FDA gives ‘breakthrough therapy’ status to the medication a company is working on, a status meant to quicken a drug to market in the case of it being a new therapy that can offer benefits that existing therapies don’t offer; it means a government agency is literally pushing for it to happen. And such is the case for both MDMA and psilocybin on a federal level.

In the case of MDMA, the company leading the charge is MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies), which not only has this breakthrough therapy status, but which organized its Phase III trials directly with the FDA to ensure that results meet regulation. It would be short-sighted to believe that a legalization isn’t coming, especially considering how well the trials have been going for the treatment of PTSD.

But wait…Connecticut gives access to psychedelics too, right?

If you’re paying attention, I said Colorado is actually the 3rd state to pass some form of a legalization measure. Oregon was first, and as it turns out, Connecticut was second, though with a different kind of measure, which isn’t considered an outright legalization. It’s also strictly for medical use.

Connecticut passed Bill No. 5506, which actually makes use of an existent federal pilot program, that is unfortunately, not often accessed. The federal program is the FDA’s expanded access program, which allows the use of drugs that have not been approved yet and are still under investigation. The point of the program is to allow patients in dire need, to access medications that have made it at least through Phase I, with the thought being that dire circumstances allow for dire measures to be taken.

Connecticut’s bill really just accesses this program through its own pilot program, and is meant to begin in the state in 2023. Once the compounds it allows are officially approved by the federal government, the pilot program ends, and the new legalization measures take over. The Connecticut bill specifically allows for the access of yet-unapproved psilocybin and MDMA medications.

This pilot program will allow access solely on a medical level, which is different from both Oregon and Colorado. It comes with absolutely no recreational aspects, and does nothing to allow for personal possession, use, or cultivation. What it does do, is reinforce the usefulness of both psilocybin and MDMA in treating different disorders, and works to start getting access to these compounds, to patients in need.

Moving forward

The psychedelics boom is happening very quickly. Way more quickly than the cannabis boom, which realistically paved the way of the former. Had we not gotten the country acclimated to marijuana, it probably would’ve been harder to push for psychedelics. But with weed now legal in just about half the country, psychedelics are sliding by much faster, and more easily.

Besides the three states just mentioned which have some measure in place, there are plenty of other states that have been/are considering full-state legalizations (California, Washington, Michigan), and a multitude of locations that have decriminalized use. These include: San Francisco, Oakland, Santa Cruz, and Arcata, in California; as well as Denver, Colorado; Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, and Detroit, in Michigan; Washington, DC; Somerville, Cambridge, Northampton, and Easthampton, Massachusetts; and Seattle, Washington.

Should we expect more? You better believe it. Which one will be next, and how long it may take, are undetermined, but the trend is in place, and we know from watching cannabis, that the snowball becomes an avalanche. States where legislation was recently introduced include New Jersey with its Psilocybin Behavioral Health Access and Services Act; California with its SB-519 to decriminalize several compounds and open facilitated use centers; Oklahoma which introduced HB 3414 to study psilocybin and give access to patients in need; and Hawaii, which passed SB No 3160 to create a task force to implement psilocybin medications for adults medically.


Colorado shows that the push to legalize psychedelics didn’t end with Oregon, and that we can expect way more. It also shows the progression already in motion for these laws, as it offers a much wider legalization than its predecessor. It will be interesting to see what happens next in this world.

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What Happens if you take these Drugs at the Qatar World Cup?

The world cup has begun, and instead of all the focus being on the incredible football and the tournament itself, it is still tarnished by the strict law differences in Qatar. Thousands of fans from all over the globe have headed to the Gulf country to support their teams, knowing full well that this may be unlike any tournament experienced before. Essentially all recreational substances are banned in Qatar, with very strict punishment for those who ignore the rules.

Even alcohol has harsh restrictions. With human rights violations and bans on same sex marriage a massive problem in Qatar, a limitation on drug use seems like a walk in the park. But, let’s see what would actually happen if you were caught taking specific substances within the world cup host nation. 

Qatar Host Nation

Qatar is a small gulf country – with a population lower than 3 million – that sits on the Arab peninsula. Made up of beaches and deserts, this middle eastern nation once just contained fishing villages for traders going between India and China to visit. After the first world war Britain ruled over Qatar, until they gained independence in 1971. Nowadays, the country is hugely wealthy due to their access to vital resources – these include oil and natural gas. In fact, Qatar has the third largest natural gas collection in the world. This is after Iran and Russia. To put this into perspective, 14% of the people living in Qatar are millionaires. Due to such a small population, the nation is considered one of the wealthiest in the world per person. It is believed that Qatar owns more property in the capital of England – London – than even the royal family. 

Nonetheless, with a lack of football culture, when the decision was made to allow Qatar to host the 2022 world cup, many were left confused. It seemed evident that the usually corrupt Fifa had yet again been swayed by the powerful money of a rich nation. The Guardian writes:

“In the years since, 16 of 22 voting exco members present in that hall have been implicated in or investigated over some form of alleged corruption or bad practice… In 2019 there were allegations Fifa had benefited from a $400m rights deal with Al Jazeera, Qatar’s state TV station, offered just 21 days before the bid decision, with an extra $100m top-up should Qatar succeed.”


But ultimately it would be the people, as usual, who would suffer. Qatar is a tiny nation and they were left with the task of spending 220 billion dollars to create the world cup infrastructure that was needed in a very short amount of time. How did they find the workforce to do this? Migrant workers coming from nations like India and Nepal were paid abominably low amounts of money in order to help build up this flawed tournament. It is believed that 6600 of these workers have already died due to unsafe conditions and overworking. But these aren’t the only problems that have arisen. Qatar’s laws on women’s rights and same sex marriage are something from the stone ages, with women being under guardianship law and any same sex sexual activity being deemed illegal. Human Dignity Trust writes:

“Human Rights Watch reported that security forces have been arbitrarily arresting LGBT people and subjecting them to ill-treatment in detention in the country… Preventive Security Department officers detained them in an underground prison in Al Dafneh, Doha, where they were verbally harassed and subjected to physical abuse, ranging from slapping, to kicking and punching until they bled.”

Needless to say, it seems that this world cup is surrounded by tarnishing controversy. In essence, it probably should not have happened this way and Fifa’s name will – hopefully – be deeply damaged. But alongside all this are other issues that are, perhaps less extreme, but have also caused disruption. Qatar’s strict substance laws are causing problems for those who are used to far more leniency. 

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Drug Laws in Qatar

According to the government website, Qatar has 0 tolerance for drug-related offences. This doesn’t seem to matter if you are a tourist or not. If you’re discovered using, trafficking, smuggling or possessing any substances from a long list, you are likely to face severe punishment. But how severe? We’re going to go through some of the most common recreational substances that people may want to take during the world cup, and see how risky it really is. Let’s go. 

Hard Recreational Drugs

When it comes to hard recreational drugs, Qatar seems to have a blanket decision on all of them. Whether it’s heroin, MDMA, ketamine, cocaine or whatever – the laws are extremely strict. If found in possession of any of these substances, fines could go up to $50,000. But if anyone is found trafficking hard drugs then the death penalty is also possible. Therefore, if there are any drug dealers out there who are considering Qatar an open market ready to be filled, we would advise to certainly reconsider.

There are no exceptions made for foreign nationals and the embassies of these nations have very little power to interject, especially when it comes to drug laws. If there’s one place you want to avoid taking harder substances, it is Qatar. There is evidence that the country is moving away from their 0-tolerance approach however, but nothing has yet officially changed. The Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics has said:

​​“Qatar has moved away from treating drug addiction merely as a criminal matter and is recognising it as a health and social challenge and a human rights issue. The right to health includes the right to obtain health services without fear of punishment. ”

The issue is, with a population made up of the wealthy, it is hard for those below to make the case for a change in drug laws. The culture is not yet there like it is with Europe, the US and other areas of the world. 

Prescription Medicine 

If you’re hoping that prescription medicine may be easier to get through border control than you are wrong. You will need a very exact letter from your doctor for any substances. This needs to include the exact amount that you are allowed, the reason why and any other information. The most they will allow you to bring in is for a 30 day period. Qatar has also banned the use of tranquillisers, antidepressants and certain sleeping pills. If you are hoping to carry these substances in your hand luggage, it is probably a good idea to speak to your embassy in Qatar just to ensure the specific rules.

Otherwise, you may face anything from confiscation, a fine, or even deportation. Over the last few weeks, Qatar customs officers have stopped around 2000 opiate pills from coming into the country. These passengers are awaiting their court cases. With prescription medicine, ensure you have all the backup documents you need. Don’t go bringing some random valium or Xanax without a note. 


Cannabis is treated as harshly as any other drug in Qatar. Despite hashish being known to be world-class in that section of the world, the cultivation, sale and possession of weed is completely illegal. In fact, there was a British tourist who was found with a cannabis grinder in his luggage in 2019 who faced years in a Qatari prison. He was able to leave the country but they attempted to extradite him back when he was visiting Greece. Fortunately, he won his case. This is an example of the kinds of harsh realities that can be faced if found with even just cannabis accessories. 


In Qatar, the legal age of alcohol consumption is 21. Of course for Muslims, who make up a large amount of the Qatari population, it is illegal. The ban on alcohol in Qatar is what has been getting all of the headlines. Many people are contemptuous of avoiding hard drugs throughout the world cup, but not drinking for them is not an option. You only have to watch a video on Youtube of hundreds of fans cheering and throwing their beers when their side scores a goal to realise how integral drinking culture is when it comes to major tournaments. That said, any alcohol-related violence or serious disturbance should not be permitted anywhere in the world.

At the world cup, alcohol is not easy to access. It is banned in stadiums and is completely illegal to drink in public areas. There are designated hotels and spots where alcohol is allowed, but the prices are extortionate. Half a litre of beer costs 50 Qatari riyals, which is equal to around 12 dollars. The whole affair has made alcohol quite appealing to a lot of supporters. However, it has also meant that many fans have attempted to smuggle alcohol into stadiums – with one individual turning a pair of binoculars into a discreet booze bottle. For anyone found drinking in a public place, they could face a 6 month prison sentence or a fine of up to $700.

Vapes & Cigarettes

Oddly enough, vapes are another banned substance or device in Qatar. If you’re someone who enjoys an e-cig then make sure you don’t bring it to the world cup. Cigarettes are very much legal to buy in the country, with 25% of Qatari men smoking, but there is a strict vape ban. This has been the case since 2014. If you’re found with a vape you can face fines of up to $2,700 or a prison sentence up to 3 months. Only around 0.6% of women smoke in Qatar, which is likely to do with their guardianship laws. These essentially do not allow women to marry, study abroad or find a job without permission from their male guardian. 


As you can see, the Qatar world cup is surrounded with controversy. The human rights violations alone are enough of a reason to avoid visiting. Many female footballers have boycotted the tournament altogether in response to the horrific women’s rights there. Even the ‘OneLove’ armband – supporting LGBT rights – has been banned by Fifa. Many players have resisted wearing it in fear of sanctions. Ultimately, the Qatar world cup should probably not have gone ahead. Nonetheless, if you still want to enjoy the tournament and support your team, then definitely be careful when it comes to substance use. Qatar have some of the strictest drug laws in the world.

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Tuesday 29 November 2022

Cannabis Trends From MJBizCon: Cultivation Rolling Papers Vapes & White-Labeling

The biggest cannabis business convention came and went last week. And it made a lot clear, particularly in trends. So, what are the biggest cannabis industry trends currently going on according to MJBizCon? Read on to find out where the money grabs are in the legal world of weed.

What is MJBizCon?

If that word looks strange to you (and maybe a little familiar), let me explain what it is. MJBizCon is a cannabis convention that’s put on every year by the Colorado-based publication Marijuana Business Daily, AKA MJBizDaily. If you read a lot about the weed industry, you’ve probably come across plenty of their articles.

In 2012, this publication launched the first Marijuana Business Conference & Expo, which we lovingly refer to as MJBizCon. The convention serves as a national trade show for businesses within the legal cannabis industry. This is an important note to make, because for the most part, it rules out gray market areas like the cannabinoid industry, which offers us synthetics in the form of delta-8 and HHC, among others. Right now, MJBizCon is considered the largest business trade show of the legal industry.

Every year, the business end of the cannabis space gathers in Las Vegas, so new connections can be made, new products and services put on display, and for the general public to get a gander at what’s out there. Complete with after parties, and big names like Mike Tyson, MJBizCon has become a popular event for anyone related to the world of weed.

The public is also allowed in this trade show, and the ability to be first in line to see what’s new, and for special convention deals, brings in those unrelated to the business world. Overall, it’s like one big weed party that we all get to play at. And regardless of whether you make a big purchase, or get a good new business connection, you’re sure to walk away with some interesting goodies and samples to try.

Biggest cannabis industry trends according to MJBizCon: Cultivation

Now, technically, as a business convention, MJBizCon leans more toward a B2B experience, and less towards B2C. In that sense, its great for seeing how businesses are trying to make money in the industry. The cannabis market is still relatively new, and still getting its footing, and those eager to make a buck tend to gravitate toward where they think its possible. There are a lot of issues with the industry, and it not performing to original expectations. These trends show where operators are focusing within the legal industry, to make money.

The biggest trend was in cultivation. However this is an interesting concept because of what it implies. Cultivation itself comes with the issue of overproduction, something that can devalue a product simply by having too much of it. Cannabis prices have plummeted all over the place because of this issue, so it stands to reason that much of what is offered in the realm of cultivation, is geared not just toward large-scale growing, but towards individual cultivators as well.

This was made clear when I picked up a sample of GrowSafe Bio-Pesticide. Sure, the product is technically made for large-scale production, but the exhibitors were quick to throw in how their product can be safely used by any home-grower (and for that matter, with more crops than just cannabis).

Welcome to the site. Stay up-to-date by subscribing to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter; also a great source for deals on tons of products like cannabis flowers, vapes, edibles, smoking devices, cannabinoid compounds, and so much more. Go ahead and pick your favorite way to get stoned!

Cultivation might be key to the industry in general, but part of what makes cultivation products a big trend, is that cultivation equipment, especially when it comes to certain products like natural pesticides and lights, can be marketed to home-growers as well; who make up a big, and growing, part of the industry. For that reason, cultivation products, from lights to organic pesticide to growing chambers, should remain popular as they relate to both the mass production side, and the individual production side.

Biggest cannabis industry trends according to MJBizCon: rolling papers and vapes

I’m putting these together because it’s almost funny how opposite they are. One represents the standard way of smoking, and one, the newer healthier option. I should clarify though, when I say vapes, I mean oil vapes. And what this really means, is the batteries used to power the carts, and the carts as well. One growing (but still small) trend related to the carts specifically, is reusable cartridges, which will hopefully become an even bigger trend in the future.

While dry herb vapes were represented by companies like Storz and Bickel, (bigger names that have remained through time), the mass showing at the convention was for the newer oil version. Here there are less established names ruling the roost, and more way to gain entry; though with much competition, as evidenced by the convention.

They came in all shapes, colors, and sizes, with nearly every company advertising a square-shaped design; something they all seemed to think they cornered the market with. They also all do about the same thing. In fact, whereas it used to be easier to find better batteries with temperature control, now they’re all simpler models that don’t allow for such precision. There was very little difference between products, but an obvious desire to capitalize on the vape trend.

Conversely, rolling papers were also all the rage, and this was the case last year as well, and for good reason. Most people still roll joints. They’re offered with and without filters, as pre-roll cones, as blunt wraps, with and without flavors (advertised as terpene infused, but tasting like synthetic chemicals), and in a variety of sizes. Most were about the same, while some, like the company High Tea, offered products like blunt papers made of tea leaves with no tobacco, nicotine, or hemp involved. Much like with vapes, aside from companies like High Tea, there wasn’t a massive difference between products for the most part. Most were white-label products with different branding, which itself, was quite a trend this year.

Biggest cannabis industry trends according to MJBizCon: white label products

It seems the next big money grab in the legal cannabis industry, is in white labeling and branding. White labeling is when a product is made by a manufacturer, which can be individually branded as per a company. This means many companies are selling the exact same product, but with their own individual labeling. It’s very common in many industries. Tons of products you use that you thought were specific to a brand name, are likely white labeled products that a brand name was simply stuck on.

In the case of the weed industry, tons of white-labeling and branding services were offered. Whether you want to sell your own line of rolling papers or vapes, get sweatshirts with your logo, or whatever else, there are about a million companies that want to help you by providing a generic product to use as your own.

I find white-labeling a bit sad. It’s outright saying that we can expect companies to no longer come up with and market their own products. And it exemplifies the idea of a money grab. Rather than come up with inventive ideas, companies just use the model out there, and slap their label on it. The whole reason all those vapes look exactly the same? Because they are. They come from just a few manufacturers, and then get used by every emerging company looking to get in the industry. But such is the standard today for big business. The brand you love most, is sometimes no different then the product next to it on a shelf.

With all the issues in the cannabis industry, and the difficulty in making money, it’s not shocking that companies will reach for whatever they can. And with the industry being a bit flimsy in some cases, this means not putting in more money than necessary. White-labeling a product gets a company out of the R&D of making a product, and the testing, and ensuring that it meets standards. But it also means that everything we’re sold is the same.

This is truly one of the break off points between many high quality and low quality companies and products. Those actually in it to get you something good, or that offer something specialized or different, are the ones putting in the money to make it happen. It says a lot for the market in general that this emerging cannabis trend is one that generalizes the entire industry.


Last year I remember seeing several companies doing custom gummy molds, or offering products to neutralize smoke in the air. I saw less – or none – of that this year. Cannabis trends tend to come and go depending on where its thought a profit is possible, and if there isn’t one, the trend disappears. Vapes have grown (square is in), papers will likely always be big (now flavored with terpenes and/or chemicals), white-labeling is all the rage, and cultivation is key for its industrial and personal appeal. What new trends will pop up next year? We’ll have to wait and see.

Hello and welcome! We appreciate you joining us at; an independent news site where we bring you the best in reporting for both the cannabis and psychedelics spaces. Chill with us whenever possible to stay current on important happenings, and subscribe to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, to ensure you’re never late to get the news.

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The Blunt Wrap Review An Ultimate Guide for Rollers

If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I’m a blunt smoker. Although I have a small assortment of pipe, bongs, and vapes that I use throughout the day to save my weed, I always prefer a fat, neatly rolled blunt over anything else. I love the effects, and I truly just love the entire experience. Smoking a blunt is an experience in and of itself – from the starting process of rolling it up, to camaraderie of passing around a circle with friends.

Although it does seem that the younger crowd is skipping over blunts in favor of more health-conscious consumption methods (kudos to them), the blunt still remains a favorite among millennials and Gen X’ers. A good blunt is comprised of two simple parts, the flower and the blunt wrap. The flower chosen is very much a matter of personal preference and budget, but picking a brand of blunt wrap can be way more flexible. Which ones are the best? Let’s take a look at some popular options.

The Origin of the Blunt  

It’s hard to pinpoint when some of our most historical cannabis trends began, but according to the book Smoke Signals: A Social History of Marijuana, indentured servants from India and surrounding regions brought weed to the Caribbean with them sometime during the 1800s. The term “ganja” which has been strongly associated with Caribbean/Rasta culture for some time, was adopted from Hindi immigrants to the area.  

The blunt truly became a staple for cannabis smoking in the Caribbean, especially among farmers and laborers. Although there is no definitive reason for why blunts became so popular in this region, a few theories do exist. The first theory, and probably the most likely, is that blunts were used simply out of convenience and necessity. Because was the most abundantly grown crop in the Caribbean, it was much easier to get tobacco leaves than pipes or rolling papers.  

The second theory has to do with discretion. As cannabis was illegal and penalties against it were harshly enforced, some hypothesized that tobacco wraps were used to mask the smell of the cannabis when it was being smoked. This might have been possible with some of the older, more natural varieties that existed back then. But we all know that with today’s weed, it doesn’t really matter what it is rolled in, if it’s good you’ll be able to smell it.  

The third theory is one that we can all relate to. Blunts are fun, point blank. Not only do you get extra stoned because you’re consuming more weed in one sitting, but the blend of tobacco adds to the experience and makes it much more enjoyable for many smokers.  

Blunts in Modern Culture  

Throughout the late 1980s and 90s, there was an uptick in immigration to the United States. A large number of people from the Caribbean began to settle in various parts of New York city, bringing with them many traditional customs and traditions, some of which were related to cannabis use. During that same time, rap/hip hop music started to gain popularity… and we all know rap music is rife with blunt references.  

The word is that Snoop Dogg provided us with the first recorded evidence of how important blunts truly were to rap culture, during an interviewer with YouTuber, Nardward. During the interview, Snoop accredited fellow rapper Bushwick Bill for introducing him to his first blunt. Numerous other rappers including Big Daddy Kane, Notorious B.I.G., Tupac Shakur, and many others over the years have referenced the blunt in their music. According to a report from Complex Magazine, Snoop Dogg even hired a guy to roll blunts for him full time, who he pays $50,000 per year for the record.  

Thanks for making your way over. Subscribe to our Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter for regular updates straight to your email, along with great deals on awesome merch including marijuana flowers, vapes, edibles, smoking devices, and cannabinoid compounds. Check through the options, and pick what works best for you!

In many ways, blunts are also comparable to spliffs. Although the idea of smoking spliffs is a bit foreign (pun intended) to American stoners, but smoking blunts is kind of similar. Afterall, you are still getting that mix of cannabis and tobacco, and depending on what type of wrap you use, you can get more or less tobacco in your blunt.  

Despite the undeniable influence the blunt has had on modern smoking culture, its popularity has been declining over the last decade (not in some circles, but generally speaking). A study (yes, a study/survey was done on the subject) published in ScienceDirect Journal published in 2015 found that only about 20% of cannabis users reported using blunts regularly. As a matter of fact, the majority of people who did prefer smoking blunts were 25-35 years old (I’m 32 to so this fits), or they were teenagers during the 80s and 90s. 

Do Blunt Wraps Contain Nicotine?  

This, of course, depends largely on what brand of blunt you’re using. Some of the more traditional blunt wraps like Backwoods, are made with tobacco leaves which do contain some nicotine, as it is naturally occurring in most tobacco plants. Pay attention to the packaging, as it will usually say if the product contains nicotine or not.  

These days, you can find quite a few healthier brands of blunt wraps (although, technically speaking, no form of smoking is actually safe). For example, King Palm makes their wraps out of Cordia leaves, which don’t contain any nicotine. You can find wraps made from hemp, tea leaves, rose petals, ebony leaf, and many more. 

Wraps, Wraps, and More Wraps 

Although I’m not covering quite as many different wraps as other reviews I have seen, I wanted to quickly go over a few of my personal favorites, many of which are stoner classics anyway. Below are the six different brands of blunt wraps that I use most often, or ones I have had good notably experiences rolling in the past.  

Swisher Sweets 

Ah, swishers… a tried-and-true classic. In my experience, most people begin their blunt smoking journey with swishers. It makes sense, they’re easy to find (pretty much any gas station, liquor store, or smoke shop will carry them, which is not the case with many other brands), they come in a huge assortment of flavors, and they are particularly easy to roll.  


Lately, I’ve become a huge fan of smoking Backwoods blunts. These OG cigars are made from completely natural tobacco leaves which give provide for a nice, different type of buzz. They come in a handful of flavors (I like banana and Russian cream), and you can roll them really fat! Unlike other cigars that you have to split open and subsequently roll them smaller than the original size, with Backwoods, you unroll the leaf by hand and you can roll it back up either skinnier or fatter than the original size of the cigar. Some people find them difficult to roll, but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty fun.  

Dutch Master 

Dutch Master is another classic brand of blunt wraps that are readily available throughout the US. People love Dutch blunts because they burn well and they’re easy to roll. But, one of the biggest perks of Dutch Masters is the fact that they burn slow, so you can enjoy that blunt for quite a while and share it with friends. Some people are not too happy about the price of these blunts, but that depends on where you live. In Indiana, where I currently reside, they are cheaper than swishers (2 for $1), but in California where I used to live, they cost more.  

High Tea 

High tea wraps are crafted from chamomile, mate, and cacao so they don’t contain any tobacco or nicotine. I came upon these at MJBizCon, and while I took them a bit reluctantly (I’m constantly offered papers and blunt wraps at these events that end up going to waste), I was pleasantly surprised. They came in handy when I had nothing else to roll with one night while in Vegas and I found that these High Tea wraps were very easy to roll and they burned smooth. They also were not harsh on my throat and lungs like some of the other, non-tobacco wraps I’ve tried.  

The Toad Blunt Wraps (Futurola/Tyson Ranch) 

These blunts are a collaboration between Mike Tyson’s brand, Tyson Ranch, and Futurola, a paper/rolling company from Amsterdam. The Toad Blunt Wraps, which are king-sized, are infused with natural plant terpenes for added flavor and enhanced effects. They are designed to burn slow, and coupled with the fact that the wraps are already large in size, that makes for some seriously long-lasting smoke sessions. These wraps are also completely free of tobacco or nicotine.

Juicy Jay’s Natural Wraps 

Juicy Jay’s are another well-known brand of wraps in the stoner community. Many people prefer the Classic Natural Wraps, but you can also find many other unique flavors like Strawberry Kiwi, Super Sour Apple, and Red Rum Raspberry. These wraps are made from tobacco, so they do contain nicotine, but the design has remained the same since 1993… so if you’re a fan of Juicy Jay’s, you know consistency is definitely their game.

Final Thoughts 

As the blunt wrap slowly becomes a stoner novelty, we can’t help but appreciate it as a classic symbol of cannabis use, cultural diversity, resilience, and rebellion. Although I personally find that most people prefer vapes and bongs these days, the art of the blunt roll is not lost on any stoner, and a perfectly executed blunt still takes center stage at all smoking occasions.

Hello and welcome readers! We appreciate you making it over to; where we work hard everyday to bring you fully-rounded coverage of the growing cannabis and psychedelics spectrumHang out with us regularly to keep up with everything going on, and sign up for the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, so you’re never late on getting a story.

The post The Blunt Wrap Review – An Ultimate Guide for Rollers   appeared first on Cannadelics.



Sunday 27 November 2022

Should Disposable Vapes be Banned?

The vaporizer has gone from being a shoddy and fairly unpopular device, to the biggest smoking competitor on the globe. The world has undoubtedly been taken by storm and thousands – if not millions – of people are successfully using the vaporizer to quit their unhealthy smoking habits. It seems that, in many cases, the vape has done what it came to do. But is that the end of the story?

With money increasing in the global vape industry and new vapes being created daily, it seems that perhaps that original aim has been forgotten. The disposable vaporizer is proof of this. These devices, with their multi-colored design and various flavors, are appealing to young non-smokers in an alarming fashion and causing problems to the environment. In consequence, many officials are now calling for them to be banned outright.

The Vaporizer

Whilst the vape is a fairly modern device, it actually has a longer history than you would imagine. Some argue that the first conceptual idea of vaping a substance occurred during the Ancient Egyptians, when they used to heat hemp seeds on hot rocks and inhale the fumes. Nonetheless, it was in the early 1900s that the vaporizer was attempted. However, it wasn’t until Hon Lik – in 2003 – created the device that we would recognise today. After the death of his father from lung cancer, the Chinese inventor made it his goal to create a genuine smoking alternative. He was sick and tired of the uselessness of nicotine gum and pads. The Guardian writes about Lik’s process of inventing it:

“The breakthrough came in 2003, when he hit on the idea of using a piezoelectric ultrasound element to vaporise a nicotine solution in a device resembling a cigarette. These days battery-powered heating elements do the job, but the concept was born”

The vaporizer or e-cigarette is an electronic device that allows people to inhale nicotine without smoking it. The e-liquid is heated by the device’s battery to a temperature much lower than your average cigarette and, as a result, vapour is created. This substance is then inhaled and enjoyed by the user. When a cigarette is lit it is heated at around 900 degrees and begins the process of combustion. Combustion – when something is set alight – brings with it a whole load of difficulties. When the process occurs dangerous toxins and cancerous carcinogens are released and enter the body through inhalation.

Thanks for making your way over. Subscribe to our Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter for regular updates straight to your email, along with great deals on awesome merch including marijuana flowers, vapes, edibles, smoking devices, and cannabinoid compounds. Check through the options, and pick what works best for you!

When you also add on top of that the addictiveness of nicotine and the damage the substance can do to the major organs, it results in a highly dangerous habit. Vapes, on the other hand, will not exceed around 250 degrees, which means that combustion never occurs. This is why vapor is released, instead of the smoke from a fire. Whilst e-cigs still have nicotine liquid inside them, the way in which they avoid combustion makes them – according to the UK government website – up to 95% more healthy than cigarettes. If you’re still unsure on why vaping is believed to be healthier than smoking, then here’s a clear explanation by Scott Roberts:

“Smoking is believed to be more harmful than vaping, which is why most experts recommend vaping for chronic smokers who’re struggling to give up the habit. In itself, tobacco isn’t a very harmful compound. However, harmful effects occur when it’s heated… The smoke contains thousands of compounds and most are considered to be highly toxic. Researchers believe that cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals… scientists have cited 250 of them as highly toxic, with 70 of them containing carcinogenic properties.”

As you can see, it is the avoidance of combustion that is crucial. Not only do vapes offer a healthy alternative to smoking, they also are becoming increasingly popular. In fact, it is believed that by 2030 the vape market could be worth around 180 billion dollars. But of course, wherever the money goes, problems usually reside. As vaporizers have changed and adapted, it seems that they may have forgotten their purpose. 

The Disposable Vape

Disposable vapes have been surrounded by much controversy in recent times, especially due to their large appeal to the younger generations and their negative carbon footprint. These devices are increasingly popular in the UK and many government officials have been calling for action to be made against them. But what are they and why do they differ from what Hon Lik supposedly set out to do? First of all, disposable vapes are – would you believe it – disposable.

These devices do not have a refillable option, meaning that you cannot fill up the cartridge with more e-liquid. Instead, you have to throw it away and purchase another. Made from lithium batteries, copper and plastic, these vaporizers need to be carefully disposed of in recycling centers or are a damage to the environment. Many of those who purchase disposable vapes are unaware of this and simply throw them on the floor or in any random bin. According to BBC news, over half of these devices are thrown directly in the bin, with around 1.3 million of them being thrown every week. The issue is, these vapes have around 600 puffs in them and are worth only around £5 in the UK. The vapes that are refillable cost around £20, which makes them a more expensive option for buyers.

The disposable vape is the epitome of a short-term purchase and perhaps this is why they are increasingly popular with the younger generations. This is the second issue with disposable vapes. They are designed to ooze temptation, with many different colors and flavorings, they’re like candy in a sweet store. In fact, other than the fact they contain nicotine, there really aren’t any similarities left between these devices and cigarettes. As a result, many young people who did not even smoke to begin with are now beginning to get hooked on disposable vapes. The Guardian writes:

“Despite it being illegal to sell the devices to under-18s, research indicates a steep rise in underage vaping over the last five years, with the proportion of 16- to 18-year-olds who say they use e-cigarettes doubling in the past 12 months alone”

TikTok and other social media sites are advertising to under 18s without restriction. The question does have to be asked: what is the purpose of the disposable vape? It seems – with its colourful design and fruity flavours – that this device was made for younger people. However, none of the companies leading in the industry, such as Elbar and Geekbar, are being held accountable. In their eyes, they are not doing anything wrong. 

Final Thoughts – Should Disposable Vapes be Banned?

Elfbar recently spoke to BBC news and recognized that the growing rate of the vape market does have environmental implications. Their next move is to implement recycling boxes for retailers to use to collect the vapes, as well as designing them to be longer lasting in the future. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that vaporizers have become an issue. The question is, is it a big enough issue to warrant a ban? Well, with 9% of 11 to 15 year olds in the UK using e-cigs, there does seem to be a problem.

The issue is, how can you avoid ever banning cigarettes but then suddenly decide to ban a much less harmful disposable vape. It just wouldn’t make sense. The industry is led by money and, therefore, it is highly unlikely that these appealing devices will be banned. Nonetheless, it is definite that something needs to change. There needs to be more of an effort by these companies in altering their design to stop appealing to younger generations. Why do they need to be so colorful? Why do they need to have raspberry fizz, kiwi watermelon and pink lemonade flavor?

There are plenty of actual smokers out there who enjoy the flavor of cigarettes, these e-cigs do not appeal to them whatsoever. Therefore, there needs to be some real change made in the design and some real conversations around their target audience. From a climate change point of view, it seems crazy that disposable vapes are legal to begin with. Hasn’t the environment got enough to deal with? The situation at the moment is not working. BBC writes:

“Material Focus are pushing for vape recycling to be made much easier, and for manufacturers and retailers to install collection points inside shops… Currently large shops must take back all items of small electronic products like disposable vapes in store to be recycled for free, regardless of whether the item was bought in that shop.”

Movements like these ones will hopefully change the negative effects that disposable vapes are having but, at the moment, the situation is not a positive one. The banning of anything does not seem to work and there is a great deal of history that proves that. Nonetheless, hopefully more people become aware of the harm that disposable vapes are causing. Vaporizers can do a lot of good, but it’s devices like these ones that tarnish the name.

Hello and welcome readers! We appreciate you making it over to; where we work hard everyday to bring you fully-rounded coverage of the growing cannabis and psychedelics spectrumHang out with us regularly to keep up with everything going on, and sign up for the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, so you’re never late on getting a story.

The post Should Disposable Vapes be Banned?  appeared first on Cannadelics.



Fifa World Cup 2022: Anti-doping Laws Explained

The next World Cup is soon upon us. The international football tournament that just keeps giving. There will be speed, drama and unbelievable skill. The greatest footballers on the planet will be all competing for the top prize. However, there has been a great deal of controversy surrounding this world cup, primarily due to the host nation – Qatar – and its backward views on human rights.

With strict laws, fans travelling to cheer on their teams will need to be extremely careful – even a drop of alcohol in an unprohibited place could end with them behind bars. But the Qatar government is not the only one with rigid rules on substance use, Fifa and its anti-doping laws are also ruthless. Any player found with specific drugs in their body could face permanent exclusion from the sport. But how does it all work? We’re going to take a look. Let’s go. 

Qatar World Cup 2022

The world cup is supposed to be the most awaited and longed for football event on offer, but this year’s seems tarnished by controversy and malpractice. It would be great if a football tournament could happen and the focus be solely on the sport itself, but yet again Fifa have proved that they’re objectives sit firmly in the money. Qatar, a small Gulf country with a population of around 2 million, has been heavily criticized for how they have dealt with world cup preparations.

6500 migrants have reportedly died in the speedy creation of stadiums, hotels and training facilities. Not only that, but their overall view on human rights – including LGBTQ+ people and women – is backward to say the least. It isn’t that other nations don’t have the same views, because of course they do, but it’s that these countries should then not be chosen to host a world cup. It’s as simple as that. Amnesty highlights the problematic laws in Qatar:

“Under the guardianship system, women remained tied to their male guardian, usually their father, brother, grandfather or uncle, or for married women, to their husband. Women continued to need their guardian’s permission for key life decisions… (AND) “Sodomy” or same-sex sexual conduct between men remained an offence under the Penal Code, punishable by up to seven years’ imprisonment.”

Nonetheless, the world cup is happening and – according to Fifa – we’re all supposed to ‘focus on football’. A very easy thing for a business monopoly with no feelings or threats to advise. But with Qatar having their own strict laws on illegal substances, we thought it would be interesting to see the kinds of rules that Fifa have themselves. Let’s take a look at their anti-doping strategy. 

What is Doping?

Football, like any sport, is a highly competitive one. It is believed that 1% of kids that play football at school will join or be scouted by a professional team and – of those select few – around 1% again will actually make it professionally. In essence, it is near to impossible to become a football player. Plus, even those that make it are constantly under threat of losing their place in the team. It’s one thing to become a professional footballer, and it’s another thing to maintain yourself as one. Being a sportsman takes incredible passion, work ethic and natural ability. You have to be at the highest level possible. That is why, historically, many professionals have turned to doping for assistance. Science writes:

“Its origins can be traced as far back as the ancient Olympics, where competitors would drink ‘magic’ potions or eat special foods to gain an edge over their rivals. The desire to win, motivated by economic incentives… or social pressures… ensures there is a constant market for drugs that will improve performance.”

Doping is defined as using banned substances in order to boost your performance as an athlete. Performance enhancing drugs can give sports people that extra edge on their competitors. Here are a few examples of the kinds of banned substances that athletes have taken in the past: 

Thanks for making your way over. Subscribe to our Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter for regular updates straight to your email, along with great deals on awesome merch including marijuana flowers, vapes, edibles, smoking devices, and cannabinoid compounds. Check through the options, and pick what works best for you!


Stimulants speed up the heart rate and boost energy. They fill the athlete with alertness, and make them more aggressive. These include: cocaine, ritalin and amphetamines. Nicotine and caffeine are also part of the stimulant drug family but these are not illegal. 


Anabolic Steroids can help athletes boost their muscle growth. By raising testosterone in the blood, the muscles are able to build faster and grow larger. Weight lifters and swimmers have been known to use these substances in the past. 


The Human Growth Hormone is a naturally-occuring substance in the body. It helps the growth of physical development. If an excess is taken, the drug can increase muscle, boost energy, and breakdown fat quicker. Lance Armstrong, the famous cyclist, admitted to doping these substances. 


EPO – or erythropoietin – was another substance that Lance Armstong was known to take at Tour De France. EPO is produced by the kidneys but, again, can be taken in excess. The substance stimulates the production of red blood cells, which increases the amount of oxygen that is carried around the body. In essence, the entire body can work quicker and more effectively. \

Doping in Football

Interestingly, when it comes to football, there have been less cases of doping. Especially 

when compared to athletics and cycling. However, there is just as much of a reason to make use of performance enhancing drugs. If used, it would have the same benefits: including increased energy, alertness and muscle mass. According to Fifa, over 33,000 doping tests were done in 2016, with 0.29% testing positive. This can be compared to 9 out of 5000 athletes testing positive in the 2012 olympic games. That is around 0.80%. There seems to be a sly belief that footballers are somehow allowed or able to hide it.

fifa anti-doping laws

Arsene Wenger, the ex-Arsenal manager, came out and said that his team had played against many other sides using performance enhancing drugs. However, that’s not to say that doping hasn’t occurred. In fact, one of the world’s greatest – Diego Maradona – was excluded from the American 1994 world cup for using ephedrine. He was consequently banned from the US and has been unable to go back since. But, since this incident, there hasn’t really been as high a profile case. Some people believe that doping simply is not an issue in football, whilst others claim that Fifa are not doing enough to look into it. 

Fifa Anti-Doping Laws

When it comes to doping laws, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is the national rulebook that the majority of the world abides by. Fifa adopted the World Anti-Doping Code, but was one of the last federations to do so. Before this, they preferred to deal with each incident on a case by case basis. With many tournaments happening internationally, it is pivotal that there is a consensus approach. Fifa writes:

“Whether it is fear of failure, bad advice by a coach or doctor, a need to speed up recovery, or simple ignorance, the results of doping in football are the same: players can not only lose their professional career and damage their personal reputation, they can also harm their physical and mental health for the rest of their lives.”

According to Fifa, the use of any banned WADA substance will lead to a ban. These substances are listed on their website. The length of this ban will depend on the intention behind it. 

1 year or less – No significant fault or negligence 

2 years – Taking the substance without intent to cheat

4 years – Intent to cheat

Life Sport Ban – Multiple occasions or multiple substances

It’s important to note that this includes coaches and staff, as well as the players. The aim is to maintain that any person involved in or around the football is checked. These tests – by urine or blood – can occur anytime and frequently. Fifa have the right to do this. If a footballer does test positive, then It is very hard to prove that they were not aiming to cheat, as the anti-doping laws are set in stone and are assumed to be known by everyone. 


Doping in football seems to be far less common than many other sports. However, seeing as Fifa have been corrupt enough to allow a nation like Qatar to host the 2022 world cup, it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to imagine that they could also be hiding the doping of their athletes. But perhaps that’s too conspiratorial? But what do you think?

Hello and welcome readers! We appreciate you making it over to; where we work hard everyday to bring you fully-rounded coverage of the growing cannabis and psychedelics spectrumHang out with us regularly to keep up with everything going on, and sign up for the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, so you’re never late on getting a story.

The post Fifa World Cup 2022: Anti-doping Laws Explained appeared first on Cannadelics.



Best Cyber Monday Deals Save Big On Premium Products

After three days of intense Black Friday deals, we are approacing Cyber Monday with is your last chance to stock-up on premium products, before Christmas sales begin. Unlike Black Friday, where the focus was on ‘best price for single products‘, this year the Cyber Monday deals below allow us to stock-up on premium products, such as vape carts, disposables and edibles.

While saving a dollar or two on a single product is nice, what really counts is the bottom-line: how many premium products did you manage to buy in exchange for a fixed amount of money. That’s why this Cyber Monday you should search for stocking-up opportunities and choose only the deals where you could save big on premium products. But looking at the price alone isn’t the only important thing, as it means nothing unless you choose the right products. Only when you find Cyber Monday deals that combine both price with value, you should ‘Act Now’ and buy these products, as this is where you could save big on premium products and that’s what Cyber Monday is all-about: Saving Big On Premium Products

To help you save money we have created a short-list of the best Cyber Monday deals, below, with products that demonstrate exceptional quality, potency and efficacy as-well-as great pricing. Take your time and check the products, as at-least one of them will be exactly what you are looking for: The best product for the most affordable price!

The Best Cyber Monday Deals On Vape Carts, Disposables and Edibles

As always, the best deals are reserved to the subscribers of the Cannadelics Newsletter, so SUBSCRIBE HERE or use the sign-in form below. In-addition to our famous Sunday Edition, with the top articles of the week, every time there is a special event, such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday or Christmas, you will get a detailed email with verified deals.

Best Cyber Monday Deals:


Cyber Monday Deal: An Additional 30% Discount Using the BF30 Coupon Code

Get an Extra 30% Off The Price Of Knockout Gummies

(Save with “BF30” coupon code) 

If you like gummies, you should try these high-potency killer gummies. .With a powerful blend of live-resin THC-P, THC-H and HHC-P and 30mg in each gummy, this product is exactly what you need for your evening relaxation. Take it once you are back from work, and experience a powerful full body experience, exactly what we need this time of the year…

This deal will only run until the 30th, so don’t wait and stock-up as this is a great opportunity!

TIP: The price of this products is already discounted, but you can save an additional 30% by using the “BF30” coupon code. This is a truely amazing product, try it!

Click HERE to buy the Knockout blend gummies

(Using “BF30” coupon code)


Cybr Monday Deal: An Extra 30% Discount Using the BF30 Coupon Code

Get an Extra 30% Discount on The ‘Power 9’ Live Resin Disposables

(Save with “BF30” coupon code) 

Best Cyber Monday Deals: Power 9 Live-Resin Disposables
Get and Extra 30% Off The “Power 9” Blend Live Resin Disposables

Only introduced this halloween, the premium “Power 9” blend is already becoming a top-seller. Each high-potency disposable vape contains a 1 gram live resin blend of Delta 9 THC, THC-JD, and THC-B combined with various terpenes for a wonderful blend.

Your stocking-up opportunity should be getting the 3-pack, already reduced even BEFORE our extra 30% discount (using the BF30 coupon code). While the regular price for this 3-pack is $89.99, in Cyber Monday you can get it for as-low-as $38.5 (for the whole 3-pack) when you use the BF30 coupon code! Don’t wait, as $38.5 for the bundle is only only $12.8 for each disposable – a rare opportunity for products of that value.

The 3-pack contains three strains: Hell Fire (sativa), Zombie Kush (hybrid), and Thunder Storm (indica).

TIP: The price of this bundle is already discounted, but you can save an additional 30% by using the “BF30” coupon code. This your opportunity to stock-up on premium products, as this price is truely exeptional.

Click here to save big on Power 9 disposables

(Using “BF30” coupon code)

Cybr Monday Deal: 50% Discount On All Orders Over $40

50% Discounts Site-Wide

50% Discounts on all orders over $40
(Save with “GIVEDANKS” coupon code) 

Whether it is 2g premium vape carts, 3000mg Delta 8 sour belts (edibles) or full-spectrum Delta-9 THC gummies, until the end of this Cyber Monday you can get them with a 50% discount!

This is a great opportunity, as these products are known to be high-quality and popular. Look for the 2 gram disposable vape pens, the 3000mg sour-belts (an extra extra-strong Delta 8 edibles) and the full-spectrum Delta-9 THC gummies and put your hands on as many of them as you can, as they are now heavily discounted.

TIP: 50% discounts on all orders above $40, using the GIVEDANKS coupon code.

Save big on premium products

(Using “GIVEDANKS” coupon code)

Cyber Monday Deal: 30% discount on Live-Resin THC-H Gummies

Get Extra-Strong Live Resin Gummies for Only $21

(Get 30% off using ‘BF30’ coupon code)

With 125mg of THC-H, Delta 9 THC, THCP, THCjd, and Live Resin Delta 8 THC in each gummy, this high-potency product is a must-have! As each pack contains 20 gummies, 2500mg total, you have more than enough to get you through the holiday season.

The regular price for this product is $39.99, but this Cyber Monday you can get it for as-low-as $21, when using the BF30 coupon code.

Choose between Purple Berry, Sour Peach, Kiwi Watermelon, Root Beer Float, and Blackberry Acai

Warning: be carefull with dosing as this is one strong product!

TIP: The price of these extra-strong gummies is already discounted, but you can save an additional 30% by using the “BF30” coupon code. This your opportunity to get as many of them as you can, as this price is truely exeptional.

Click here to buy extra-strong live resin gummies!

(Save with “BF30” coupon code)

Cyber Monday Deals: Delta 8, HHC & THC-O Vape Cartridges – Only $9.95/Cart

Get Delta 8, THC-O and HHC Vape Carts for only $9.95 each!
(Coupon codes listed below)

If you’re looking to stock up, sometimes all you need is a heavily discounted product, one with a price-tag of less than $10 each. This Cyber Monday you can do exactly that and get bags of 1 gram D8 / HHHC / THC-O vape carts for only $9.95 each! Check out the deals below: 

1) For Delta-8 vape carts: get $9.95 D8 Carts & Edibles when you buy 10+

2) For HHC get a $5 off coupon – makes HHC edibles and carts as low as $9.95 (coupon code: $5offhhc)

3) For THC-O get a $5 off coupon – Makes THC-O edibles and carts as low as $9.95 (coupon code: $5offthco)

4) For Delta 8 tinctures get a 50% off coupon – makes 10,000mg tinctures $26.21/each (coupon code: tincture50%off)

5) For Delta 8 tinctures get a $10 off all 5,000mg tinctures (coupon code: tinctures$10off)

TIP: This deal will only run until the end of this month. Take advantage of it and stock-up on your favorite vape carts.

CLICK HERE to buy $9.95 vape carts

(Check coupon codes above)


Black Friday + Cyber Monday Deal: 40% discount site-wide with promo code BFCM40

Get 40% Off Vape Carts, Disposables and Gummies

Want to get quality products with a huge discount? Whether it is vape carts, disposables or even gummies, now you can get them all with a 40% discount, allowing you stock-up on premium products!

TIP: Use code BFCM40 to get 40% off a variety of high-potency products. This coupon will be active only until Cyber Monday, so a act now, as once it’s gone, it’s gone…

Click HERE to save big on carts, disposables and gummies

(With BFCM40 coupon code)

Cybr Monday Deal: An Extra 30% Discount Using the BF30 Coupon Code

An Extra 30% Discount On “Beast Mode” Live Resin Carts

(Using ‘BF30’ coupon code)

Another great product to buy in Cyber Monday is the “Beast Mode” cart bundle, featuring a premium blend of THC-B, HHC-P and THC-H, all strong cannabinoids. The bundle contains 3 live resin vape carts (1 gram each) and usually sold for $89.99, but this Cyber Monday you can get the 3-pack for as-low-as $37.7, when using the BF30 promo code. That is only $12.5/cart, an amazing price for such a high-quality product, usually sold for much more!

Three strains come in the bundle: Raspberry Cookies (indica), Orange Creamsicle (hybrid), and Apple Jack (sativa).

TIP: The price of ‘Beast Mode’ carts is already discounted, but you can save an additional 30% by using the “BF30” coupon code. This your opportunity to stock-up on premium products, as this product is usually sold for much more.

Click here to save on the new Beast Mode live resin carts!

(Using the ‘BF30’ coupon code)

Cyber Monday Deal: 50% Discount on all orders over $40

3,000mg Delta 8 THC Sour Belts – Only $29.99

(Save with “GIVEDANKS” coupon code) 

First things first, know that these treats are very potent. The entire sour belt has 3,000 mg of Delta 8 THC, 300mg per serving. So definitely keep in mind that these are for seasoned users. Three different flavors to choose from: apple, strawberry, or berry blue. This is a limited time product, so don’t miss out!

TIP: get 50% discount on all orders over $40 (Site-wide) using the GIVEDANKS coupon code. Think about it, 3000mg of Delta-8 THC for less than $30, this is 100mg for each dollar. This is the lowest any price can go, ever!

Click here to save big on Delta 8 THC

(With “GIVEDANKS” coupon code)

Learn more about Delta 9 THC, Delta 8, Delta 10, HHC, THC, THC Edibles and Mushrooms.

The post Best Cyber Monday Deals – Save Big On Premium Products appeared first on Cannadelics.



Delta-8 vs-Delta 9 and Delta-10 THC: Effects Differences and Similarities

What are the effects of delta-8 vs. delta-9 vs delta-10 THC? How do they differ, and where do they overlap? While these questions are stra...