Tuesday 31 January 2023

What Psychedelics Events You Need to Attend in 2023 (Global Edition)

As the world grows increasingly eager to learn more about psychedelic drugs and their healing properties, we’re seeing a sharp rise in related events where industry professionals can gather with inquisitive consumers to discuss all the most important aspects of this budding industry. We’ve already covered some of the most anticipated events going on in the U.S. this year, and now we’re following up with the top 5 global psychedelics events taking place in 2023. Enjoy and safe travels!

The psychedelics industry at glance 

All across the world, a sort of psychedelic renaissance is taking place. A renewed interest in the healing properties of hallucinogenic substances set in motion a string of new policies that are allowing for more research on these compounds, and increased access for patients and consumers. Although we’re not seeing these changes everywhere, there are a handful of countries around the world that are paving the path including the United States, Canada, The Netherlands, Thailand, and Brazil.  

Between now and 2029, the global psychedelics market is expected to see substantial growth. Analysts from both Data Bridge Market Research and InsightAce Analytic indicates that the market is growing with a CAGR of 13.3% and is expected to reach over roughly $7 billion USD in the next 6 years.  

As a result, investor interest is at an all-time high and the value of the industry as a whole continues to trend upward. A report published last year by CB Insights stated that investor funding for psychedelic medicine and research companies surpassed $700 million in 2021, which is double the amount from 2020 and almost eight times higher than 2019. And we don’t even have the final figures for 2022, which are likely to be considerably higher than the previous year.   

Some of the major players operating in the global psychedelic drugs market are: Jazz Pharmaceuticals Inc., Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Pfizer Inc., Verrian, Avadel, Celon Pharma S.A., COMPASS, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC, NeuroRx Inc., PharmaTher Inc., usonainstitute.org, Mind Medicine Inc., Cybin Corp., GABA Therapeutics Inc., and EmpathBio DemeRx. 

Psychedelic industry events are on fire this year 

One of the best ways to make new connections and learn about any given industry is by attending related events and conferences. We’ve seen substantial growth with cannabis industry events in terms of both the number and size of the events, as well as the number of attendees. With cannabis, we have events that cater to many different niches, like MJBizCon which, over the last decade, has become the industry’s largest B2B conference; or Alternative Products Expo which is dedicated entirely to alternative cannabinoid products, like those containing Delta 8 and HHC. 

cannabis events

We also have events entirely focused on medicine and research, like the Emerald Conference; and on the flip side, we also have events that are purely recreational in nature, like all the Cannabis Cups. In short, these days you can find a cannabis-related event tailored to almost any specific need… and the same thing is beginning to happen in the psychedelics space.  

It’s still on a smaller scale than weed, but there are events that are specifically for shrooms, others for ketamine, and some for ayahuasca. Some industry events are medical and research-based, whereas others focus solely and the business and investment side of things. We also have recreational/consumer-based events, networking and wellness retreats, and the list goes on.  

Something I personally noticed while researching some of the more popular events, is that many of them will be in Europe this year. Despite some level of stagnancy with cannabis legislation, it seems that quite a few countries in the EU are welcoming psychedelics research with open arms, at the very least, based on the number of conventions happening out there. 

Global events you should consider attending  

There is no better time than now to travel. Most countries have eased up on covid restrictions, gas prices are slowly dropping, and traveling globally no longer seems like the monumental challenge that it was a couple of years ago. Check out some of the most anticipated global psychedelics events happening this year! 

ENCP New Frontiers Meeting – Nice, France (March) 

This meeting is intended for stakeholders who are interested in exploring how psychedelic drugs are transitioning from the recreational realm to the therapeutic sector. A distinctive blend of industry leaders will meet to discuss topics such as molecular mechanisms and pharmacology, neuroimaging, psychological variables, clinical trials, regulatory requirements, and patient perspectives. The meeting will provide a “state-of-the-art overview” of where the industry stands today, and what needs to be achieved in order to move forward with research and development of these powerful medicinal compounds.

The ECNP New Frontiers Meeting 2023: Psychedelics will be held from March 19-20 in Nice, France, and virtually by livestream. There is no fee to attend either the in-person or virtual event. The deadline to register is March 8th.  

For more information on New Frontiers, or to book tickets, click here

World Bufo Alvarius Congress – Barcelona, Spain (March) 

The Bufo Alvarius Congress, which was held in Mexico in previous years, is all about 5-MeO-DMT from the incredible psychedelic toad. Although the congress still keeps the name Bufo alvarius, the updated scientific name for it is Incilius alvarius. During the 3-day event, attendees will learn about topics such as the differences between synthetic and toad 5-MeO, conservation efforts, the importance of intention, 5-MeO and the evolution of consciousness, and so much more.  

The World Bufo Alvarius Congress will take place from March 24-26 in Barcelona, Spain. Tickets cost $350 each, and include all access to lectures, break-through groups, workshops, music concert and the movie presentation.  

For more information on the World Bufo Alvarius Congress, or to book tickets, click here.  

Breaking Convention – Exeter, UK (April) 

Breaking Convention is Europe’s largest conference on psychedelic consciousness and is now on its 11th year (6th event), the first one was held in Canterbury back in 2011. Breaking Convention is a multidisciplinary conference that consists of numerous different lectures covering all aspects of the psychedelics industry including science and independent research, cultural exploration, academia, and more.

In-person tickets range from £165 to £300, and virtual/livestream tickets range from £40 to £65. The event is hosted by the University of Exeter, which is home to the first taught undergraduate psychedelics module in the UK. There are 400 comfortable rooms available for accommodation on-site, as well as numerous hotels within a reasonable distance.  

For more information on Breaking Convention, or to book tickets, click here.  

Canadian Psychedelic Summit – Vancouver, Canada (August) 

The Canadian Psychedelic Summit is the first in a series of annual events (planned for the next three years) that aims to reach industry leaders across numerous different industry sectors, with a focus on equity and ethics in the blossoming psychedelics market. This 5-day event includes lectures, structured groups and breakout sessions, as well as unstructured time for more casual networking among attendees.

The event takes places at the Hollyhock Leadership in Vancouver, British Columbia, from August 10th to 15th. There are quite a few different ticket packages ranging in price from $850 to $2125. You have from now until June 6th to register. 

For more information on the Canadian Psychedelic Summit, or to book tickets, click here.  

INSIGHTS – Berlin, Germany (August/September) 

INSIGHT is one of the events being conducted by Europe’s MIND Foundation, which is a German-based non-profit focused on psychedelic drug research and education. Unlike others on this list that go with the multidisciplinary approach, this event is solely about research, science, and medicine. Some pressing questions they intend to answer during the conference include: “How can we critically learn from the past and ongoing studies?”, “Which therapist trainings have evolved, and how to assess their quality?”, and “What is needed to make the transition from scientific research to societal integration?” 

INSIGHTS is happened between August 31st to September 3rd, in Berlin, Germany (I could not find any information on the specific venue). In-person tickets cost €699, and online tickets run for €99. Ticket price covers snacks, drinks, and lunch during the days of the conference, one dinner, as well as the Arts & Social Program and entrance to the conference party. 

For more information on INSIGHTS, or to book tickets, click here

Final thoughts

Above are some of the most anticipated global psychedelics industry events happening in 2023, but there will be many more. If we missed any important ones, or if you have an event you’d like to promote, drop us a line in the comment section below. We would love to hear from you!

Thanks for making your way over! We appreciate you stopping in at Cannadelics.com; where we work to bring you the best in independent news coverage for the cannabis and psychedelics spaces. Visit us regularly for daily news injections, and sign up to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, so you’re always on top of what’s going on.

The post What Psychedelics Events You Need to Attend in 2023 (Global Edition)  appeared first on Cannadelics.

Via https://cannadelics.com/2023/01/31/what-psychedelics-events-you-need-to-attend-in-2023-global-edition/

source https://rosalinaklerkx.weebly.com/blog/what-psychedelics-events-you-need-to-attend-in-2023-global-edition

Deal Of The Day: 25% Off Delta 11 Disposable Vape (11-Hydroxy-THC)

Introducing the new Delta 11 disposable vape (11-Hydroxy-THC).

With its sleek and easy-to-use design, smooth draw, and two delicious flavor options, the new Delta 11 disposable vape is the perfect choice for those looking for a convenient and innovative way to experience the unique effects of 11-Hydroxy-THC. The two flavors available are This Slpaz (Hybrid) and Cherry Bonker (Hybrid), both providing a satisfying and enjoyable experience.

Currently, as part of our Deal of the day, you can get the new Delta 11 disposable vape with an additional 25% discount using the Delta25 coupon code.

Is the new Delta 11 disposable vape stronger than Delta-9 THC disposables?

The new Delta 11 disposable vape is a 2-gram disposable, offering a longer-lasting experience compared to 1-gram disposables. It is also a controlled and discreet way to consume 11-Hydroxy-THC, making it a great choice for those who prefer a more private consumption method.

11-Hydroxy-THC is a naturally occurring metabolite of Delta-9 THC, produced by the liver after THC is consumed. As a result, it is considered to be more potent and to produce a more intense high compared to Delta-9 THC. Is is still unclear is the new Delta 11 disposable vape is stronger than similar products using Delta-9 THC.

For a limited time, you can save 25% on your purchase with the coupon code Delta25. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to try the new disposable vape and experience the unique effects of 11-Hydroxy-THC.

Take advantage of this offer and experience the unique effects of these new disposable vapes.

Delta 11 Disposable Vape (11-Hydroxy-THC) – 2 Gram

(Save 25% using the ‘Delta25’ coupon code)

Delta 11 Disposable Vape (11-Hydroxy-THC) - 2 Gram
Delta 11 Disposable Vape (11-Hydroxy-THC) – 2 Gram

(Using the ‘Delta25’ coupon code)

In conclusion, the Delta 11 disposable vape offers a convenient and innovative way to experience the unique effects of 11-Hydroxy-THC. With its sleek design, smooth draw, and two delicious flavor options, it’s the perfect choice for those looking for a more controlled and discreet way to consume 11-Hydroxy-THC. As always, remember to consume it responsibly

Click here to buy the new Delta 11 disposable vape

(With Delta25 coupon code)

Stay Informed on the Latest in Psychedelics and Cannabis

To stay informed on the latest in psychedelics and cannabis, you can subscribe to our weekly newsletter for special deals and leading stories. In addition, you can sign up for our daily Telegram channel, “Cannadelics News“, for breaking news and updates.
Sign-in below and get our weekly digest of articles, new products and special offers:

 Want to learn more about the Delta 11 disposable vape?  
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Learn more about the new Delta 11 Disposable Vape:

What is 11-Hydroxy-THC and why is it also called Delta 11 THC

11-Hydroxy-THC is a metabolite of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive component in cannabis. It is produced when THC is metabolized by the liver and has a stronger and longer-lasting psychoactive effect than THC itself. 11-Hydroxy-THC can be detected in the body for a longer period of time and is therefore used as a measure of THC exposure in drug testing.

11-Hydroxy-THC is sometimes referred to as “delta-11” because of its chemical structure. In organic chemistry, the term “delta” is often used to indicate a specific configuration of atoms in a molecule. In the case of 11-Hydroxy-THC, the term “delta-11” refers to the arrangement of atoms in the molecule that gives it its unique properties and effects. The “delta” notation is commonly used in the scientific community to distinguish different forms of similar compounds and to identify their specific properties.

What are the effects of 11-Hydroxy-THC

11-Hydroxy-THC might have stronger and longer-lasting psychoactive effects than Delta-9 THC. Some of the effects may include: Intensified feelings of euphoria, relaxation, Increased sensory perception, Increased appetite and altered perception of time.

Some of the side effects may include Heightened anxiety or paranoia in some individuals and impairment of cognitive and motor functions.

As with other cannabinoids, It’s important to note that the effects of 11-Hydroxy-THC can vary greatly and depend on several factors such as dose, method of consumption, and personal tolerance.

Delta 11 Disposable Vape (11-Hydroxy-THC) – 2 Gram

(Save 25% using the ‘Delta25’ coupon code)

Cherry Bonkers Delta 11 Disposable Vape
Cherry Bonkers Delta 11 Disposable Vape – 25% Off Using Delta25 Coupon Code

How 11-Hydroxy-THC is different from Delta-9 THC?

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and 11-Hydroxy-THC are both compounds found in the cannabis plant and are related to each other. However, there are several differences between the two:

  1. Chemical structure: THC has a delta-9 configuration of atoms, while 11-Hydroxy-THC is a metabolite of THC produced in the liver when THC is metabolized. Simply said, after consuming THC is is converted into 11-Hydroxy-THC in your body.
  2. Psychoactive effects: As anyone who used THC edibles know, the effect is strong. 11-Hydroxy-THC is considered to be more potent and has longer-lasting effects than THC, as it is more readily absorbed by the bloodstream and has a stronger affinity for the brain’s cannabinoid receptors.
  3. Metabolism: THC is metabolized to 11-Hydroxy-THC in the liver and 11-Hydroxy-THC is then further metabolized to inactive compounds, which are eventually eliminated from the body.
  4. Detection: 11-Hydroxy-THC can be detected in the body for a longer period of time than THC and is therefore used as a measure of THC exposure in drug testing.
  5. Medical use: THC is used for medicinal purposes, such as for pain relief, nausea reduction, and appetite stimulation, but 11-Hydroxy-THC has not been as widely studied for medicinal purposes.

What are the risks of using 11 HYDROXY – THC

The use of 11-Hydroxy-THC, like any other substance, can carry potential risks and adverse effects. While moderate use of cannabinoids is usually considered to be safe, 11-Hydroxy-THC disposable vape is a high-potency product, so we need to use it with caution.

Some of the risks associated with using 11-Hydroxy-THC may include: Increased anxiety or paranoia, impairment of cognitive and motor functions, altered judgment and decision-making, interactions with other medications and in rare cases addiction and dependence.

It’s important to understand that the effects of 11-Hydroxy-THC can vary greatly among individuals and depend on several factors such as dose, method of consumption, and tolerance. Additionally, using any substance can have negative consequences, and it is important to use it responsibly and in accordance with the laws and regulations of your jurisdiction.

Delta 11 Disposable Vape – Conclusion

In conclusion, the new Delta 11 disposable vape is a convenient and innovative way to experience the unique effects of 11-Hydroxy-THC. With its sleek design, smooth draw, and two delicious flavor options, it’s the perfect choice for those looking for a more controlled and discreet way to consume 11-Hydroxy-THC. And with the added benefits of our weekly newsletter and daily news updates via “Cannadelics News” on Telegram, customers can stay informed on the latest in psychedelics and cannabis.

One last thing: Use code “Delta25” to get 25% off on individual items and bundles, making it an excellent deal for those seeking high-potency products.

About BinoidCBD

BinoidCBD – founded by wellness advocates – offers top-quality CBD products for a pleasurable and beneficial experience without compromising on quality or ingredients. They carry various cannabinoid-infused products, including Delta-9 THCDelta-8Delta-10, Delta-11, THC-P, THC-O, THC-H, THC-B, HHC, HHC-P, THCV, and more. Their store features popular items such as vape carts, disposable vape pens, gummies, tinctures, diamonds, and flower products.

The post Deal Of The Day: 25% Off Delta 11 Disposable Vape (11-Hydroxy-THC) appeared first on Cannadelics.

Via https://cannadelics.com/2023/01/31/delta-11-disposable-vapes-11-hydroxy-thc/

source https://rosalinaklerkx.weebly.com/blog/deal-of-the-day-25-off-delta-11-disposable-vape-11-hydroxy-thc

My 2 Week Cuba Experience: Is It really the Anti-drug Capital of the World?

I just got back from spending 2 weeks (or 15 days if you want to sound even more well-traveled) going around the beautiful and perhaps under-appreciated island of Cuba. This exotic place – hosting every terrain you could ask for – is ideal for its wildlife, incredible beaches, trekking and perfect if you want to travel back to 50s America and see how cars used to look.

But Cuba doesn’t hide away from its complex history, one that has left them being one of the few self-proclaimed communist nations in the world. It is this that, undoubtedly, brings its positives and negatives. Along with other capitalist traits – such as super markets and McDonalds – Cuba also lacked a real drug culture, as a matter of fact, it was practically an anti-drug country.

Over the 2 weeks, despite wanting to, I avoided taking any substances whatsoever. Except Rum and cigars of course. Today I’m going to take you through my itinerary and give a description of why I believe I had this experience. A disclaimer as always, I am only one person, with my own solo experience, it might be different for other people. This was my journey. 

Communism in Cuba 

I would rather not get into a debate over whether communism is or is not a good political system. It always ends the same. One person says that communism sounds great in theory but simply can’t work in practice – they’ll give examples such as Stalin and Mao. The opposition will then reply with something like: “but these people weren’t true communists. They were dictators. Communism has never been given a fair trial”. In a sense, both opinions are right. In addition, it’s not as if capitalism is working either – with the amount of homelessness, unemployment and our eventual direction of climate disaster.

Nonetheless, Cuba is a communist state – according to them. It is based on the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, which advocate for a classless society in which the means of production are collectively owned and controlled by the working class. In Cuba, this has been implemented through the nationalization of industries and land, as well as the implementation of a planned economy.

The government, led by the Communist Party and started by Fidel Castro after the revolution in 1959, makes decisions about economic and social policy. However, the implementation of communism in Cuba has been criticized for its lack of political and economic freedom, and for its failure to provide for the basic needs of its citizens. There have been protests against the government, which have been harshly dealt with by authorities. The New Yorker writes:

“Cubans across the island have become frustrated by their government’s inability to provide them with even such basic amenities as food and medicine”

Power cuts were a significant issue even for my brief 2 week travel. I also had interesting conversations with locals who sought after the capitalist state that many of the West live in. However, it’s easy to act like capitalism is a bright alternative, when in reality there is an energy crisis, huge amounts of unemployment and homelessness too. Perhaps a hybrid of both ideologies is the way forward. 

Drug Laws in Cuba

Drug laws in Cuba are extremely strict. There are no signs of even the smallest of progressions, such as medical cannabis or cannabis tourist markets – like those of California or Amsterdam. Possession of drugs in Cuba is illegal and can result in severe punishment, including long prison sentences. The sale and distribution of drugs are also prohibited and carry even harsher penalties.

The Cuban government takes a hardline stance on drugs, viewing them as a threat to the country’s social and economic stability. Many government websites warn against purchasing illegal substances in Cuba for this reason. One of the more recent cases was a 20 year old woman from Florida who was imprisoned for smuggling a small amount of synthetic cannabis through airport control. Although, she suffered from learning disabilities and many believe she was set up.

Regardless, the Cuban authorities were not lenient. There also seems to be very little actual substances in Cuba, especially when you compare it with South America, Mexico and North America. As an island, they have been able to successfully maintain a strict drug policy. This doesn’t mean there aren’t drugs, it just means that they’re hard and risky to find. Plus, there’s a high chance that the substances themselves may be bad quality. Whilst I was out there, I met two Australian guys who had tried to purchase cocaine but were given something that was definitely not that substance. They wasted 50 dollars, felt nothing and ended up with horrible hangovers the day after. 

2 Week Cuba Itinerary 

My travels lasted 15 days, beginning and ending in Havana. It is quite a common route and ensured that I saw a variety of different landscapes. Although you could definitely spend months in Cuba and still not fully absorb all of the beauty of the country. In each place I had some sort of conversation with locals about drugs, and in each of these places I did not manage to get my hands on any substances. Here’s why. 


Havana really is everything you expect it to be and more. It has the hecticness of any capital, mixed with the soul and sounds of salsa. Everywhere feels like it could burst into a Buena Vista Social Club song at any second. As you walk the streets, you’re greeted by almost everyone. They ask where you’re from, how you are or whether you want to go to a fictional cigar festival this evening. Whilst it isn’t many, there were still mentions of substances. A few offered cocaine and cannabis, but it was a deep whisper that was hardly audible. If they were to be caught, it would be instant jail time.

It was in Havana that I’d heard the Australians’ story and was put off from attempting to purchase anything there. They had also mentioned that the dealers did not allow them to try the substance before buying it either, evidently highlighting the bad quality of the drug. Whilst decent substances weren’t easy to find in the capital, rum at a low cost was basically coming out of the taps. Drinking glass after glass of pure rum in the Hemingway bar in Havana reminded me just how much of a drug alcohol is. Why did we ever need other substances anyway? 


The next stop was Vinales. This is a small countryside town in the middle of nowhere. A great deal of cigar making happens here, with a large amount of tobacco farms. If I was travelling in any other country in the world, I would presume this kind of laid back lifestyle would breed cannabis dealers. However, yet again, drugs were not an option. After a day of cycling around the caves outside of Vinales and zip-lining over the mountains, we attended a Cuban street party. It was crazy. Locals danced salsa and drinked Mojitos, whilst us tourists only really knew how to do the latter with any grace or expertise. Although, we did try to salsa as best we could. Even here, with mountains of rum on offer and the smell of cigars in the air, there were no signs or whispers of any other substances. Pina Colada is all they seemed to need. 

Playa Laga

After a few days in Vinales we headed to the beaches of Playa Laga. This is also, historically, very close to where the Bay of Pigs battle took place during the Cold War. The beaches were incredible, with the sand as white as stone and the water translucent. Cuban music brushed through the palm trees with, as always, rum being poured as regularly and freely as the tide. Still no signs of any other substances. In fact, in Playa Laga, I would almost go as far to say that there were no illegal substances whatsoever. It just did not feel like the place. There’s barely any restaurants or bars, let alone dealers with excess drugs to sell. So yet again, I waited for the next stop. Although my passion for finding drugs was definitely diminishing, the soul of Cuba and the alcoholic drinks were enough for me.  


Cienfeugos felt like a place that may have had substances within its streets. It felt like a mini version of Havana with a French twist. Although parts of it – such as the main boulevard – felt a bit like Los Angeles in a weird way. It was yet another odd Cuban city that I instantly fell in love with. Except for a group of boys trying to make me pay them 5 pesos to use their lighter, I wasn’t too keen on that. One night we found a small bar with a pool table but were unable to play due to a group of scary Cuban men occupying it.

Thank you for stopping in. Head over to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter for direct updates; and get access to awesome deals on cannabis buds, vapes, edibles, smoking devices and equipment, cannabinoid compounds, and some psychedelic products! Go get high responsibly!

After a while, shyly and fearfully standing by the bar, I was the first of my friends to muster up the courage to speak to them. In the end, they were a very kind group of guys and let us play with them. Don’t trust first impressions. I asked the ringleader, so to speak, how hard it was to get ahold of drugs in Cuba. He told me, again in hush tones, that it certainly exists and is possible, but is too expensive for the quality. He said that dealers are few due to the risk and the actual amount of drugs on offer. It isn’t really a beneficial market for anyone – the buyer or the seller. Although he did say he had a guy that he could call if we wanted something. We weren’t too keen after that. 


Our final stop before going back to Havana was Trinidad and this stunning city was definitely my favorite place. With cobbled streets, horses trotting about and incredible European style town houses, it felt like being inside Disney’s Encanto. One evening there was even a power cut – the stars were magnificent and all you could hear was the sound of music and the smell of cigars. In the last few days of my trip I had given up on finding drugs in Cuba. There really was no point in my eyes. The place had enough. Behind some difficulty in transportation and Wi-Fi, not the best food options and frequent power cuts, Cuba has an incredible zeitgeist. It really is unmatched by anything I’ve seen before and it highlights just how great a country it is to visit. Trinidad was a hard place to leave. 


Whilst Cuba may not be the best place to visit for drug or food tourism, it has the greatest soul of any country I’ve been to. You can walk the sun-lit streets, drink quality cheap rum and let the cities take your breath away by themselves. You honestly don’t need drugs. Even if you feel like you do, you’ll find it too hard to find them to have any other option but to exist without. Either way, travelling Cuba for 15 days was an amazing experience, and felt like a high in itself. 

Thanks for making your way over! We appreciate you stopping in at Cannadelics.com; where we work to bring you the best in independent news coverage for the cannabis and psychedelics spaces. Visit us regularly for daily news injections, and sign up to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, so you’re always on top of what’s going on.

The post My 2 Week Cuba Experience: Is It really the Anti-drug Capital of the World? appeared first on Cannadelics.

Via https://cannadelics.com/2023/01/31/2-week-cuba-experience-anti-drug/

source https://rosalinaklerkx.weebly.com/blog/my-2-week-cuba-experience-is-it-really-the-anti-drug-capital-of-the-world

Monday 30 January 2023

Deal Of The Day: 25% Off The Knockout Blend Gummies

Have you tried the Knockout Blend gummies, a new generation of high-potency gummies?
Made from a perfect mix of three strong cannabinoids: THC-P, HHC-P, and THC-H, the Knockout Blend gummies offers an effective way of delivering the recreational and therapeutic benefits of cannabis into the body. The discreet, convenient, and precise way of consuming cannabis has made high-potency gummies a popular choice among cannabis users. However, the Knockout Blend gummies takes it to the next level with its unique blend of these three ultra-strong cannabinoids.

What are the Knockout Blend Gummies and what makes it so special?

THC-P, HHC-P, and THC-H are alternate forms forms of THC, which have different properties and effects compared to Delta-9 THC. The combination of these three extra-strong cannabinoids creates a potent blend that enhances the recreational benefits of THC, making an effective and strong formula. With these high-potency Knockout Blend gummies, even experienced cannabis users can enjoy a more potent and longer-lasting high and this is what counts the most.

And now, as part of our ‘Deal of the day’, you can get the Knockout Blend gummies with an additional 25% discount! Simply use the Delta25 coupon code at checkout to take advantage of this limited-time offer. And if you’re looking to save even more, consider buying the 3-pack bundle, which, alongside the Delta25 coupon code, will allow you to get these gummies for a fantastic price.

Try them, they are great!

Knockout Blend Gummies – 3-Pack Bundle

(Save 25% using the ‘Delta25’ coupon code)

Knockout Blend Gummies
Save 25% dff the high-potency Knockout Blend Gummies with the Delta25 coupon code.

In conclusion, the Knockout Blend gummies is a new and exciting way of delivering the therapeutic benefits of cannabis into the body. With its potent and long-lasting effects, it’s sure to become a popular choice among cannabis users seeking a strong and effective form of cannabis consumption. But always remember to consume it responsibly and with caution.

Click here to buy the high-potency Knockout Blend Gummies

(With Delta25 coupon code)

Save big on premium products

By subscribing to our newsletter, you’ll receive a weekly digest of all the latest in cannabis and psychedelics, as well as exclusive deals and coupon codes. Stay informed and up-to-date with all things related to cannabis and psychedelics and take advantage of all the exclusive offers we have in store for our subscribers.

As always, the best deals on high-potecy gummies, as well as other products featuring THC-P, THC-H and HHC-P are reserved for the subscribers of the Cannadelics Newsletter.
below and get our weekly deals and discounts:

 Want to learn more about the knockout blend gummies?  
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Learn more about the Knockout Blend Gummies

What are high-potency gummies

High-potency gummies are edibles that contain a high dose of THC (Delta-9 THC or similar cannabinoids, such as THC-P, THC-H, HHC-P etc.). Hige-potency gummies are available in various shapes, flavors, and potencies, and are designed for recreational use, but some also find them effective for therapeutic use.

High-potency gummies made of Delta-9 THC usually contains 50 to 100 mg of THC in each, compared to the regular ones, with only 10 to 25 milligrams in each. Howeber, when you replace Delta-9 THC with THC-P or HHC-P the numbers are disfferent, as these strong cannabinoids could create in some people a much stronger effect.

What other high-potency edibles are there

High-potency edibles are any food or drink products that contain high levels of THC, or any alt-product that acts like Delta-9 THC, such as THCP, HHC-P, etc..

Here are some examples of other high-potency edibles: Brownies and baked goods,chocolates, gummies and candies, beverages, tinctures, capsules, softgels and concentrates.

What other cannabis-based gummies are there?

There are many different types of cannabis-based gummies, beyong thos who contain THC or alt-THC. Some examples may include: CBD gummies, CBN gummies, THC/CBD combination gummies, Terpene-infused gummies, Multi-cannabinoid gummies: and more.

How to store the high-potency knockout blend gummies

Storing high-potency THC gummies, like the Knockout Blend gummies, is important to maintain their potency, flavor, and shelf life. Here are a few tips:

  1. To keep the gummies fresh, keep them in an airtight container.
  2. Protect them from high temperatures and humidity by storring them in a cool and dry place.
  3. Avoid direct sunlight.
  4. Always keep high-potency gummies out of reach of children and pets.
  5. As an option, try storing them in the refrigerator (but be sure to keep them in an airtight container).

Save big on the Knockout Blend Gummies

(Save 25% using the ‘Delta25’ coupon code)

High-potency Knockout Blend Gummies
Save 25% dff the high-potency Knockout Blend Gummies with the Delta25 coupon code.

How long do high-potency gummies take to kick in? What is the duration of the effects?

The onset and duration of effects from high-potency gummies can vary depending on several factors, including potency, dose, individual’s tolerance, personal spped of metabolism, and other factors.

All that said, usually it takes 30 minutes to 2 hours for edibles to take effect. Sometimes, the onset time can be faster when the gummies are consumed on an empty stomach. The effects of gummies and other edibles can last for 4 to 8 hours, but this can also vary.

As edibles takes a longer time to kick in, than smokables, It’s important to start with a low dose and to wait for the effects to take hold before consuming more. It’s a common thing among unexperience cannabis users to take a too-high dosage of edibles, in the first hour, as they are not aware that edibles needs their own time to take effect. As overconsumption of THC can lead to unpleasant side effects, you might want to take your time with edibles.

It’s also important to know that the effects from edibles might be stronger than from what you feel after smoking, so afain, take your time and enjoy the ride.

What are the possible effects of using high-potency gummies

High-potency edibles like Knockout Blend gummies can have both therapeutic benefits, recreational and psychoactive effects, including: Relief of pain, anxiety, and depression, improved sleep, increased focus and creativity, euphoria and relaxation.

But, when consuming a too-high dosage (start low and grow slow!) you might also experience some unwanted side-effects, such as: anxiety, paranoia, and short-term memory impairment. Therefor, it’s important to consume high-potency gummies with caution. As always, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before using any new substance, including high-potency THC gummies.

Like with any substance, high-potency THC gummies like can carry some short-term effects, such as: overconsumption, drug interactions and cognitive and motor impairment.

High-potency Knockout Blend Gummies
Save 25% dff the high-potency Knockout Blend Gummies with the Delta25 coupon code.

Click here to buy the Knockout Blend Gummies

(Using the ‘Delta25’ coupon code)

In conclusion, the high-potency Knockout Blend gummies offers a great choice for all cannabis lovers. Made from a perfect mix of three strong cannabinoids: THC-P, HHC-P, and THC-H, Knockout Blend offers a long-lasting and effective way of consuming cannabis.

With the current ‘Deal of the day’, you can get the Knockout Blend gummies with a 25% discount using the Delta25 coupon code and even save more by buying the 3-pack bundle. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about the latest in cannabis and psychedelics and take advantage of all the exclusive offers and deals we have in store for our subscribers.

About BinoidCBD

BinoidCBD, founded by health-conscious individuals, aims to promote CBD wellness by offering top-notch products that are both pleasurable and beneficial, without sacrificing quality and ingredient standards.

In their store, you can find products infused with various cannabinoids, including Delta-9 THC, Delta-8, Delta-10, Delta-11, THC-P, THC-O, THC-H, THC-B, HHC, HHC-P, THCV, and others. Popular offerings include vape carts, disposable vape pens, gummies, tinctures, diamonds, and flower products.

And with the Delta25 coupon code, you can save 25% on both individual products and bundles, making it a fantastic opportunity for anyone looking to purchase high-potency products.

The post Deal Of The Day: 25% Off The Knockout Blend Gummies appeared first on Cannadelics.

Via https://cannadelics.com/2023/01/30/knockout-blend-gummies/

source https://rosalinaklerkx.weebly.com/blog/deal-of-the-day-25-off-the-knockout-blend-gummies

Saturday 28 January 2023

5 Best Clubs in London in 2023

Whether you’re a local or a tourist, knowing the right places to go out is a must. The difference between a good club and a bad one is the difference between an enjoyable night and a night to forget. That is why you need a succinct list that can do the work for you. London is teeming with electric nightlife opportunities and, if you know where to go, you may well have the best evening of your life.

In this article we’re going to go list the 5 best clubs in London and explain just why they’ve made this list. As a Londoner, I myself have gone to each and every one of these and can vouch for their excellence. So, without further ado, welcome to the capital of England. 

London Nightlife

Whilst there are many cities in the world with incredible nightlife – Las Vegas, Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona, Ibiza to name a few – London holds its own in the competition. This city is known for having some of the best nightlife in the world for several reasons. One of the main reasons is the city’s diversity. There are over 300 different languages spoken every day, with 1 out of every 3 Londoners being born abroad.

The city is a melting pot of cultures, which means that there is a wide variety of clubs and bars to choose from, each with its own unique atmosphere and music. Every type of musical genre is covered, and every demographic is catered for. However you identify – sexuality, gender, race or age – there should be something for you in London. This brings us to our next point.

Another reason for London’s incredible nightlife is the city’s large population. With a population of over 8 million people, there is always a high demand. This has led to the development of a thriving club and bar scene, with new venues opening up all the time. This also attracts some of the best DJ’s and musicians in London to these locations, such as Berlin techno artists.

London is also known for its strict licensing laws, which require clubs and bars to close at a certain time. This has led to the development of late-night clubs that are open until the early hours of the morning, catering to those who want to party all night long. So, let’s bring back the energy of the 90s rave scene and find out the best clubs in London in 2023 to party at. 

London: 5 Best Clubs

Whether you’re someone who wants something chill or something hard, London caters to all. Maybe you like pop music, jazz, cuban, or even just the repetitive sounds of techno, anything is possible in the big city. There are countless clubs and bars to choose from, making it difficult to narrow down the best options. I have done my fair share of clubbing over the years and I’ve had nights to remember and nights to forget. But are the 5 clubs in London that will surely create a memorable evening. 

Click here to check out the Cannabis culture in London.

1 – Fabric

It is hard to speak about London nightlife without mentioning Fabric. This place has closed and reopened many times but, as it stands, this iconic spot has its doors wide open. Located in the heart of London, Fabric is a club that is known for its electronic dance music (EDM) scene. The club has a winding design, with corridors seeming to lead to nowhere. But actually, this is to avoid having any corners to hide and do drugs behind – they are very strict on this in Fabric. Although, of course, everyone still does it.

There are three main rooms, each with its own unique sound system and atmosphere. The main room is known for its techno and house music, while the second room features drum and bass and the third room is known for its grime and hip-hop. Fabric also has a mezzanine level where you can take a break from dancing and get a drink.

Thank you for dropping in. Head over to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter and we’ll update you directly, while offering some sweet promos on cannabis flowers, vapes, edibles, smoking paraphernalia, cannabinoid products (like HHC, delta-8), and a whole lot more. Get yourself stoned responsibly!

The club is open until 6am on Friday and Saturday nights, making it the perfect place to party all night long. For me, Fabric was a coming of age place, somewhere that you had to go to in order to truly become a young adult. The night was magical – a pinger, some hard EDM and a lot of hugs with my friends – it was one I knew I’d never forget. Whilst Fabric is intense, it’s a place you need to go at least once in your life. 

2 – Fold

If you’re looking for relentless, meditative techno all night and all day then Fold is the place for you. You’ll go into a trance that you may never wake up from. Located in hipster East London, Fold is hosted in an old warehouse on the river. It isn’t the nicest looking building, but if you’re used to the Berlin techno scene then you’ll feel right at home. There’s the usual Fold events, which happen on weekend evenings, and then there’s UnFold, which is a day event on a Sunday.

This is for those who want to keep going. This club is full of tech-heads, many people wearing crazy outfits and chokers. As I said previously, it’s the usual techno aesthetic that you may see at the Berghain in Berlin. When I first went to Fold I was a little skeptical, unsure if I could realistically listen to repetitive techno all night long. But one of the best DJs in Berlin was playing – Patrick Mason – and his performance was something of legend. The music lulled me to another world – I will never forget that night. Since then, I’ve loved Fold and everything it stands for. 

3 – XOYO

If you’re looking for something a little more colorful and vibrant, XOYO may be the perfect place for you. This club is less specific, and plays a vast range of music, making it open to anyone and everyone. XOYO is located in the heart of Shoreditch and is known for its eclectic mix of music. The club has two rooms, one featuring house and techno music and the other featuring live performances from up-and-coming artists. XOYO is open until 4am on Friday and Saturday nights, making it a great place to go if you want to party but don’t want to stay out all night. It’s also right next to Old Street, making it a very easy place to access. Shoreditch is full of bars and fun things to do too, so you can easily have pre drinks before heading to OXYO. 

4 – Dalston Jazz Bar

If you’re looking for something a little more quaint, small and intimate, then the legendary Dalston Jazz Bar is ideal. Situated in another hipster spot in East London, this place is a delicious restaurant in the day, and a live Jazz venue in the evening. The tables get moved away, the kitchens close, the musicians come out, and the cocktails get made. If you’ve never seen live Jazz music in London then there aren’t many better places than this. In addition, the dancing is incredible. Whilst this place is a lot smaller and less known than the others, it deserves its place on this list. It has more soul and character than perhaps all of the others combined. You must go. 

5 – Printworks

Opening in 2017, Printworks is the best up and coming venue in London right now. Located in the former printing press building in Canada Water, Printworks is a club that is known for its immersive and innovative events. The club has five main rooms, each featuring a different genre of music. The main room is known for its techno and house music, while the second room features drum and bass, and the third room is known for its grime and hip-hop.

The fourth and fifth rooms are used for special events and live performances. Printworks is open until 6am on Friday and Saturday nights, so definitely caters for those who like long nights. The most eye-catching thing about this venue is the main room. It’s a massive hallway, several stories high, that sort of looks like a prison. Printworks is also attracting some of the best DJs in the world. If you’re wanting to lose yourself then this is the place. 


It’s not easy to choose but, overall, these five clubs are some of the best places to party in London. There is something for everyone on this list. If you are planning a night out in London, be sure to check out one of these clubs for an unforgettable party experience. Over the years, I definitely had many in these spots.

Hey there, Awesome! Thank you for being a part of Cannadelics.com; our independent news site that covers the most interesting stories in the cannabis and psychedelics landscapes. Chill with us daily to get your news injection, and subscribe to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, to ensure you’re always first to get the story.

The post 5 Best Clubs in London in 2023 appeared first on Cannadelics.

Via https://cannadelics.com/2023/01/28/5-best-clubs-in-london-2023/

source https://rosalinaklerkx.weebly.com/blog/5-best-clubs-in-london-in-2023

Friday 27 January 2023

The Lowdown On Syria As The New Captagon Narco State

The Mid-East countries might be outwardly against drugs, but that doesn’t mean their people aren’t using, or involved in the trade. From published research showing the growing trend of hash among youth in Saudi Arabia, to Syria and its new position as a Captagon narco state, it kind of seems like the Mid-East, is right in the middle of it all.

What’s a ‘narco state’?

We hear the term ‘narco state’ a lot, particularly when talking about the international drug trade. For those who don’t follow the news, the word ‘narco’ is still pretty out there, what with the array of television shows portraying the lives of famous illicit drug entrepreneurs. But what exactly does it mean? According to collinsdictionary, it’s pretty simply:

“A country in which the illegal trade in narcotic drugs forms a substantial part of the economy.” That certainly paints a picture, but more in depth definitions explain the concept even better. Oxford reference explains it further, saying,

“A nation state whose government, judiciary, and military have been effectively infiltrated by drug cartels, or where the illegal drug trade is covertly run by elements of the government. It can also refer to a region under the control of organized crime for the purposes of producing or trafficking drugs where legitimate political authority is absent.”

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It then goes on to explain that the term “‘Narco state’ is more a journalistic phrase than an entity under international law. It has been used to describe Colombia, Guinea-Bissau, Suriname, and Mexico at various times….”

Basically, a narco state refers to a situation whereby those who control the drug trade, also hold a substantial power in governance. This generally undermines the political parties and/or laws of a country, often making such entities look rather powerless in comparison (though they’re often involved). Take Mexico, for example. It’s one of the most well-known examples of a country which is essentially run by its criminal organizations, and where very few people expect the government to do much about it.

A country dubbed a ‘narco state’ can go from being a narco state to a non-narco state if the structure that allows the criminal organizations their power, is fundamentally changed. Likewise, a country not known by this term, can easily become associated with it, if for some reason its drug trade is suddenly elevated. Such is the current case with Syria, as the drug Captagon propels it to narco state status.

What’s Captagon?

A country can become a narco state based on the trade of different drugs. Some of the drugs most responsible for incurring large drug trades, include heroine (opium), cocaine (coca), and cannabis. But there are plenty more drugs that rise and fall in popularity, and right now, the Mid-East is home to one of the burgeoning drugs to create a narco state – Captagon.

Captagon – or fenethylline – is a codrug and prodrug of amphetamine, meaning it works well with amphetamine, and breaks down into it within the body. It also goes by the spellings phenethylline and fenetylline, and by the names: amphetamin​oethyl​theophylline and amfetyline. Its been marketed under the names Captagon, Biocapton, and Fitton, as a psychostimulant. And as of now, it comes with no identifiable death toll. At all.

Psychostimulant is a nonspecific word that goes hand in hand with the word ‘uppers’. It applies to drugs that increase activity in the central nervous system, and bring on positive feelings like euphoria. The category includes everything from cocaine, to methamphetamine, to caffeine, to Captagon.

Captagon was first synthesized in 1961 by German chemicals company Degussa AG. For many years it was used as an alternative to amphetamine as it provides a milder response. One of its benefits over amphetamine, is not causing quite as extreme an increase in cardiovascular function. Even as it proved safer than amphetamine, and enjoyed use as a medication for narcolepsy, ADHD, and depression; the US illegalized it, putting in Schedule I of the Controlled Substances list in 1981.

This was followed up in 1986 by the World Health Organization adding it to the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, essentially leading to its illegalization in much of the world. And this while amphetamine remained legal, with Schedule II designation in the US. Though the drug certainly exists in many places, it’s found most in the countries of the Middle East. Like most any illicit drug industry, this also means the trafficking and sale of counterfeit Captagon.

As is stands now, Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest Captagon consumers, and the majority of the drug gets trafficked in through Syria. The industry has grown so exponentially in the country, that Syria has become a Captagon narco state.

Saudi Arabia biggest Captagon importers
Saudi Arabia biggest Captagon importers

Syria and Captagon

Syria – the Syrian Arab Republic – sits in Western Asia. To its west are the Mediterranean, Turkey, Lebanon, and Israel; to its south is Jordon; to its south and east is Iraq; and to its north is also Turkey. Arabs are the largest ethic group in the country, but are joined by Kurds, Turkmens, Assyrians, Armenians, Circassians, Albanians, and Greeks. The most common religion is Muslim, but there are also plenty of Christians, Alawites, Druze, and Yazidis.

Since March of 2011, there’s been civil war in Syria, mostly because of the leadership of Bashar al-Assad, who took over in 2000, upon the death of his father Hafez al-Assad. The current leadership has been roundly associated with human rights abuses like executions of political prisoners, and wide-ranging censorship. Assad’s rule is challenged by political groups like Syrian Interim Government, Syrian Salvation Government, and Rojava. This civil war has claimed the lives of over a half million people, and led to a refugee crisis involving upwards of seven million displaced residents, and around five million refugees.

All of this is important because it shows the instability of the leadership of the country. Captagon at one point was associated with Islamic State fighters (part of the a militant Islamist group that promotes the Salafi jihadist branch of Sunni Islam), which makes it less surprising that its manufacture and use has spread so far. In fact, this illegal $10 billion/year industry is directly tied to al-Assad…as well as his enemies. According to international French news agency Agence France-Presse (AFP), Captagon exports dwarf all legal exports out of the country.

Now, to be clear, there are no hard numbers for an illegal drug industry, or at least none that get reported. The size of an illegal industry is approximated through drug busts and seizures. Which realistically means that a country that puts more effort into rooting out drugs and making seizures, could look to have a bigger industry than a country with more drugs, but less push to catch them. It’s said that Syria is the biggest producer and Saudi Arabia the biggest importer, but these assumptions are only based on who has been caught.

In the case of Captagon, its approximated that pills average at about $5. A real Captagon pill costs approximately $25 on the high end, while a knockoff can be as low as $1. In 2021, 460 million pills were taken in seizures, which leads to the total estimate of 2.3 billion pills produced, if 80-90% of trades go through. And this accounts for about $10+ billion in revenue. It’s expected that for every shipment which gets intercepted, that nine others likely make it alright. In reality, the $10 billion estimated from 2021, is probably a low number.

Whether Syria really is the biggest narco state, is arguable at best. Though it makes for killer headlines, its hard to imagine Syria outdoing a country like Mexico. Even so, the real meat of the story, is simply that the growing popularity of Captagon, has led Syria to join the list of countries considered narco states.

Further details of Syria and its relationship with Captagon

Captagon has its place in Syria as a party drug, but its cheapness, and ability for discretion make it a popular choice over the more socially unacceptable alcohol. As the kind of stimulant associated with pulling an all-nighter in school, and for helping soldiers fight longer, its not shocking its used by workers who want to get more work done. There are even stories of bosses spiking their worker’s drinks with the pills, in order to get more work out of them.

France24 spoke with several illegal operators out of Syria, and though most required anonymity, they were able to shed some light on the situation. Said one fixer and trafficker, a big shipment is usually organized by five or six different entities in order to cover the cost of the raw materials, transporting, and necessary bribes; all of which can total around $10 million.


He explained, “The cost is low and the profits high,” and that getting intercepted sometimes isn’t the worst thing because even just one shipment out of ten making it, means enough profit for all involved. In terms of who these people are, he explained “There’s a group of more than 50 barons… They are one big web, Syrians, Lebanese and Saudis.”

Though the Syrian government plays some role (or at least takes money from it), much of the trade happens through Bedouin confederation Bani Khaled, which can often support the entire process of production in Syria, through delivery in a country like Saudi Arabia. This means less hand offs between different organizations, and an easier ability to maintain control. As the network reaches to Jordan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia, from Syria and Lebanon, this gives a large area to work within with one entity overseeing it.

Syria is currently the biggest producer of Captagon, manufacturing approximately 80% of the circulating Captagon globally. This is according to security services, that go on to say that the Captagon trade is worth three times the entire Syrian national budget. Assad-controlled areas are some of the biggest hotspots for this trade, though Assad’s brother Maher al-Assad plays a role as well, and is said to be one of the biggest winners in the Captagon game. It’s reported that many labs get “the raw material directly from the 4th Division, sometimes in military bags,” of which Maher is the de facto head.

The trade has done well to build up groups like Hezbollah, which is said to play a part in patrolling the Lebanese border to ensure safe trafficking. Said an ex-Syrian government adviser who remains anonymous, “Syria is in dire need of foreign currency, and this industry is capable of filling the treasury through a shadow economy from importing raw materials to manufacturing and finally exporting.”

The trade is big enough that many other organizations, including rebel groups, are in on it, particularly in the south of Syria. Sweida and Daraa, two provinces along the border with Jordan, have smuggling routes to Saudi Arabia. Abu Timur, a spokesman for the armed group Al-Karama, explained,

“The smuggling is organized by the tribes who live in the desert in coordination with over 100 small armed gangs,” and that “Captagon brought together all the warring parties of the conflict… The government, the opposition, the Kurds and ISIS.”

Syria might be the new Captagon narco state, but the drug isn’t killing anyone. If you look up ‘Captagon deaths,’ nothing comes up; which greatly begs the question why this matters. Why would anyone go this far to care about something not causing a problem? The only real assumption, is money. The situation has now gone so far, that this no death-toll drug, is reason for a shoot-to-kill policy in Jordan, concerning traffickers of Captagon out of Syria. Meaning a drug that doesn’t kill anyone (much like cannabis), is now the reason for many deaths.


While its always nice to see different sides come together, perhaps the pursuance of a drug trade isn’t the best reason. However, low-grade knock-offs aside, Captagon isn’t the most intense drug, and far better than other options like opioids, which cause many deaths.

If you had the choice, you’d probably prefer your kid took a couple Captagon pills, over ever popping a fentanyl; but today’s reality is that you can get shot and killed over a drug, that doesn’t actually kill anyone.

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The post The Lowdown On Syria As The New Captagon Narco State appeared first on Cannadelics.

Via https://cannadelics.com/2023/01/27/the-lowdown-on-syria-as-the-new-captagon-narco-state/

source https://rosalinaklerkx.weebly.com/blog/the-lowdown-on-syria-as-the-new-captagon-narco-state

Meet Psilomethoxin the Love Child of Psilocybin and 5-MeO-DMT

As unbelievable as it may seem, a new hallucinogen is emerging that utilizes magic mushroom mycelium to essentially create an orally active form of 5-MeO-DMT. It’s known as Psilomethoxin, and this novel discovery is not only exciting on the basis of the compound itself, but it also represents a special union of nature, spirit, and science. This could also be a serious game-changer for the future of synthetic psychedelic production.

What is Psilomethoxin? 

Psilomethoxin (4-OH-5-MeO-DMT) is a new tryptamine created in vivo using magic mushroom mycelium. After inoculation, and before the fruiting stage, 5-MeO-DMT is fed into the mushroom substrate, and once the flush comes in, the fruiting bodies contain Psilomethoxin rather than psilocybin or psilocin. It can be made by mixing a pure freebase powder into the substrate, or using a liquid hydrochloride solution. Psilomethoxin is not a scheduled substance, making it federally legal to possess and consume.

4-OH-5-MeO-DMT is an orally active version of classic 5-MeO-DMT (toad venom) with a longer half live. A drug’s half-life refers to the time it takes for the amount of the active substance in your body to reduce by half. Initial reports indicate that the high from psilomethoxin is very different from both 5-MeO and psilocybin.

The high is said to be slightly less intense than 5-MeO (in terms of visual and auditory hallucinations), but the trip lasts much longer. Because it seems like a lot of the psilocybin is canceled out during the cultivation process, the longer high could be simply due to the method of consumption, rather than the addition of mushroom compounds. The effects from cannabis edibles lasts longer than those from smoking as well, so it’s not uncommon.  

The Church of Psilomethoxin and history behind this compound  

Psilomethoxin was initially discovered and synthesized by researchers from the Pasteur Institute, led by Marc Julia, in 1965. The Pasteur Institute, founded in 1887, is French, non-profit center for biomedical research. It was named after Louis Pasteur, who invented pasteurization and vaccines for anthrax and rabies. 

The researchers obtained a patent for psilomethoxin, but due to the passing of the Controlled Substances Act in the 1970s, research came to a screeching halt and the patent lapsed after 20 years. The chemists who work with the compound also claim that the process of synthesizing it is very elaborate and time-consuming, which can explain why it remained uncommon for so long after its discovery.  


Fast forward a few decades to 2005, and a well-known American chemist, pharmacologist, and author – Alexander Shulgin – took an interest in this long-lost hallucinogen. He theorized that psilomethoxin could be more easily produced by introducing 5-MeO-DMT to magic mushroom substrate, although he never put this theory to practice.  

In 2021, entheogen-based spiritual/religious practitioner Ian Benouis picked up where Shulgin’s idea left off. The experiment was successful and Ian, along with his business and research partners Benjamin Moore and Ryan Begin, performed a week-long dieta to learn more about their new substance. Following a successful journey, the group reached out to attorney Greg Lake and launched the Church of Psilomethoxin, with 4-HO-5-MeO-DMT as their sacrament. The Church of Psilomethoxin is a majority veteran-founded organization, and much of its charitable work is directed toward the veteran community with a focus on mental health.  

According to Church officials, they continued to conduct experiments with psilomethoxin, mainly in the areas of safety and effects. Between November 2021 and September 2022, over 500 entheogen-based spiritual practitioners took part in their research project and gave detailed reports about their experiences. With very few accounts of negative side effects, the church felt confident enough to open their doors to the public in September 2022.  

The future of synthetic psychedelics 

After learning about psilomethoxin, the next logical question is whether or not this process would work with other compounds. Imagine growing mushrooms with LSD or mescaline… if that was possible, it would be incredible! Others have theorized about adding kratom to substrate and creating 4-HO-mitragagynine, and the list goes on.

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The reality is, it’s likely to only work with other tryptamine compounds. And while lysergamides are a subset of tryptamines, it’s hard to say if uptake would occur with LSD and if it would undergo the same 4-Hydroxylation that occurrs with 5-MeO-DMT. Mescaline would also be a challenge as phenethylamines likely won’t be taken up by mushrooms. 

But back to tryptamines, which are naturally occurring alkaloids found in numerous plants and life forms around the world. There are actually more than 1,500 natural varieties of tryptamine compounds that have been discovered so far. Consider how many orally active tryptamine substances can be created using the mushroom mycelium method. Some have been tested already, such as DET (N, N-diethyltryptamine), which makes 4-HO-DET, but it remains a relatively uncharted sector of the psychedelics industry.

Final thoughts  

Summarized, psilomethoxin is an edible form of 5-MeO-DMT, and it’s the result of adding 5-MeO to psilocybin mushroom substrate. To clarify, it’s very different than taking 5-MeO and eating some magic mushrooms with it, as the DMT takes over the mushroom and you don’t really get many effects from the psilocybin. What you do get is a slightly milder, yet longer lasting “God molecule” high. It’s very new, so not much is known about it, but as more information becomes available, we’ll be the first to give you all the updates! 

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The post Meet Psilomethoxin, the Love Child of Psilocybin and 5-MeO-DMT  appeared first on Cannadelics.

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source https://rosalinaklerkx.weebly.com/blog/meet-psilomethoxin-the-love-child-of-psilocybin-and-5-meo-dmt

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Have you tried the new ‘Liquid Diamonds‘ 3G live resin disposables? With an effective blend of THC-X, THC-B, THC-JD, PHC, Delta 8 & Delta 10 these high-potency vapes will take your vaping experience to the next level. Take advantage of our ‘Deal of the day’ and get these strong vapes with an additional 25% discount, using the Delta25 coupon code.

What is live resin and why should you care?

Live resin is a type of cannabis extract that is made using fresh, frozen cannabis plants rather than dried and cured buds. The process of making live resin involves flash-freezing the plants shortly after they are harvested, which preserves the terpenes and other flavorful compounds that can be lost during the drying and curing process. The resulting extract has a distinct, terpene-rich flavor and aroma, and is often used in vaporizers, as well as for making edibles and other cannabis products.

While many disposables use terpenes and some have a great aroma, live resin vape disposables and carts have a distinct flavor which you could almost smell the plant! Choose this product if you want to feel the true flavors of this amazing plant. Take advantage of our ‘d’Deal of the day’ and get the high-potency ‘Liquid Diamonds’ vapes for an additional 25% discount, using the Delta25 coupon code.

Click here to buy live resin disposables and carts

(With ‘Delta25’ coupon code)

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‘Liquid Diamonds’ Live Resin Disposables and Carts

(25% Discount with ‘Delta25’ coupon code)

Liquid Diamonds Live Resin Disposables and Carts
Liquid Diamonds Live Resin Disposables and Carts

We are excited to announce the arrival of a new and innovative product to the market – the ‘Liquid Diamonds’ live resin disposables, made from potent blend of THC-X, THC-B, THC-jd, PHC, Delta-8 THC, Delta-10 THC, and Live Resin. These cutting-edge disposable vape is designed to deliver the latest and most effective high-potency cannabinoids in a sleek and discreet package.

The live resin disposable vape is a 3-gram vape that comes in a sleek and compact design, making it easy to use and carry around with you wherever you go. The discreet design ensures that you can use it in public without drawing attention to yourself.

This disposable vape is filled with live resin extract, a type of cannabis extract that is known for its high potency and purity. The live resin extract is made from fresh, flash-frozen cannabis flowers, which preserves the valuable terpenes and cannabinoids, resulting in a more flavorful and potent vape experience.

So, if you are looking for a premium product that will give you the best experience and convenience, this live resin disposable vape is a must-try. Stay tuned for its release and be ready to grab yours today!

And to make this amazing product even better, we are offering an exclusive coupon code “Delta25” which will give you an additional 25% off the already great price of the disposable vape. This means you can get this high-quality product at an unbeatable price, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking for an affordable and effective way to consume cannabinoids.

Keep in mind that this offer is only available for a limited time, so don’t hesitate to take advantage of this great deal. This is a great opportunity to try out this new and exciting product and see for yourself the benefits that it can offer. With the added discount, it makes it a deal hard to miss.

Choose between: Cherry Bomb (Sativa), Unicorn Piss (Indica) and Cereal Milk (Hybrid).

TIP: Take advantage of the current deal and get an additional 25% discount using the Delta25 coupon code.

Click HERE to buy live resin disposables

(With “Delta25” coupon code)

Three products to choose from: Sativa, Indica and Hybrid

The new ‘liquid Diamonds’ line consists on three live resin disposables to choose from: Cherry Bomb (Sativa), Unicorn Piss (Indica) and Cereal Milk (Hybrid). Each one of them is made by the same effective blend of THC-X, THC-B, THC-jd, PHC, Delta-8 THC, Delta-10 THC, and Live Resin.

Unicorn Piss Live Resin Disposables 3G

(Save 25% with Delta25 coupon)

Unicorn Piss Live Resin Disposables 3G - Save 25% with Delta25 Coupon Code
Unicorn Piss Live Resin Disposables 3G – Save 25% with Delta25 Coupon Code

The magical Unicorn Piss strain id a smooth and stimulating Indica strain. Thanks to the live resin, it offers great flavors of citrus and sour notes.

Cereal Milk Live Resin Disposables 3G

(Save 25% with Delta25 coupon)

Cereal Milk Live Resin Disposables 3G - Save 25% with Delta25 Coupon Code
Cereal Milk Live Resin Disposables 3G – Save 25% with Delta25 Coupon Code

This well-balanced hybrid strain has notes of creamy vanilla, along with sweet notes of ice cream-like flavors.

Cannalope Haze Live Resin Disposables 3G

(Save 25% with Delta25 coupon)

Cannalope Haze 3G - Save 25% with Delta25 Coupon Code
Cannalope Haze Live Resin Disposables 3G – Save 25% with Delta25 Coupon Code

The Cannalope Haze strain is a delicious Sativa strain with a delightful flavor of melons and tropical fruit mix.

lick HERE to buy live resin disposables

(With “Delta25” coupon code)

Learn more about live resin disposables

What is THC-X?

THC-X is an invented blend of high-potency cannabinoids that goes into various products in addition to the specified cannabinoids listed. Whenever you see THC-X remember it is not a new cannabinoid but an in-house blend that the company has mixed and labeled THC-X. While many companies might use this term ‘THC-X’, each company has its own blend which is unique and you won’t find that formula anywhere else!

What is THC-B?

THC-B AKA Tetrahydrocannabutol, is a psychoactive cannabinoid not so different than Delta-9 THC, the ‘regular’ THC we all know from Cannabis. There are many reports on whether it is stronget or weaker than Delta-9, but as everything is so new, we will relate to it as close relative, until we know better. All that said, as with each new cannabinoid introduced, you should should always start low and grow slow, until you learn how exactly this specific cannabinoid affects you.

What is THCjd?

Another interestin cannabinoid, which we see in several products is Tetrahydrocannabioctyl (THCjd). Some companies claim that THCjd is up to 19 times more potent than Delta-9 THC. While this might be true, more studies are needed to verify this strong claim. As with THC-B (above) you should take it easy with these new high-potency cannabinoids, and slow down your ‘puffs’ until you find your perfect spot.

What is PHC?

PHC is another new cannabinoid, which is very similar to Delta 11. It is claimed that the psychoactive effects from these two cannabinoids have the same intense like the ones coming from edibles, even when they are inhaled, vaped or smoked! That is a very strong claim which will be tested in the next few months. However, if it’s true, it means it is a very high-potency product!

What is Delta 10 THC?

Delta 10 THC is another common cannabinoid extracted from Hemp. Unlike Delta 8, Delta 9 or HHC it is not such a common one to be used in products, but it has its advantages so we are starting to see it more and more in blends.

Liquid Diamonds Live Resin Disposables and Carts
Liquid Diamonds Live Resin Disposables and Carts

What are disposables or disposable vapes

Disposable vapes, AKA disposables, disposable e-cigarettes or dispos, are small, discreet electronic device that is used for vaping. Disposables usually consist of a battery, heating element, and a pre-filled cartridge with some e0liquid, such as live rosin liquid diaminds blend in this case. Disposables can be single used or frechargables.

Disposable vapes are very popular as they are discreet, very easy to use and convenient to travel with. The current 3g live resin disposables have a capacity of 3 grams, which is starting to become the new norm. That means you will be able to use for a long time until you run out of product.

What are live resin disposables

Like the name suggested, live resin disposables are filled with live resin extract. Live resin disposables are famous for their great taste and distinct, terpene-rich aroma. They have become very popular among cannabis users who are looking for these specific strong flavors.

What are the benefits of using disposables

There are several benefits of using disposable vapes, including: convenience, portability, cost-effective, variety, discreetness and trendiness.

It’s worth noting that disposable vapes are not sustainable option and are not freindly to the environment, as they are used once and then thrown away.

How should you store live rosin disposables

Disposable vapes should be stored in a cool, dry place to ensure that the extract does not degrade or evaporate. Extreme temperatures, such as high heat or cold, can cause the extract to lose its flavor and potency, and may also damage the battery or other components of the device.

In addition you should keep disposables away from direct sunlight.

When possible try to keep them in their original packaging until you are ready to use them, to protect the device from damage. Keep an eye for the expiration date, also specified on the package.

Unlike carts, disposables are not meant to be refilled or reused.

What are the environmental concerns with disposables

The environmental concerns with disposable vapes include: plastic waste, chemical waste and battery waste. Also currently there are limited recycling options, which is another big issue.

It’s important to be aware of these environmental concerns and to dispose the vapes properly. Some ways to reduce the environmental impact of disposables include: proper disposal and proper battery disposal.

What are the main differences between sativa, indica or hybrid disposables

The main differences between sativa, indica, and hybrid disposables are the effects they produce, which are determined by the strains of cannabis or the terpenes used.

Sativa disposable vapes are producing uplifting and energizing effects. They can provide a boost of creativity, focus and can be used to combat fatigue, depression, and anxiety.

Indica disposable are producing relaxing and sedative effects. They can provide a sense of calm, and can be used to combat insomnia, pain, and muscle tension.

Hybrid disposable can produce effects that are a combination of both sativa and indica strains. They often provide a balanced experience of both energy and relaxation.

Exclusive discounts on top-selling products

And for those looking to save even more on premium products like this disposable vape, we highly recommend subscribing to our newsletter. By subscribing, you’ll receive exclusive discounts and promotions on our top-selling products every week, allowing you to buy them at the lowest prices in the market.

You’ll be the first to know about new arrivals, limited-time deals, and special promotions. This will give you an opportunity to try out new products at a discounted price and make sure you always have the best deals available.

So, don’t miss out on this great opportunity to save big on premium products like this disposable vape and many more. Subscribe to our newsletter today, and start saving on the products you love!

The post Deal Of The Day: 30% Off Liquid Diamonds Live Resin Disposables appeared first on Cannadelics.

Via https://cannadelics.com/2023/01/27/liquid-diamonds-live-resin-disposables/

source https://rosalinaklerkx.weebly.com/blog/deal-of-the-day-30-off-liquid-diamonds-live-resin-disposables

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