Saturday 31 December 2022

From Harm to Hope: Is the UKs new 10-Year Drug Plan Revolutionary or a Bitter Disappointment?

In 2022, the UK and Boris Johnson’s Conservative party will embark on a new 10 year drug plan that aims to turn ‘harm to hope’. If you still count the United Kingdom as part of Europe – which it geographically is but probably politically isn’t – then you’ll have realized yourself that it is far from the most progressive when it comes to drug policy. Whilst Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Spain seem to be making headlines for their cannabis acceptance, the UK has sat pretty stagnant.

However, with medical cannabis being legalized in 2018 and now a new 10-year drug plan, perhaps things are starting to change. Is this new plan a positive shift to the tide? Or is it a bitter disappointment and return to old-fashioned, tiresome policies? 

The UK & Drugs 

In 2020, drug-related deaths in the UK reached a record high of 4,561, which was a 3.8% increase of the previous year. It’s believed that 1 in 11 adults in the UK have taken or do currently take drugs. The UK’s approach to drugs would best be described as a ‘criminal justice approach’, which gravitates around the idea that drugs are immoral and the people that buy, use or sell them are – consequently – also immoral.

The government believes that if you crack down on drug users, with serious sentences, that they’ll be deterred from being associated with them. Even the term, ‘war on drugs’, suggests an approach of battle, rather than of understanding and of nuance. The problem is, that this approach does not cater for the inevitable and undoubtable specifics and alternative psychologies of the drug world. Many addicts and dealers are led there by unfortunate circumstances and are not simply deterred by a prison sentence or fine. For some, it’s their only option.

Similarly, all drugs are dealt with in a strict Class system, which does not acknowledge the evident differences and benefits of these drugs. Cannabis, for example, is an illegal Class B drug, yet around 30% of the UK have used it in their lives. In fact, by 2024, they expect there to be 337,000 medical cannabis users alone, however getting a cannabis prescription is well-known to be expensive and extremely difficult in the UK. 

The UK Class System

This class system began in 1971 with the Misuse of Drug Act, and little has changed since then. Class A is the most extreme, and Class C is the least. However, all drugs are illegal recreationally. 

Class C 

Drugs include: anabolic steroids, diazepam and GHB.

Sentence: up to 2 years in prison for possession, up to 14 years in prison for production and an unlimited fine. 

Class B

Drugs include: cannabis, codeine, ketamine, synthetic cannabinoids and mephedrone. 

Sentence: up to 5 years in prison for possession, up to 14 years in prison for production and an unlimited fine. 

Class A

Drugs include: crack, cocaine, MDMA, heroin, LSD, mushrooms and crystal meth. 

Sentence: up to 7 years in prison for possession, life in prison for production and an unlimited fine. 

The New Plan

When a video was released of the UK prime minister, Boris Johnson, assisting the police force in a drug raid, it did not exude a feeling of hope but instead a feeling of hollow poltical gestures. However, with medical cannabis being legalized in 2018 and the rest of Europe starting to show signs of progression, there were feelings of hope that the new 10 year drug plan being implemented by the government would be a fresh start. A different approach from the outdated one that hasn’t worked for decades. 

What is the Plan? 

Obviously what the government set out to do, isn’t always what they actually do. But, on the surface, let’s take a look at what this plan is. Johnson sets out 3 core priorities:

  • Break drug supply chains

Making the UK a harder place for organised crime groups to operate. Spending £145 million in the county lines programme, which aims to stop drug gangs using the road and rail networks. By 2024/5, aiming to stop 2000 gangs. 

  • Deliver a world-class treatment and recovery system

Spend £780 million to rebuild drug treatment and recovery services, mostly for young people and offenders. By 2024/5, aiming to deliver 54,000 new high-quality treatment places.

  • Shift in the demand for recreational drugs

Tougher consequences for those using drugs and more targeted activity for prevention. Implement a harder and stricter approach. By 2024/5, aiming to prevent 750,000 drug-related crimes. 

We appreciate you joining us. Sign up for the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter to get updates direct to your email; and for sweet offers on cannabis flowers, vapes, edibles, smoking equipment, cannabinoid compounds, and even some psychedelics. Everyone get stoned responsibly!

Focus on Lifestyle Drug Users

It seems that the new plan set out has a specific focus on ‘listyle’ users of Class A drugs. 

The Guardian writes:

“Middle-class drug users are to be targeted as part of a 10-year strategy to be announced by Boris Johnson’s government with a heavy focus on war-on-drugs-era punishment.”

The new plan will allow wealthy professionals to lose their passports or driving licences if found in consistent use, possession or selling. When speaking to the Sun newspaper, Boris Johnson said:

“We need to look at new ways of penalising them. Things that will actually interfere with their lives…So we will look at taking away their passports and driving licences…What I want to see is a world in which we have penalties for lifestyle drug users that will seriously interfere with their enjoyment of their own lifestyles.”

In fact, police will also be given powers to use drug dealer’s phones to message their clients with warnings about drug use. Hoping this will scare the clients from purchasing illegal drugs. Essentially, the message is: no one is safe.


The question is, will this approach work and does this show signs of optimism? Well, the investment in rehabilitation is evidently a positive approach. Treating addiction as a health condition, rather than a criminal act, is certainly the way forward. However, this policy is sandwiched between two hardcore, ‘war on drugs’ approaches, which begs the question: will people really start to believe that addiction is an illness if people who are using drugs are being prosecuted so extremely?

It’s important to note that this drug strategy is the UK’s seventh since 1995 and many believe it is ‘conceptually identical to previous strategies’. In other words, it’s the same, old, outdated approach to drugs. The executive director of Release, a drug policy organization, said: 

While increased funding for drug treatment is welcomed, the focus on more punitive sentences for people who supply drugs is a continuation of a tired tough-on-drugs narrative, one that we have had in the UK for decades.

This failed policy will do little to address the high rates of drug-related deaths, which over the last decade have increased year on year, with some of the highest rates in Europe.

While New York announces the opening of drug consumption rooms, Germany moves to legalise cannabis, as many US states and Canada have already done, and over 30 countries have ended criminal sanctions for possession of drugs – Britain is going backwards, embracing a Nixon-style ‘war on drugs’ approach.”

What is perfectly summarized here is that the UK has been tough on drugs for 50 years, and it hasn’t worked. It’s as simple as that. Drug-related deaths are at a record high, drug users are still receiving paralyzing criminal records, and the education of drugs is minimal. In addition, those people affected are disproportionately people in lower income families and from minority groups. A real, revolutionary 10 year plan would be one that involved cannabis legalization and drug-use decriminalization. This would show a true intent to think differently than the policies which haven’t been working for the last 50 years.

Keir Starmer 

Keir Starmer, who is the leader of the opposition party (Labour party), did not highlight a real problem with the Conservative’s plan. His biggest issues were: where is the money coming from? And Isn’t this too little too late? Whilst these are valid points, this proves that even the opposition party in the UK do not want a drug policy of acceptance and nuance. Even the supposed ‘left-wing party’ believe in a tough-on-drugs approach. This is highly worrying, as it means there is currently no powerful poltical party in the UK whose aim is to completely change the narrative on drug policy. Instead, it’s two parties with essentially the same old-fashioned ideas. 


As a UK citizen, this new 10-year plan fills me with concern. Whilst funding will be given to improve rehabilitation, I worry this is a political ploy to disguise the same disappointing approach as before. An approach that treats drug users as criminals and the drug industry as a scary place that needs to be nuked. When will the UK finally realize that a tough approach on drugs simply does not work? But then again, why would Boris Johnson understand. What does he know about poverty, desperation or the drug industry? As comedian Ricky Gervais recently said, when will being a student at prestigious and highly-expensive Eton school stop being a ‘qualification to run country’?

Hello readers! We appreciate you stopping by; an independent news platform that specializes in cannabis and psychedelics reporting. Stop by regularly to stay informed on all happenings, and subscribe to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, to ensure you’re never late to get the news.

The post From Harm to Hope: Is the UK’s new 10-Year Drug Plan Revolutionary or a Bitter Disappointment? appeared first on Cannadelics.



10 Best New Years Eve Motives and which Drugs to take

New Year’s Eve is here and the time for exciting motives is upon us. If you’re like the majority of people, you’re probably sitting either hoping to get invited to a last minute party, or desperately trying to choose between several invitations. Not to worry, here at Cannadelics we have all the information that should help you out.

We will be going through the top 10 best New Year’s Eve motives, as well as the perfect drugs to take if you’re that way inclined. Remember, NYE doesn’t need to be a night full of stress and FOMO, find your people, find your happy place and find your ideal substances – the rest will sort itself out. Happy new year!

The Importance of New Year’s Eve

For some reason, New Year’s Eve matters. Whether it be culturally or socially, the end of the year seems to be a time everyone either dreads or looks forward to. New Year’s Eve, also known as NYE, is a cultural holiday that is celebrated around the world on December 31st. It marks the end of the current year and the beginning of the new year. Bring on 2023!

It has been celebrated for thousands of years in various forms, with many different cultures and traditions. In ancient Rome, the festival of Kalends marked the first day of the year and was celebrated with gift-giving and partying. In many cultures, the end of the year is a time to reflect on the past 365 days and set goals for the future. In a sense, it’s the perfect time to end one chapter and begin another – even if it means basically nothing. We as humans like the image of a year ending and another starting, don’t we?

Some believe that NYE is a time for family and reconciliation, whilst others believe it’s the perfect time to buy a pinger and go to a club. Of course others would rather do literally nothing, hide under their bed sheets, and wait for their Instagram feed’s to stop posting about it. However you like to spend your NYE, make sure you’re as happy as genuinely possible. Bear in mind, sometimes this doesn’t necessarily mean doing what everyone else is doing. Let’s take a look at the top 10 motives on the last day of the year. 

Top 10 Motives on NYE

This list attempts to cater to as many people as possible. Whilst some may want to get black out drunk, buy a gram of ketamine, and forget the night ever happened – others may want to sit under the stars and write down their resolutions. Whatever your taste, there should be something for you here. As previously mentioned, be true to yourself. Don’t feel the need to follow the rest. Do what you want to do. Here are ten of the best things to do on NYE:

1 – House Party

House parties are the most nostalgic NYE motive you can choose. Remember those youthful years, drinking alcohol for the first time, having your first new year’s kiss? House parties used to be the ideal thing to do on the last day of the year, but somewhere along the way they got taken over by club nights. Perhaps consider bringing them back. Attend a houseparty – or even hop between a few of them – and take a trip down memory lane. 

2 – Fireworks

Many cities around the world have spectacular fireworks displays, and it can be a great way to ring in the new year. Some people’s evenings revolve around the fireworks at midnight, whilst other people basically forget all about it. How about attempting the former this year? Try finding the best display near you, buy tickets or find a free watching spot, go by yourself or find some mates, and enjoy. Consider maybe bringing some psychedelics too if you’re feeling up for it – beers too of course – fireworks can look insane with a bit of help from hallucinogens. 

3 – Big Event

It’s probably the more common motive but, darn it, why fix what ain’t broke? A club night, rave or night out is definitely an ideal thing to do on new year’s. It takes the pressure off needing to host or find a houseparty, instead you can bring a group of your friends to a place where you know there will be loads of other people. All you need to do is decide what kind of music you want to be listening to as the new year approaches. Is it techno? House? Jazz? Perhaps you’d rather listen to some pop bangers. Whatever you’re into, find a night that caters to your ear preferences and dance the night away. This is where the substances may also come in handy. There’s nothing like coming up on an ecstasy pill when the clock strikes midnight. 

We appreciate you joining us. Sign up for the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter to get updates direct to your email; and for sweet offers on cannabis flowers, vapes, edibles, smoking equipment, cannabinoid compounds, and even some psychedelics. Everyone get stoned responsibly!

4 – Host

What about hosting instead? Some people like to be in control of their NYE, so why not host a small gathering or party yourself. This way you can decide on the music, the food, the people – basically everything. It also means you’ll never be too far away from your own bed if the night gets a little too much for you. Hosting is an understated and underrated way of spending your new years. 

5 – Take a Trip

If you want to do something more adventurous on NYE, consider taking a trip. This could be a short weekend getaway to a nearby city or a longer trip to a destination further away. Sometimes it’s better to just get the hell away from everything and everyone at new years. Perhaps you don’t consider the place you live that beautiful anyway. Why not get away? A NYE spent out of your usual habitat can make it especially memorable. I hear Goa’s great this time of year. 

6 – Chilled Event

Maybe you’re wanting something a little more relaxed, but you’re still looking to leave the house. Not to worry, chilled events exist on NYE. Many local venues, such as museums, zoos, and aquariums, have special organised events. Even a small intimate gig can be a nice way to spend your evening. Sometimes the thought of making a big deal out of the night can be exhausting, so perhaps a more chilled event – with fewer people – may be up your street. 

7 – Pub

The pub may sound like an old fashioned way of spending your NYE but, hey, everyone loves a good public house. Pubs usually stay open much later on the last day of the year and it’s often that the best part of an evening is the drinks at a pub anyway. Why not just extend that part of the night? Go to a local pub with your mates, sink some pints, reminisce old stories, and get back at a reasonable time. Nothing wrong with that. 

8 – Self-care Day

Taking care of yourself on New Year’s Eve is vital. It can be a day full of joy, but it can just as easily be filled with anxiety and loneliness. If you prefer a more low-key NYE celebration, consider attending a yoga or meditation class. If that seems a little out there, then just have a day of self care. Take yourself to a film, eat nice food, write in your journal, have a massage, have a bubble bath – whatever you feel you want to do. Perhaps consider turning your phone off too, this will help you block out the outside world. It can be anxious-fuelling when you see all the things your friends are doing on NYE. Block that stuff out because today is about you. 

9 – Romantic Night In

If you’re happily in love with someone, then perhaps there’s no point going crazy on NYE. Maybe all you actually want is a night in with your respected other. Surprise your lover with some amazing food, some games, candles and maybe even some sexy antics. Why bother going out and spending loads of money when you can have the best night of your life spending it with the person you love. 

10 – Film Night

If you want to stay in on NYE, consider having a movie marathon with your friends or family. Choose a theme, such as romantic comedies or action movies, and settle in for a cosy night at home. If you’ve never watched the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy in one night, then you haven’t truly lived. Also consider adding Harry Potter or Star Wars to that list too. There are a great deal of incredible movies out there – don’t feel that a movie night on NYE is a bad motive. In fact, in many ways, it’s the best and most enjoyable. 

Drugs on NYE

The use of Drugs on NYE certainly spikes. Suddenly people want the perfect substance to aid their perfect night. Well, the 4 most common substances include: 

  • Ketamine
  • Cocaine
  • MDMA
  • Cannabis

Alcohol of course counts too, but that’s sort of a given. If you’re looking to add some sparkle to your New Year’s Eve motives, try pairing one of these substances up with the list above. Remember, use responsibly. The excitement of NYE can easily get out of control so it’s important to always know your limits. But when recreational drugs are used right on NYE, it can be the greatest feeling ever. Enjoy.


This was a list of 10 of the potential best New Year’s Eve motives. No matter how you choose to celebrate the evening, the most important thing is to enjoy yourself. This doesn’t mean doing what everyone else wants you to do, but to instead listen to yourself. You’ve lived another year. Congratulations. Happy New Year!

Hello readers! We appreciate you stopping by; an independent news platform that specializes in cannabis and psychedelics reporting. Stop by regularly to stay informed on all happenings, and subscribe to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, to ensure you’re never late to get the news.

The post 10 Best New Year’s Eve Motives and which Drugs to take appeared first on Cannadelics.



Uber and DoorDash are Gearing Up to Deliver Weed

Uber and DoorDash want to be able to deliver a joint or edible, along with your regular meal. Although plans for this are already underway, don’t expect to see it play out in the very near future (in the US, that is… if you live in Canada, that’s a whole different story). But regardless of when this all comes to fruition, the fact that a large, third-party tech and delivery company is eyeing the cannabis space, is quite a testament to how mainstream it has become.  

The delivery service war 

During the height of the pandemic, the convenience of food and product delivery caught on and became quite a commodity. Companies like DoorDash and Uber Eats (as well as GrubHub, Postmates, Seamless, and many others) saw a surge in food delivery orders. Uber Eats has proven to be incredibly successful for the Uber company as a whole, pulling in more than $1 billion in annual revenue on its own.  

Uber also acquired Drizly, a successful alcohol delivery company, in a merger last year, so they are already delivering intoxicating substances in some regions. DoorDash also plans on getting alcohol deals in the near future. Add to that, both Uber and DoorDash have contracts with several different convenience, grocery, and drug stores; so these days, there a very few products you can’t have delivered to you, granted you don’t live in the middle of nowhere.  

At this point, it only makes sense for these companies to make their way into the cannabis scene. Some delivery services that cater exclusively to weed already exist, and they’ve seen record profits over the last year. Take California-based app Eaze, for example, which has seen a raise in customer sign ups of over 70%. According to their data, an order for pot delivery in California was placed every eight seconds. 

Breaking into the cannabis market  

Uber announced recently that they partnered with Leafly to deliver weed from select dispensaries around Toronto. This marks the first time ever that a large, third-party delivery/tech company is delivering a substance other than alcohol, and one that is still illegal in most of the world to boot. To quickly give some background on Leafly, it’s a cannabis information website started in 2010 that lets customers shop for cannabis products from various retailers within their network.  

Canadians aged 19 years or older can now order pot from three Toronto-based retailers through the Uber Eats app, the only difference is that the order will be delivered by a “certified driver” rather than their usual independent contractors. This is a major milestone for both the cannabis industry and food delivery market.  

We appreciate you joining us. Sign up for the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter to get updates direct to your email; and for sweet offers on cannabis flowers, vapes, edibles, smoking equipment, cannabinoid compounds (including delta-8), and much, much more. Everyone get stoned responsibly!

Dave Cotter, Leafly chief product officer is elated about the deal, stating that it’s a ““a significant step in placing cannabis in the mainstream.” He added that, “We think cannabis delivery is a key part in growing in the consumer market, and we’ve been investing in delivery for the past 18 months and this is a further extension into our plans.” Although Cotter did mention that they will be following the same business model that Uber Eats is currently using in the restaurant agreements, no specifics of the revenue-sharing agreement were provided just yet.  

DoorDash has also taken its first step into the cannabis world by partnering with Superette, a well-known cannabis retailer with multiple locations throughout Canada. Just like with Uber, cannabis delivery through DoorDash is reserved for those 19 years or older, and the partnership is said to include “curated menus and special collections” that consumer can only access when they shop through the DoorDash app.  

“We are super excited to be able to partner with DoorDash to continue to transform how consumers engage with cannabis,” says Superette co-founder and Chief Brand Officer Drummond Munro. “In true Superette fashion, every element of the experience has been carefully considered with the goal of making our retail experience digital on the DoorDash platform.” 

Waiting on the OK from the feds 

So, this is all very exciting news for Canada… but what about the US? Like many big moves that are planned for the cannabis industry, third-party delivery of pot products in the US remains impossible until federal legalization happens.  

That being said, both Uber and DoorDash announced plans to get into cannabis delivery in the states as soon as it becomes federally legal. Most likely, Uber will continue their partnership with Leafly while DoorDash will make their own contracts with individual dispensaries. Either way, it’s safe to safe that some plans are in the works, everyone is just waiting for the government to get a move on with policy changes (hopefully that will be very soon).  

Final Thoughts

What an amazing time we live in, where not only can you have weed legally delivered straight to your door, but soon, a major tech company is showing interest in the pot conveyance sector. As we keep an eye on our neighbors to the north who already have a federal legal cannabis market, we can get a better idea for what to expect here in the states, and the convenience of marijuana delivery remains one of the fasted growing trends in the industry.

Hello readers! We appreciate you stopping by; an independent news platform that specializes in cannabis and psychedelics reporting. Stop by regularly to stay informed on all happenings, and subscribe to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, to ensure you’re never late to get the news.

The post Uber and DoorDash are Gearing Up to Deliver Weed appeared first on Cannadelics.



Friday 30 December 2022

End Of Year Sale Best Deals On Cannabinoids & Psychedelics

Just in time for new-years eve we are openning the doors to our traditional end-of-year sale, with the top offers on premium Cannabis & Psychedelic products. This year we have two new exciting products, already becoming fast-sellers: Amanita Mushroom gummies, made from a new legal magic mushroom and the high-potency live-rosin THCA vapes, disposables and diamonds.

Celebrating the end of the year, we are once again running our traditional End-of-year sale, with the very best offers on high-THC & legal psychedelic products:
For the cannabinoid section we have great deals on Delta-9 THC, HHC, THC-P, Delta-8, THC-O, HHC-P and even the new trending THCA that everyone is talking about.
For the psychedelic section (just below the cannabinoids section) we have a great offer on the new Amanita Muscaria magic mushroom gummies. This is the first legal psychedelic product, available for people from all states (exept Louisiana, sorry) to buy freely online! Take adavantage of this opportunity, as the doors to the psychedelic kingdom are finally open…

So what can you find in our end of year sale? Live-resin products, effective blends, high-potency edibles or just ‘regular’ disposables and vapes, they are all offered with huge discounts. Disposables, gummies, vape carts, diamonds or flowers, they are all on sale, allowing you to stock-up on all the latest trending products.

This is the last sale of the year and like everything else in our world, all prices are expected to rise, soon, so act now, as supply is limited!

End Of Year Sale – Best Offers On Vape Carts, Disposables and Edibles

To help you find the best products we have created a short-list of the top products availabe today. All the products in the list demonstrate both qualitypotency and efficacy as-well-as great pricing.

As always, our exclusive offers are reserved to the readers of our newsletter, so subscribe or use the sign-in form below. In addition to our special offers, you will gain access to Cannadelics Sunday Edition, with the top stories of the week.

 Want to get our daily news updates?  
  Subscribe to Cannadelics News on Telegram!

End Of Year SaleCannabinoids
Vape Carts, Disposables and Gummies

Best Choice – Vape Carts
Premium ‘Beast Mode’ Live Resin Vape Carts

(Using ‘Delta25’ coupon code)

Want a very effective product? Buy the mighty ‘Beast Mode‘ live-resin vape carts!

If you want a premium blend you should choose the new Beast Mode cart bundle, featuring a powerful mix of THC-B, HHC-P and THC-H, all strong cannabinoids. The bundle contains 3 live resin vape carts (Indica, Sativa and Hybrid) and usually sold for $89.99, but now offered for only $57.99. When using the Delta25 promo code you can get an additional 25% discount! That an amazing price for such a high-quality product, usually sold for much more!

But wait, there is more! Until the end of the year, if you spend over $150 (easily done, as there are so many great products on sale) you will also get a $30 mystery gift!

TIP: Use Delta25 coupon code for an additional 25% discount.

Click here to buy the Beast Mode live resin carts!

(Using the ‘Delta25’ coupon code)

Best Choice – Disposables
Premium ‘Power 9’ Live Resin Disposables

(Using ‘Delta25’ coupon code)

End-Of-Year Sale: Power 9 live resin disposables
Best Deals -25% Discount On “Power 9” Live Resin Disposables

Only introduced last month, the premium “Power 9” blend is already becoming a top-seller. Each high-potency disposable vape contains a 1 gram live resin blend of Delta 9 THC, THC-JD, and THC-B combined with various terpenes for a wonderful experience. The 3-pack contains three strains: Hell Fire (sativa), Zombie Kush (hybrid), and Thunder Storm (indica).

This 3-pack bundle, usually sold for $89.99 is now offered for only $63.99, but using the Delta25 coupon code you can get an additional 25% discount, which an amazing opportunity for such a high-quality product.

TIP: Until the end of the year, if you spend over $150 you will also get a $30 mystery gift!

Click here to buy the Power 9 live resin disposables!

(Using the ‘Delta25’ coupon code)

Best Choice – Gummies

25% Discount on High-Potency Knockout Gummies

(With “Delta25” coupon code) 

If you like gummies, you should try these high-potency killer gummies. With a powerful blend of live-resin THC-P, THC-H and HHC-P and 30mg in each gummy, this product is exactly what you need for your evening relaxation. Take it once you are back from work, and experience a powerful full body experience, exactly what we need this time of the year…

TIP: The price of this products is already discounted, but you can save an additional 25% by using the “Delta25” coupon code. If you spend over $150, you will get a $30 mystery gift.

Click HERE to buy the Knockout gummies

(Using “Delta25” coupon code)

Best Choice – Flower

Premium THCA Flower

(15% Discount when using ‘Delta15’ coupon code)

End-Of-Year Sale - THCA Flower
Premium THCA flower – 15% off with Delta15 coupon

If you want a legal hemp flower which feels exactly like cannabis, the new THCA flower is your perfect choice.

As THCA flower have below 0.3% Delta-9 THC, they can legally sold as hemp. However, when heated THCA converted into Delta-9 THC (the regulatr THC), so in-fact, for the consumer, smoking THCA flower is exactly the same as smoking cannabis

As a result, anyone can now buy THCA flower and use it in the same way you use cannabis flower.

Choose between Grape Frosty, Han Solo and MAC (Miracle Alien Cookies).

TIP: Take advantage of the Delta15 coupon code to get an additional 15% discount.

Want HHC flower, THC-O flower or Delta-8 flower? The Delta15 coupon code, will give you the same discount on these premium flowers, currently available on sale!

Click HERE to buy THCA flower

(With “Delta15” coupon code)

Best Choice – Dabs

Live Rosin THCA Diamonds

(25% Discount using ‘Delta25’ coupon code)

Live Resin THCA Diamonds - End-Of-Year Sale

Get 25% discount on THCa diamonds – use the Delta25 coupon code

If dabbing is your thing, you must try the high-potency live-rosin THCA diamonds. Dabbing these diamonds is known to provide a great experience, compared equally to dabing Delta-9 THC itself, as THCA becomes Delta-9 when heated…

So if-fact, this product is exactly the same as THC diamonds, only legal. As THCA is converted by heat into THC, dabbing THCA diamonds have the same potency and effect like dabbing cannabis dabs. It just costs you less, as it is sold outside the dispensary system, with no additional taxes applied to the price.

Currently you can get this product with a 25% discount, using the Delta25 coupon code. Until the end of the year, by $150 or above you will also get a $30 mystery gift!

Click HERE to buy THCA diamonds

(Using “Delta25” coupon code)

End Of Year SalePsychedelics

Find amazing deal on Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Gummies, a new legal magic mushroom

NEW: Amanita Muscaria Magic Mushroom Gummies

Just in time for 2023 the Amarita Muscaria mushroom gummies, the first-ever legal psychedelic mushroom gummies have finally arrived to the market. These legal magic mushroom works differently from the ones we all know, so embrace yourself for a whole new experience!

This exciting new product contains completely legal magic mushroom extract, not from psilocybin mushrooms, but from Amanita muscaria, also known as Fly Agarics. Each gummy contains 350 mg of Amanita extract, perfect for a balanced and well-rounded high. These gummies are legal in every state except Louisiana.

As this is a new product, you should start low and grow slow, to find your own recommended dosage.

NEW: Amanita Muscaria Magic Mushroom Gummies - End-Of-Year Sale
Amanita Mushroom Gummies – Buy 5 or above and get 15% discount

TIP: Get 5 or more bottles and get 15% off your entire purchase!

Click here to buy legal Magic Mushroom gummies

End Of Year Sale: More Great Products:

Premium THCA Live-Rosin Carts

(25% Discount + Mystery Gift when using ‘Delta25’ coupon code)

25% discount + mystery gift on live rosin High-THCA vape carts - Best Deals - Christmas
Live rosin High-THCA vape cart – Granberry Haze – Sativa
End of year sale: 25% discount + mystery gift

This end of year sale you probably want to buy the all-new live rosin high-THCA products, everyone is talking about. These extra-strong products uses premium 99% THCA distillate, paired with live rosin cannabis terpenes to give a superior experience.

THCA is the precursor to Delta-9 THC (the ‘regular’ cannabis, sold in dispensaries). However, when heated THCA becomes Delta-9 THC, so these extremely potent products, compared equally to Delta 9 itself. As a result, THCA products have the strength and the effects of regular THC. 

Choose between Cranberry Haze (Sativa) and Exotic Kush (Indica).

TIP: Use the Delta25 coupon code for an additional 25% discount.

Click here to buy THCA vape carts

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25% Discount On THCA Disposables - End-Of-Year Sale
Live rosin High-THCA disposables – Unicorn Berry – Hybrid
End of year sale: 25% discount + mystery gift

These new High-THCA disposables uses 99% THCA distillate, paired with live rosin cannabis terpene strains for a superior vaping experience. This is a sparking new product, already becoming a top-selling one. If you want a high-potency product, compared to Delta 9 itself, the new THCA live-rosin carts and disposables are your perfect choice!

Choose between Unicorn Berry (Hybrid) and Sour Pebbles (Sativa).

Currently you can get this product with a 25% discount, using the Delta25 coupon code. As part of the end of year sale, if you spend over $150 you will also get a $30 mystery gift!

Click HERE to buy THCA disposables

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(With Delta25 coupon code)

With 125mg of THC-H, Delta 9 THC, THCP, THCjd, and Live Resin Delta 8 THC in each gummy, this high-potency product is a must-have! As each pack contains 20 gummies, 2500mg total, you have more than enough to get you through the holiday season.

Currently, as part of the BOGO deal (Buy One Get One Free), you can get two jars for as-low-as $12/jar. But wait, there is more! Try using the Delta25 coupon code and get an additional 25% discount. This will allow you to get two jars of total 5000mg gummies, for $18, that’s only $9/jar, the lowest price ever for a jar of 2500mg live-rosin gummies. 

Choose between Purple Berry, Sour Peach, Kiwi Watermelon, Root Beer Float, and Blackberry Acai

Warning: be carefull with dosing as this is one strong product!

TIP: Use the Delta25 coupon code and get a free products PLUS an additional 25% discount

Click here to buy extra-strong live resin gummies!

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(Using “Delta25” coupon code)

If you want high-quality carts, your best choice is the top-selling Delta-8 vape carts bundle with six differens flavors to choose from!

By getting this bundle you will be both introducing yourself to a variety of different flavors and at the same time, get these premium carts for a very low price, only $12 each (as it also comes with two extra vape carts, free of charge). This is a great opportunity, as $12/cart is an amazing price for this high-quality product.

Two options to choose from: The 6 Pack with 2 Hybrids, 2 Sativas, 2 Indicas and 1 bonus cart and The 12 Pack with 4 Hybrids, 4 Sativas, 4 Indicas and 2 bonus carts.

TIP: use the “Delta25” coupon code and select the 12-pack to get each cart for only $12 each!

Click here to get premium Delta-8 THC carts

(Using “Delta25” coupon code)

Get HHC Vape Carts for only $7.5 each!

(With HHC50 coupon code)

Just in time for Christmas we have the best-ever HHC deal for you: $7.5 HHC vape carts! This deal is a must-have, as never before we have seen a full-gram HHC cartridges sold for such a low-price…

All you need to do is select one of 20 available flavors, and use the HHC50 coupon code to get a 50% discount. This will allow you to take the price down to only $7.5/cart, an amazing price for this top-selling product.

TIP: This deal will only run until the end of the year, while supplies last…

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(With HHC50 coupon code)

End of year sale: How to find great offers on premium products?

While saving a dollar or two on a single product is nice, what really counts is the bottom-line: how many premium products did you manage to buy in exchange for your dollars. That’s why we always offer stocking-up opportunities as well as deals on single products, as it allows you to save big on premium products.

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Learn more about Delta 9 THCDelta 8Delta 10HHC, THCTHC Edibles and Mushrooms.

The post End Of Year Sale – Best Deals On Cannabinoids & Psychedelics appeared first on Cannadelics.



Comparing Shroom Highs Psilocybin vs Muscimol

As amanita muscaria products grow in popularity, curious consumers are wondering how the active ingredient in these shrooms, muscimol, compares against the much more well-known psychedelic mushroom compound, psilocybin.

In this article I’ll be outlining the differences and similarities between both types of psychedelic mushrooms, as well as offering a bit of my own personal experience with each. Let’s take a closer look.

Meet the mushrooms: Psilocybin vs Amantia 

When it comes to getting high with mushrooms, there are two primary types that people use (and one is much more common than the other): Psilocybin mushrooms and Amanita mushrooms. Psilocybin mushrooms are undoubtably more popular, and their acclaim is steadily grown. I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine who grows and sells shrooms and he said that during December 2022, he had more requests for shrooms than he did throughout the entire year up to that point. He is currently sold out till the next flush is ready sometime in the spring.  

Psilocybin mushrooms are a polyphyletic group of informal fungi containing psilocybin. There are a few different biological genera of psilocybin mushrooms including Psilocybe, Panaeolus, Inocybe, Pluteus, Gymnopilus, and Pholiotina. There are many different types of psilocybin mushrooms, in total, 116 species have been documented. Out of those, the majority are found in Mexico (53 species), with a pretty even distribution throughout various other pockets of the world: Canada and the US (22), Australia and associated islands (19), Europe (16), Asia (15), and Africa (4). 

Standard characteristics of these mushrooms are dark spores, small caps with dark gills underneath, and long, slender stems. They are often unassuming in color (shades of grey, brown, and white with hints of blue from the psilocybin production) and general appearance. Despite being found all over the world, there are some specific conditions in which they thrive, mainly subtropical humid forests.  

Psilocybin mushrooms have a very long and colorful history, having been used spiritually and therapeutically in several indigenous cultures. They were depicted in Pre-Columbian sculptures and petroglyphs found in the Americas, as well as in Stone Age-era rock art in Africa and Europe. 

Then we have Amanita muscaria; often referred to as the fly agaric, fly amanita, or simply amanita mushroom, is a member of the Basidiomycota family of fungi, of the genus Amanita. This mushroom species gets its common name from its ability to attract and kill flies and possibly, mosquitos. The fly agaric is native to the temperate and boreal regions of the Northern Hemisphere including Europe, North America, and Siberia/Northern Asia. 

It’s a highly adaptable mushrooms species that can now be found throughout the world, and it’s closely tied to various deciduous and coniferous trees, commonly found growing under birch and pine. Amanita muscaria mushrooms have round, often dome-shaped, red caps with white spots and white gills. They are without a doubt one of the most recognizable of the toadstool mushroom species. You can spot Amanita muscaria mushrooms in the Mario franchise games, the Alice in Wonderland mushroom scene, and many other cartoons and animated games.  

Although they have many features that make them easily discernible from other mushroom varieties, there are several known subspecies of Amanita muscaria, some more potent/toxic than others. Additionally, new DNA fungi research has discovered that many of the mushroom species often believed to muscarias are actually entirely different species, like the peach-colored fly agaric, which retains is common name although it is not a fly agaric at all. 

These mushrooms have an equally interesting history and strong connection with Christmas. As the story goes, Siberian shamans riding reindeer were dropping bags of mushroom into the locals’ yurts during the Pagan winter solstice celebrations. Amanita mushrooms were sacred to the indigenous people of Siberia and the Evenki Northern Tungusic shaman used them regularly during ceremonies and rituals. 

Psilocybin, further explained – Breaking down the compound and the high 

Again, Psilocybin is the primary compound found in psychedelic mushrooms and truffles. It’s a basic tryptamine hallucinogen with properties similar to lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) and mescaline, although the chemical structure is somewhat different. Research over the years indicates a common mechanism of action through serotonergic (5-HT) pathways. Psilocybin is a strong agonist at 5-HT receptors which are located within the thalamus and cortex of the brain.  

Swiss chemist Albert Hoffmann was the first to isolate Psilocybin back in 1958, using the Psilocybe Mexicana mushroom species from Central America. Psilocybin is found in both wild and cultivated mushrooms, although just like with cannabis, cultivated mushrooms tend to be more potent. Through cross-breeding, cultivated mushrooms can have up to 10 times higher levels of psilocybin than wild species. 

The effects kick in about 30 minutes after consumptions and last anywhere from 4 to 8 hours, with a roughly 1-hour-long peak somewhere in the middle of the trip. The threshold for intoxication for psilocybin is around 40 mcg/kg of body weight. With most strains, this is approximately 2 to 4 grams for a decent psychedelic trip, although some people do what’s known as “heroic doses” which are 7 grams or more in one sitting.  

Thank you for making your way over. Remember to sign up for the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter for updates direct to your email; and to access deals a wide variety of cannabis and psychedelic products. Remember to always get high safely and responsibly.

Psilocybin mushrooms are typically eaten dry and have a taste that many people find intolerable (I personally don’t mind it, but it’s a deal-breaker for a lot of potential shroomers). They often get mixed up with other foods to make them easier to eat. Luckily, these days you can get psilocybin in many different forms: natural from the mushrooms themselves, in extract form, in powder form in capsules, various edibles, and so on. 

My personal experiences with psilocybin mushrooms have been pretty amazing. Although I’ve had a couple trips that could be classified as “bad”, they weren’t horribly scary or overwhelming, which is a common fear for people who are thinking about trying shrooms for themselves. For me, taking low doses resulted in anxious and slightly distressing highs, whereas higher doses (to the point that I got at least a little bit of visuals) produced much more positive and introspective highs.  

A muscimol mushroom experience 

In A. muscaria, the psychoactive ingredients are muscimol and ibotenic acid. Muscimol activates the major inhibitory neurotransmitter system, gamma amino butyric acid (GABA). As an inhibitory system, muscimol works by suppressing the activity of neurons in the brain.  

Muscimol chemical structure

At low doses muscimol is more similar to a dissociative drug or alcohol, rather than a psychedelic. At high doses it is said to have more psychedelic effects (some people also say it’s similar to hypnotic drugs like Ambien). Hallucinations, visuals, psychedelic sensations along with dissociative thoughts, loops, and delirium. 

Now, this is where things get a bit confusing. What is considered a “low” or “high” dose when it comes to muscimol? A quick google search will yield a range of anywhere from 5 milligrams up to 90, as the dose it takes to feel any psychoactive effects. According to a study published in Pharmacia in 2020, “Only 53 mg of muscimol were sufficient to produce psychoactive effects when ingested, while a dose of 93 mg produces a strong inebriation, including vomiting” in human volunteers.  

That said, the one time I tried muscimol (in gummies) I took 2.5 gummies over a 90-minute period and each gummy contained 350 mg of muscimol (totaling 875mg). I definitely felt a unique high that I had not experienced before, but no visuals and certainly no negative physical side effects like nausea or vomiting. For me, it was a fun yet relaxing experience, somewhat dissociative in nature, with a wonderfully warm and tingly feeling body high, and a bit of auditory enhancement. It’s something I would definitely do again, and in higher doses.  

As a matter of fact, next time I plan on taking more to reach some of the more intense levels of hypnotic/dissociative effects that many others have described. Take this Reddit user for example who details the “comforting body high, strong anxiolytic properties, insane music enhancement, the dream potentiation, the feeling of unity with nature and the ‘Amanita Hum’. The amanita hum is a humming you hear, that has this extremely natural, comforting character to it, and if you listen to music, it tunes itself to the music, which makes stuff like drone music absolutely phenomenal.” 

Now that sounds like a perfect way to spend the afternoon.  

Aside from eating dried amanita mushrooms or pre-manufactured gummies, another common way to utilize muscimol by vaping it. Some people also like to use it in combination with other psychedelics, since it is said to take the edge off and ease the anxiety that can come along with taking serotonergic drugs.  

What about ibotenic acid?  

Most people who describe negative experiences and unpleasant side effects from amanita muscaria also usually report having eating the caps, rather than some type of prepared products. This means they consumed more ibotenic acid than musicmol, which is likely the cause of their bad trip and unpleasant side effects. 

Ibotenic acid is a neurotoxin and potent agonist of group I and group II metabotropic glutamate receptors, specifically at both the N-methyl-D-aspartate, or NMDA, and trans-ACPD receptor sites. It functions by cutting off communication between neurons across a synapse, essentially changing the way the nervous system functions, if only temporarily.  

Ibotenic acid is a secondary metabolite that converts to muscimol via decarboxylation, which is a chemical reaction that removes a carboxyl group and releases carbon dioxide (CO2), typically through the application of heat. If amanita products are prepared in a way that converts at least 70 percent (ideally more) of the ibotenic acid to muscimol, then the consumer is much less likely to experience any negative symptoms.  

NEW: Amanita Muscaria Magic Mushroom Gummies

Final thoughts  

Whether you opt for classic psilocybin or trending (and legal) muscimol is up to you, but what’s great about the time we live in is that we have options. While these compounds are both psychoactive, and they both come from mushrooms, in my limited experience, the effects are very different. I enjoyed them both, but I think for more regular, day-to-day use, I would choose musicmol; but for a true psychedelic experience, I’m still going with psilocybin, hands down.

Have you tried musimol? What about psilocybin? Which one did you prefer? Join the discussion by dropping us a line in the comment section below, we love to hear from our readers!

Welcome all! Thanks for joining us today at; a news site where we work hard to bring you the best reporting from the cannabis and psychedelics spaces. Drop by regularly to stay updated on everything going down, and subscribe to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, so you’re never late to get the news.

The post Comparing Shroom Highs – Psilocybin vs Muscimol appeared first on Cannadelics.



Thursday 29 December 2022

Dr. Adán de Salas Quiroga PhD on the Future Promise of Cannabinoids

Dr. Adán de Salas Quiroga PhD is a neuroscientist and cannabis researcher with a background in the biology of the endocannabinoid system and the potential of medicinal cannabis. He did his PhD at Complutense University of Madrid where he spent 10 years researching the therapeutic application of cannabinoids on cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and brain development.

Dr. de Salas is particularly interested in creating frameworks for high quality education and support for the medical community in a broad range of aspects related to the field of medicinal cannabis. He sees the slow uptake of cannabis therapy by doctors as a disservice to the thousands of patients the plant can help. He’s currently dedicated to sharing his knowledge in a way that contributes to the development of a safe and trustworthy medical cannabis community.

QUESTION: You worked as a cannabis researcher for many years. How would describe what you do today, and how it can benefit the industry?

I very much enjoyed my work as a researcher but after some time I realized how divorced our work was from the application of the therapy. In fact, I found working in a laboratory to be quite isolating. I wanted to get out into the field and be involved in the application of the therapies. Today, I mostly work in a consultancy role for medical cannabis companies advising on clinical translation, which means the creation of substantial clinical trials to prove efficacy. But actually, the goal is the same: to advance the medical research and application of medicinal cannabis.

What we have right now are polar extremes, insofar as people are either super pro-cannabis or totally against it. And in my opinion, those who say that cannabis is a cure-all and can be used for everything are just as bad as the people who criticize it. There’s no question that cannabis is potentially an amazing tool but we also have to consider what is realistic, and what are the contexts in which the use of cannabis is advisable. I see cannabis being a catalyst for a change in the medical paradigm, pushing open the door to personalized medicine, which is the opposite of the traditional allopathic medical practice.

QUESTION: Right now, doctors are slow to prescribe cannabis to patients. What model do you see in place in the future that helps doctors overcome this reluctance to work with cannabis?

What’s needed now are facts, information and education. Already in countries like the U.S., Mexico, Uruguay and Argentina, there are certified medical cannabis programs available to the medical community. Something similar is needed in Europe. I would like to see the creation of a program dedicated to doctors, a program that is shorter than a Masters and forms part of their continuing medical education. That way, it could be included in a credit system that’s recognized by an official medical institution.

QUESTION: When it comes to cannabis, how can doctors navigate the line between advocating for therapy and the patients who specifically request medical cannabis therapy?

I believe this is a mixed decision between the doctor and the patient. I see this with other drugs. For example, there are some drugs that only a doctor can prescribe, so the patient goes to the doctor that can prescribe that drug. There’s always the possibility that people will take a prescription drug against the advice of their doctor, or even the other way around. In my opinion, cannabis should be another tool for both patients and doctors. To have change, both communities must have enough education about the potential of it and also the way to use it. The thing about cannabis is that there is no single dose that’s going to work for everyone, not even for the same indication. The dose is the determined by the patient. Plus, medical cannabis comes with its own set of side effects, and we also have to be able to take those into consideration.

Thank you for making your way over. Remember to sign up for the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter for updates direct to your email; and to access deals on stuff like cannabis flowers, vapes, edibles, smoking devices, cannabinoid compounds (like HHC), and way more. Tis the season to get good and stoned. Responsibly.

QUESTION: Let’s get medical. What is the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and what function does it serve in the body?

The first thing to know is that the ECS is present, in varying aspects, in all animals with the exception of insects. It’s the main molecular target of phytocannabinoids, the cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. But most important, it’s a molecular system that helps to translate information from the outer part of the cell to the cell. Basically, it’s a communication system but the type of information that it can transmit is quite different depending on the type of cell it’s communicating with, for example an endocrine cell versus a neuron. And it will have a different effect on the cell depending on which cell it’s communicating with. So, it’s very dynamic depending on the cellular context.

The whole system is complex but we have identified four groups of molecules, the first of which includes endocannabinoids such as anandamide and 2-arachidonyl glycerol (2-AG). Next are the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2, but the expression of these receptors changes very much depending on the cellular context, the tissue and the physiopathological state. A certain type of tissue could express a small amount of cannabinoid receptor but in a physiopathological state could express a very different amount of receptors. Again, it’s very dynamic. Next are the metabolic enzymes, which are necessary for the biosynthesis and degradation of the endocannabinoids, and play a vital role in the overall system.

As I mentioned, the ECS is a system that translates information, and in order for this information to transmit a coherent message, it needs to be very tightly controlled in time and space. This is achieved through tight control of biosynthesis and degradation of the endocannabinoids. This is the job of the enzymes, and their action ensures the effects of endocannabinoids are localized in a specific area. There are different enzymes for each group of endocannabinoids. And then the fourth group of molecules is called allosteric modulators, which are lipid compounds that up and down-regulate the signaling of cannabinoid receptors. All of these four elements working together are what we call the endocannabinoid system.

It controls an extensive list of functions because of the presence of some element of the ECS in every organ tissue in the body. Though its functions are diverse, we can say generally its job is to maintain homeostasis, the balance of the physiological system in harmony with the internal and external environment, which is constantly changing. Within the central nervous system, the main role of the ECS, in particular, CB1, is as a retrograde neuromodulator to regulate homeostasis, which has numerous effects on the rest of the body. Ultimately, the ECS controls many functions such as metabolism and pain, and many more.

QUESTION: What is the role of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase (FAAH) in metabolism of endocannabinoids?

The main job of this enzyme is the degradation of anandamide in order to maintain homeostasis. As I said, this is a communication system, and it works by transmitting a signal to one place but not another in order to modify the physiology of a cell, which could cause it to produce more of a certain factor, to start migrating, to produce more protein or release cytokines. So, FAAH is conditioning certain physiological mechanisms. For example, there’s a high level of FAAH in the uterus where its role is to control levels of anandamide in order to ensure successful implantation of an embryo.

QUESTION: Can you explain the metabolism of endocannabinoids and how it differs from metabolism of THC?

Endocannabinoids are mainly degraded by enzymes, for example, anandamide is degraded by FAAH and 2-AG is degraded by monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL). However, when we talk about phytocannabinoids, the cannabinoids that come from the cannabis plant such as THC and CBD, they are mostly metabolized by a group of enzymes called cytochrome P450, a huge family of enzymes found in the liver. Those enzymes are responsible for metabolizing and degrading all drugs and toxins that people take. Essentially, endocannabinoids are fats that are metabolized locally, whereas phytocannabinoids are terpenophenols.

QUESTION: Can you explain why the medical applications of THC and CBD vary?

While they share some characteristics, they act through different mechanisms depending on their molecular targets. The pharmacology of these compounds is complex but, for example in the case of THC, we can say that most of the action of this compound depends on its binding to cannabinoid receptors. THC is called a partial agonist of the cannabinoid receptor, which means it can bind to the orthosteric pocket of the receptor, in effect fitting into it the same way a key fits into the keyhole of a lock.

However, CBD cannot do this because its molecular structure has no affinity to this “keyhole,” and therefore cannot bind to the receptor the same way THC does. But CBD is able to enter the “keyhole” of other receptors such as PPAR-gamma and TPRVI, and it has an indirect effect on the ECS. Some studies suggest that CBD is also able to inhibit FAAH, which means that CBD could up-regulate the ECS. So, THC and CBD have different pathways. For instance, the psychotropic effects are caused by the activation of CB1 receptors in the brain. As CBD is not able to activate these receptors, it’s not psychotropic. But it does work on cells in the immune system, which is why it’s anti-inflammatory.

QUESTION: You did your research on cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and brain development. How can cannabis therapy help these conditions?

Given the importance of the endocannabinoid system for the development of the brain, it’s possible that a dysfunction in the ECS could be involved in the development of certain pathologies such as epilepsy and autism. It’s believed that these pathologies are established during embryonic development though they manifest in later years for both children and adults. If we can identify the underlying dysfunction in the embryonic stage, it could be very interesting for future treatment courses. But this is a very complex process, and a lot of work needs to be done before any applications are possible.

We know a lot more about neurodegenerative disorders, and I believe there is a definite application for controlling the progression of the disease and treating conditions such as Huntington’s disease, which is what we study in our lab. In terms of cancer, till now we know that cannabinoids are beneficial in palliative care, helping patients manage appetite and pain. However, we have researched the antitumoral properties of cannabinoids, and this is something that shows great promise for the future. What’s needed now is clinical studies on the antitumoral action of cannabinoids on different types of cancer.

This interview has been edited and condensed.

Welcome all! Thanks for joining us today at; a news site where we work hard to bring you the best reporting from the cannabis and psychedelics spaces. Drop by regularly to stay updated on everything going down, and subscribe to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, so you’re never late to get the news.

The post Dr. Adán de Salas Quiroga PhD on the Future Promise of Cannabinoids appeared first on Cannadelics.



Wednesday 28 December 2022

Can Cannabis Lead a New Understanding of Depression?

It’s estimated that one-in-three women and one-in-five men in the U.S. will experience an episode of major depression by the age of 65. In some countries, the estimates are even higher, for example, in the Netherlands and Australia it’s 40% of women and 30% of men. As people tend to transition in and out of episodes that may or may not be related to life events, depression is not easy to define or treat.

There’s a long list of potential causes that includes long-term unemployment, family history, personality and illness. And the list continues to grow, which is why researchers are keen to explore a new understanding of depression and approaches to treatment; and cannabis could be one of those treatments.

What is Depression?

Today, rates of depression are on the rise, due to factors unique to contemporary life such as smartphones and social media. Studies showing young people who spend most time on Instagram and Facebook are way more likely to report depression. One suggested reason for this is the isolating nature of social media. But feelings of isolation and loneliness have reached epidemic levels across all demographics. In one U.K. COVID-related study, 35% of young people said they feel lonely most of the time, and another study reported that one-third of adults 45 and older feel lonely. Loneliness is associated with higher rates of depression. However, loneliness is a feeling and steps can be taken to correct it, whereas depression is a complex mental health condition with a variety of treatment plans.

Depression is a period of feeling low that can last for a long time. Though it may not stop someone from leading a normal life, it’s more than just feeling down, as everything seems harder to do, each activity tainted with a sense of hopelessness. Simple tasks like getting out of bed or getting dressed may seem pointless. At its most severe, depression can be life threatening due to suicidal ideation. A depressive state can be described as mild, moderate or severe depending on the impact of the symptoms. There are specific types of depression, classified into six main categories.

  1. Major Depressive Order is a mood disorder with a variety of symptoms that include low mood, weight gain, lack of interest in previously interesting activities, changes in sleep, fatigue, feelings of despair and suicidal thoughts. When symptoms are severe, this condition is highly distressing.
  2. Dysthymia is a mild, long-last type of depression with similar symptoms that tend to be lower in intensity but last longer.
  3. Bipolar Disorder is a type of depression where the person swings between periods of abnormally elevated mood (mania) and depressive episodes. When experiencing mania, people can go without sleep and food, and can become easily irritated or agitated.
  4. Psychotic Depression is when a depressed person also experiences psychosis, which means losing touch with reality. Symptoms can include false beliefs and delusions, hallucinations, anxiety, agitation, confusion and paranoia. These patients can also experience problems with sleep and concentration, and have suicidal thoughts.
  5. Postpartum Depression affects some mothers after they give birth. This type of depression is linked to major hormonal shifts that occur during pregnancy.
  6. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs at a certain time of year with symptoms that include irritability, headaches, fatigue and blurred vision.

Treatments for Depression

There’s a wide range of treatments available for depression depending on the type being treated. In some cases of SAD, for example, the recommended treatment is to supplement with vitamin D, and in others, light therapy is used. Treatments for more severe forms of depression typically include medications and/or therapy. For major depressive disorder, the treatment options include talk therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, humanistic therapy, psychodynamic therapy and mindfulness-based approaches.

Thank you for making your way over. Remember to sign up for the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter for updates direct to your email; and to access deals on stuff like cannabis flowers, vapes, edibles, smoking devices, cannabinoid compounds (like HHC), and way more. Tis the season to get good and stoned. Responsibly.

Other approaches include transcranial magnetic therapy (TMS) and anti-depressant medications including serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), and tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs.) The purpose of medications is to address chemical imbalances in the brain. Similar treatment options are used for other depressive disorders. For dysthymia, treatment options are the same as for major depressive disorder but also include lifestyle changes such as improved diet and exercise. For bipolar disorder, a psychiatrist may recommend a mood stabilizer such as lithium.

For psychotic depression, a doctor will typically prescribe a mix of antidepressant and antipsychotic medications. TMS is also used. In the case of postpartum depression, lifestyle changes are recommended, including taking time to relax and recharge away from the newborn. In each case, the recommended treatments are a process of trial and error until doctor and patient agree on a course of therapy that produces results, either stabilizing patient mood and/or improving quality of life. In cases of mild depression, some people prefer to opt for non-drug approaches such as natural remedies.

A health treatment that isn’t considered standard Western medical practice is referred to as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM.) Examples of CAM include acupuncture, aromatheraphy, biofeedback, dietary supplements, exercise, hypnosis, meditation, massage therapy and yoga. Music therapy is another approach, as music is known to be a powerful healing agent for millennia. It was used by the 6th century B.C. philosopher Pythagoras, and also for wounded soldiers during World War II. Plant medicine is another ancient and powerful treatment for a range of mood disorders. In recent decades, studies are demonstrating the healing power of plants, in particular, cannabis against depression, anxiety and PTSD.

Rethinking Treatments for Depression

In July 2022, a study by the University College London (UCL) found “no clear evidence” that chemical imbalances, in particular low levels of serotonin, are linked to depression. The spike in use of antidepressants inspired this new study. In the U.S. alone, it’s estimated that almost one-third of adults over 18 are on some form of antidepressant, and figures are similar for other Western countries. In new analysis, it was revealed that up to 90% of people believe that depression is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain.

“Our view is that patients should not be told that depression is caused by low serotonin or by a chemical imbalance, and they should not be led to believe that antidepressants work by targeting these unproven abnormalities,” said the study’s lead author, Joanna Moncrief, professor of psychiatry at UCL. Further studies show stressful life events are a stronger indicator for depression.

This is not the first time the medical community has been called into question in relation to depression. In his 2018 book, Lost Connections, author Johann Hari, detailed the failings of his journey with antidepressants. He was first prescribed pills at age 18, calling it a “chemical kiss.” In his 30s, Hari began to ask new questions about his depression, wondering about possible lifestyle changes to make life more bearable, and he wondered why his doctors had never followed this line of inquiry. His book paints the approach of the medical community as unimaginative and even lazy. However, he also makes it clear there are no easy solutions to this problem. For Hari, one possible course of action is a path of reconnection. He attributes much of our current malaise to a pronounced disconnection from self, community and nature.

Psychologist Eiko Fried takes the concept one step further and asks if depression even exists, or if it’s just a range of symptoms that causes each other, for example, insomnia leads to low mood, which leads to irritability, and so on. The thinking here is that by looking at depression as a range symptoms, it’s easier to find a path of treatment. In fact, there are an arsenal of tests out there, aimed at detecting the existence of depression, and like anything, it’s about matching the right test and treatment with the right patient.


With so much uncertainty, it makes sense that cannabis is emerging as a potential treatment for depression. That said there’s no clear evidence that cannabis helps with depression, and in some cases, may make it worse. But there’s early research that suggests cannabis users are happier and more satisfied with life in general, and a 2020 study that found cannabis decreased stress-related symptoms by more than 95%. For now, what’s clear is that there’s a lot more work to do in this field, and it’s very possible that cannabis could lead to a new understanding of depression, as well as new treatment options. For people with depression, this news brings hope.  

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The post Can Cannabis Lead a New Understanding of Depression? appeared first on Cannadelics.



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