Monday, 27 February 2023

DEA & FDA: The Confusion Over Legal Drugs VS Legal Products

This fight is ongoing. Are all cannabinoids that have to do with hemp, legal? Are hemp-derived cannabinoids that are completely or partially synthetic, legal? Are the cannabinoids that show up in nature, but are only used for production as synthetics, legal? And what about the products that are made from these compounds? Are they legal? There’s a mass amount of confusion on this, and on one end, a pretty discreet answer. So here we ago, when it comes to the DEA and FDA, what’s the difference between legal drugs, and legal products?

DEA, FDA, and USDA: what do these government agencies do?

For the most part, we have a generally good idea about this, but just to be clear, let’s quickly go over on a broad scale, the purpose (and power) of these government agencies. We’ll start with the DEA.

According to the agency, “The mission of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is to enforce the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States and bring to the criminal and civil justice system of the United States, or any other competent jurisdiction, those organizations and principal members of organizations, involved in the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for illicit traffic in the United States.”

On another hand, according to the FDA, “The Food and Drug Administration is responsible for protecting the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices; and by ensuring the safety of our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.”

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It goes on, “FDA also has responsibility for regulating the manufacturing, marketing, and distribution of tobacco products to protect the public health and to reduce tobacco use by minors.” And, “is responsible for advancing the public health by helping to speed innovations that make medical products more effective, safer, and more affordable and by helping the public get the accurate, science-based information they need to use medical products and foods to maintain and improve their health.”

As the FDA controls the regulation of all tobacco products, as stated, this includes vapes. Vapes are currently regulated under tobacco law, meaning all usage of vapes (e-cigarettes) falls under FDA regulation as electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS).

As far as the USDA, “We provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on public policy, the best available science, and effective management. We have a vision to provide economic opportunity through innovation, helping rural America to thrive; to promote agriculture production that better nourishes Americans while also helping feed others throughout the world; and to preserve our Nation’s natural resources through conservation, restored forests, improved watersheds, and healthy private working lands.”

These three agencies all play a role with cannabis in some way. The USDA regulates industrial hemp cultivation; the DEA regulates the legality of drug compounds; and the FDA regulates cannabis in products like foods, cosmetics, medicines, and supplements. These designations are important when looking at the controversy over the cannabinoid industry (and the cannabis industry as a whole), and the idea of legal drugs vs legal products.

The part of the USDA

There is a huge argument right now over which cannabis compounds are legal, and which products are legal; and these two questions are fundamentally different, because they’re governed by different agencies. So, to get an idea how it works with cannabis, let’s go over the breakdown between the legality of one vs the other.

To start with, the USDA’s 2018 Farm Bill legalized the cultivation of industrial hemp. And set a definition for ‘hemp’, which is the basis for a huge, and ongoing, argument, over exactly what this refers to; particularly in the case of wholly synthetic, or partially synthetic compounds. The ambiguity is partly related to the US not having a general definition for ‘natural’, meaning, there are no definitions for other thing like ‘naturally-derived’ either. Such a term is often used to greenwash products (make them sound more natural than they are), which has led to multiple lawsuits.

Natural and naturally-derived
Natural and naturally-derived

There is more specific regulation on this front in terms of food, however, with organic laws setting particular standards. And with organizations like the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) which set standards for cosmetics and food. Apart from offering the hemp definition that causes so many problems (on one front), the USDA is less involved in the rest of the argument.

Legal cannabis drugs vs legal cannabis products, which is DEA and which is FDA?

USDA aside, the DEA regulates drugs on behalf of the Department of Justice. It holds drug scheduling lists that determine the legality and uses of a drug on a federal level. Schedule I is for 100% illegal drugs with no accepted medical use, a high risk of danger, and a high risk of addiction. These drugs are illegal for any resident to possess, use, cultivate, sell, transport, traffic, or do anything else with. Cannabis is one of these drugs. However, recently, plants with no more than .3% THC were legalized by the most recent farm bill, for industrial use; by moving regulation for cultivation and production (only) to the USDA.

When we want to know if a drug is legal in general, we look to the DEA. And that’s why the agency has fielded inquires, like from the Alabama Board of Pharmacy about delta-8, and more recently, by attorney Rod Kight in terms of two synthetic cannabinoids: Delta-9-THCO and delta-8-THCO. In both cases, it stipulated they’re illegal. These questions are about overall legality, like, can I have it at all as a legal compound, or will simply having it be a federal offense. But that’s where DEA control ends.

The problem with the current debate, is that its essentially over products, rather than standard legality. Whether the DEA says the compounds are legal or not, has 100% no bearing on whether they’re legal to use in products. And that’s because the FDA (NOT the DEA) overseas all uses of cannabis in anything related to medical, supplements, cosmetics, smoking, and food products.

This means anything dealing with cannabis in vapes, is illegal. As is every other kind of cannabis product: oils and tinctures (both supplements, or food), creams, patches, and makeup (cosmetics, or medicine), pills, and treatments of any kind (medicine or supplements). They’re all uniformly illegal; because the FDA never made them legal.

What does the FDA permit? “With the exception of Epidiolex, Marinol, and Syndros, no product containing cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds (either plant-based or synthetic) has been approved as safe and effective for use in any patient population, whether pediatric or adult.”

FDA allows legal cannabis pharmaceutical products
FDA allows legal cannabis pharmaceutical products

If it needs to be stated more clearly, this ends the question of whether any cannabis product is legal on a federal level. And the answer is no. Once again, this is unrelated to whether the DEA classifies something as illegal or not. In fact, it should be remembered that the DEA has cannabis in Schedule I, yet the FDA approved Epidiolex, Marinol, and Syndros. Which means an illegal drug can still be used in legal products, should the FDA pass them. And a legal drug, is still illegal in products, if the FDA doesn’t make an allowance.

Why do people try to use DEA answers to promote product legality?

Hard for me to say, but I have my theories. One of them is simply confusion. I fully admit I, myself, was quite entangled in the ‘synthetic or not’ aspect of the argument for a long time. And that still matters in terms of legal drugs, but it doesn’t affect legal products. At least not in current circumstances. When an industry has regulation through different government bodies for the same topic, it can get confusing. And for many, it might seem like the DEA holds the answers to issues of product legality.

The other possibility is more a manipulation issue. The ideas generally focused on when speaking of the debate on hemp-derived cannabinoids, are whether they cross the .3% THC level at any point in processing, and whether they’re synthetic to some degree and what that means. That’s because these things can be argued. What is less arguable, is that the agency that allows legal products, never changed its stance. If industry promoters and vendors had the public focus on this, their products would be seen as illegal with no recourse. If response letters from the FDA were published, there wouldn’t be a question.

This is similar to how I believe the government uses methods of subterfuge to keep American attention off certain topics. Whether the cannabinoid industry is dirty or not, it simply doesn’t come with any real death toll that can be attributed to anything but additives. As in, not any of the cannabinoids, synthetic or not, have caused an issue to any real degree. On the other hand, while the government talks of them like they’re a massive threat to humanity, it continues to push opioids through regulation, as they now kill close to 100 thousand people a year.

Same concept. By focusing on the DEA, and whether a drug is legal overall, takes attention away from the fact that the FDA regulates products, and the DEA has nothing to do with this. The cannabinoid products industry isn’t going to focus on the legal aspect that renders it completely illegal. It’s going to focus on the debatable part, and sell it products based on the argument therein.

Final thoughts

I really don’t care if the products market continues. I mean, it’s a bit gross, with trademark violations, fake labs, mislabeled products, and no way to know what’s added in. But legal markets tend to have these issues too. And realistically, they ain’t killing anyone. My argument is simply about understanding the legal landscape, and not falling victim to subterfuge marketing moves when it comes to this understanding. But am I parading around for the end of cannabinoids? No. And realistically, illegal or not, there seem to be few, if any, repercussions involved; likely because the US can’t fight another losing drug war.

Issues with mislabeled cannabis products
Issues with mislabeled cannabis products

I’d sure love if everyone had access to the real plant (which seems to lower use of synthetics anyway), but I also know people like to get high and will try what’s available. And if its not going to cause damage, or at least, not in remotely the same ballpark as other drugs like medically approved opioids and benzodiazepines, and illegal ones like meth; it kind of seems like the FDA should suck it up, and allow it to happen. Although, in the world of reality, the market continues regardless.

Hey guys, welcome! Thanks for making it to; where we work to bring you independent coverage of the cannabis and psychedelics industries, everyday. Head our way whenever possible to keep updated on everything important; and subscribe for our Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, so you’re always on top of what’s going on.

The post DEA & FDA: The Confusion Over Legal Drugs VS Legal Products appeared first on Cannadelics.



Amanita HHC Gummies: Amanita Muscaria Chocolate with HHC

The High Times Hemp Cup is an annual competition where hemp cultivators, processors, and brands around the country submit their products for a chance to win the title of the best hemp-derived product. The judge kits are distributed across the country for consumers to test and judge each product inside of their kit. This year, the competition has become more interesting as new psychedelic product has made its debut in the competition, the Amanita HHC Gummies, the Amanita Delta 8 Joint and the Amanita CBD Joint, all from Amanita Muscaria mushroom, a legal trending psychedelic product, sold online.

Click HERE to see the new additions to 2023 High Times Hemp Cup competition:
Amanita HHC Gummies & Amanita Delta 8 Joints

Introducing Amanita HHC Gummies & Amanita Delta 8 Joint

The new Amanita HHC Gummies are lab-tested 25mg HHC gummies dipped in Amanita Muscaria mushroom chocolate. The Amanita CBD mushroom joint is made from amanita infused organic indoor hemp flower, and the Amanita Delta 8 THC mushroom caviar joint contains Amanita + Delta 8 infused hemp flower blend with Muscaria powder coating on the outside, with a total of 500mg.

Al three products are produced by PsiloMart which becomes the first legal magic mushroom company to submit entries for the 2023 High Times Hemp Cup. The company believes that there is an entourage effect between cannabis and mushrooms that needs to be explored, which led them to create a new “Amanita +” line of Muscimol mushroom products blended with hemp-derived cannabinoids. Since the Hemp Cup is the “People’s Choice” edition, we need to wait and see what will be the score given to these products. However, the inclusion of these Amanita Muscaria products in the High Times Hemp Cup competition is a testament to the high demand expected for blended cannabis and psychedelic products.

The new Amanita mushroom products

The new Amanita Hemp Cup products include Amanita HHC gummies, Amanita Delta 8 THC joint, and Amanita CBD joints. These products are also available for purchase directly from the supplier, with the option to use the “Cannadelics” coupon code to save an additional 20%.

Amanita HHC Gummies

One of the Amanita + products submitted to the 2023 High Times Hemp Cup is the Amanita + HHC Magic Mushroom Gummies. These lab-tested gummies contain 25 mg of HHC, a simplified version of THC, and are dipped in Amanita Muscaria mushroom chocolate. The combination of HHC and muscimol from Amanita Muscaria mushrooms creates a unique experience for users.

Amanita HHC Gummies

If you’re curious to try the new Amanita HHC gummies, CLICK HERE and use the “cannadelics” coupon code to save 20% on your order. 

Buy Amanita HHC gummies

(With Cannadelics coupon code)

Amanita CBD Joint and Amanita Delta 8 Joints

Another two product submitted to Hemp Cup are the Amanita CBD joints and the Amanita Delta 8 joints. The Amanita + CBD Mushroom Joints, include Amanita Pantherina powder blended with organic indoor hemp flower for a total of 250 mg. The Amanita Delta 8 joint features a blend of Amanita + Delta 8-infused hemp flower with muscaria powder coating on the outside for a total of 500 mg. This product is the more potent one, as it includes both Delta 8 THC and Amanita Muscaria extract, both psychoactive.

Amanita Delta 8 THC Joints

If you’re curious to try the new Amanita Delta 8 joints, CLICK HERE and use the “cannadelics” coupon code to save 20% on your order. 

Buy Amanita Delta 8 THC Joints

(With Cannadelics coupon code)

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More on Amanita HHC gummies

Amanita HHC gummies are a new addition to the line of muscimol-infused products, which combines the psychoactive effects of Amanita muscaria mushrooms with lab-tested hemp-derived cannabinoids.

Each gummy contains 25mg of HHC (hexahydrocannabinol), a simplified version of THC, that is dipped in Amanita muscaria mushroom chocolate. This is an interesting blend, as it allows you to experience cannabis and mushrooms at the same time.

Amanita HHC gummies offer a fun yet relaxing experience, somewhat dissociative in nature, with a warm and tingly feeling body high, and a bit of auditory enhancement. As it contains Amanita extract, you can also expect to get some kind of psychedelic experiences, memory flashbacks and changes in the way you experience the world arround you, so use it with caution.

To get your hands on these Amanita HHC gummies, click here and use the “cannadelics” coupon code at checkout for a 20% discount.

Click HERE to see the new additions to 2023 High Times Hemp Cup competition:
Amanita HHC Gummies & Amanita Delta 8 Joints

Special Sale: Psychedelic Gummies for only $2.4/gummy

About Amanita Muscaria

Amanita muscaria, a legal magic mushroom, also known as Fly Agaric, or simply, Amanita mushroom, is a member of the family of fungi, of the genus Amanita. Although it can be found all over the world today, Amanitas are native to the temperate and boreal regions of the Northern Hemisphere, which includes Europe, North America, and Siberia – where they can be found growing under various types of deciduous and conifer trees, such as birch and pine.

The active ingredients in Fly Agarics are muscimol and ibotenic acid. Muscimol works by activating the major inhibitory neurotransmitter system, gamma amino butyric acid (GABA). As an inhibitory system, muscimol suppresses the activity of certain neurons in the brain, which is how the psychoactive effects are produced.

The ibotenic acid, which is responsible for the sickness and “toxicity” commonly reported from these mushrooms, converts to muscimol during decarboxylation (through the application of heat). If Amanita products are prepared correctly, then at least 70 percent (preferably more) of the ibotenic acid will become muscimol.

About the High Times Hemp Cup

The High Times Hemp Cup is a nationwide competition for the best hemp-derived products. Hemp cultivators, processors, and brands submit their products into the competition, which are then packaged by High Times into assorted Judge Kits. These judge’s kits are then distributed across the country for consumers to test and judge each product inside of their kit.

The judge’s kits are available for purchase online, and judges will have until April 2nd to explore their kits and test out the various different products received. They will fill out questionnaires and submit their responses, which will be tallied up in time for the cup that takes place on April 16th.

Amanita HHC gummies and Amanita Delta 8 joints – Final Thoughts

The inclusion of Amanita Muscaria products in the High Times Hemp Cup showcases the growing demand for these unique products. The combination of muscimol from Amanita Muscaria mushrooms with popular cannabinoids like HHC, Delta 8 THC, and CBD creates a new and exciting experience for users. This is a major change as never before psychedelic products were included in this competition and we look forward to see the results of the High Times Hemp Cup. Remember, these products can also be bought directly from the supplier, with the option to use the “Cannadelics” coupon code to save an additional 20%.

What do you think? Will Cannabis + Amanita products prove to be an important part of our psychedelic routine? Share your thoughts below.

Save 25% on 5g disposables

Subscribe to the Cannadelics Sunday Edition

We appreciate you stopping in at Cannadelics; where we work to bring you the best in independent news coverage for the cannabis and psychedelics spaces. Visit us regularly for daily news, and sign up to the Cannadelics Sunday Edition, for our weekly digest of the best stories, so you’re always on top of what’s going on.

So what are you waiting for? Click the links above and enter the code “Cannadelics” to save 20% on your order. And be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for access to awesome deals on cannabis and psychedelic products. Get high responsibly and enjoy the Amanita HHC Gummies today!

The post Amanita HHC Gummies: Amanita Muscaria Chocolate with HHC appeared first on Cannadelics.



What is a Drug Cartel?

In the world of illegal substances, drug cartels are the kingpins. If you’ve ever heard of Pablo Escobar and his Medellin Cartel in Colombia, then you’ll have heard of these organizations. But that was then and this is now. Who are the current drug cartels to look out for? But not only that, what actually are they? We’re going to be explaining how drug cartels work, how they thrive and how they do or don’t get caught.

We will also take a look into the effects that drug cartels have on normal people. In a world run by strict law, many wonder how these organizations manage to fruitfully exist. As always, strap yourselves in, and let’s delve deep.

Drug Cartels: What are they? 

A cartel, of any sort, is a group of participants in an industry who have made it their aim to stop competition in their sector. They want to be the complete monopoly. This is done through price fixing, regulating the output of the entire industry, rigging bids and many other methods. This is already illegal, but of course when you add drugs to the mix it does become that even bit more exciting. A drug cartel is a criminal organization that is involved in the production, distribution, and sale of illegal drugs.

These organizations often have a hierarchical structure and use violence, corruption, and intimidation to maintain control and protect their interests. These groups will have exclusive relationships with their suppliers, which allows them to buy it at the cheapest price, and sell it at a rate that they can choose. When any company has a monopoly – like if you’ve ever played the board game – they have the power. Does this sound familiar to you? 

Goals of Drugs Cartels

The primary goal of a drug cartel is to make a profit by producing and selling illegal drugs. To achieve this goal, they engage in a variety of illegal activities, including drug production and distribution, money laundering, and bribery. Cartels also seek to maintain their power and control over the drug trade, using violence and corruption to eliminate competitors and law enforcement threats. The Washington Post writes:

“The underground economy for drugs is huge. The United Nations estimated in a 2011 report that worldwide proceeds from drug trafficking and other transnational organized crime were equivalent to 1.5 percent of global GDP, or $870 billion in 2009.”

It is also believed that Mexican drug cartels make around 500 billion dollars a year. This is more than Walmart or any large business in the world. However, it’s obviously hard to pin down an exact number – these are all projections. Nonetheless, you can see clearly that the goals are clear: make money, maintain a monopoly on the industry, and avoid law enforcement threats. 

How Drug Cartels Operate

Drug cartels typically have a hierarchical structure with a clear chain of command. At the top of the organisation is a leader (Escobar for example) who holds significant power and is responsible for making major decisions. Below the leader are several key members who are responsible for overseeing various aspects of the cartel’s operations, such as production, distribution, and finance. These members are then responsible for managing lower-level members who carry out the day-to-day operations of the cartel. It doesn’t sound too dissimilar from any legal company, does it? The pyramid business model exists everywhere. Tom Wainwright, a writer for the Economist, found a similarity between companies like Walmart and ‘Narconomics’. He wrote:

“They say that in certain industries, Wal-Mart is effectively the only buyer in the industry. So if there’s some disruption to supply, let’s say the harvest fails for apples or something like that, apple growers aren’t able to increase their prices because Wal-Mart is the only buyer and they say, “Well, sorry, but this is our price and if you don’t want to sell to us, well, tough.” So the sellers have to carry on selling it at the same price as before. It seemed that something similar might be going on in the cocaine industry.”

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Tesco, Walmart, Amazon – all of these companies have monopolies in their fields. We argue that we exist in a free-market, where anyone can compete for a place in the industry, but this simply isn’t true. The power that drug cartels have over the illegal substance industry isn’t dissimilar from the power that legal big businesses have over theirs. Maybe there’s less violence and shoot-outs but, then again, have you heard of 0 hour contracts and underpaid labour? That’s not to defend drug cartels, it’s simply to highlight that the business model exists in the legal world too. 

Drug cartels use a variety of methods to produce and distribute drugs, including cultivating and processing illegal drugs such as marijuana and cocaine. They often rely on a network of suppliers and intermediaries to transport drugs from production sites to distribution points. Cartels also use sophisticated methods to conceal their operations, such as using hidden compartments in vehicles, encrypted communications, and money laundering.

Violence and corruption are two common tactics used by drug cartels to maintain control and protect their interests. Cartels use violence to intimidate competitors and law enforcement, as well as to eliminate perceived threats. They also use bribery and corruption to gain the cooperation of public officials and undermine the effectiveness of law enforcement. These tactics often result in widespread violence and destabilization in areas controlled by drug cartels, causing significant harm to local communities and economies.

History of Drug Cartels

Drug cartels have existed for several decades and have been a significant problem in many countries, particularly in Latin America. Some of the most notorious drug cartels in recent history include the Medellin Cartel in Colombia and the Sinaloa Cartel in Mexico. These organisations have been responsible for significant violence and destabilisation in the regions where they operate, as well as for the widespread distribution of illegal drugs.

The Mafia played their part in the 1950s and Pablo Escobar mastered the game in the 70s. In fact, in 1975 the police in Colombia seized 600 kilos of coke from an illegal plane. As a payback, the cartel killed 40 people in the – soon to be known – ‘Medellin massacre’. The law and the cartels were forever at war. Still, in their zenith, the Medellin cartel were making 60 million dollars a day.

Eventually every cartel comes to an end – due to the imprisonment of some major kingpins – but there is always another one to come from the shadows. The Cali Cartel, based in Colombia, were next. In their peak, they controlled 80% of the cocaine that entered the US. Of course after a decade or so the group’s major players were also behind bars. History writes:

“According to the 2015 Congressional Research Service report, Mexican drug wars claimed more than 80,000 lives between 2006 and 2015.”

The Main Cartels 

The narco-trafficking in Colombia had a few main groups:

  • Medellin Cartel
  • Cali Cartel
  • Norte Del Valle Cartel

The current Mexican cartels include:

  • Juarez Cartel
  • Tijuana Cartel
  • Los Zetas Cartel
  • Gulf Cartel
  • Sinaloa Cartel

The impact of Drug Cartels on Society

The production and distribution of illegal drugs by drug cartels can have serious consequences for public health. Many drugs produced by cartels, such as cocaine and heroin, are highly addictive and can lead to overdose and death. In addition, drug cartels often use cutting agents to increase the volume of drugs they can produce, which can result in dangerous and unpredictable mixtures that can harm or kill users. The impact of drug cartels extends beyond the health consequences for users.

The cost of law enforcement efforts to combat drug trafficking and related crime, as well as the cost of healthcare for those suffering from drug addiction, can be substantial. This can put a strain on resources and limit funding for other critical social services. However, it’s also worth noting that the blame cannot go entirely on the drug cartel’s themselves. The War on Drugs – first coined by Nixon in the 60s – simply does not and will not ever work. It is an outdated, lazy, and iron fisted approach. There has to be a more bureaucratic way of dealing with cartels, rather than engaging in drug wars. These exact wars – brought about by both the cartels and law enforcement – can also have a profound and long-lasting impact on communities and families.


Drug cartels seem to be shown more on television than actually spoken about in any sensible way. People watch Narcos and Breaking Bad, enjoying the drug wars and the substances themselves. The accents, the aesthetics, the guns – it all makes for pretty good television. However, there’s more to it than that. Beneath this Hollywood portrayal is a real problem that can only be dealt with, long term, with nuanced conversation. Drug cartels and the way they operate are far more similar to legal companies that we use everyday than we think. Let’s end the war on drugs. 

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The post What is a Drug Cartel? appeared first on Cannadelics.



Sunday, 26 February 2023

Illegal Synthetics Amanita Hemp Cup Products Cannabis Music Banned The Cannadelics Sunday Edition

Welcome to our weekly newsletter, The Cannadelics Sunday Edition, emailed to our subscribers every Sunday morning 11am est, with the main items of the week. This week we look into Illegal Synthetics, new Amanita mushroom Hemp Cup products, Cannabis music and media getting banned, Cannabis tourism in Uruguay, Trainspotting, Argentina hemp laws, Amanita beginners guide and types of hangovers and more.

As always, In addition the weekly digest, the newsletter comes with few of our Deal Of The Day offers. As always, the best Cannabis and Psychedelic products are reserved for our readers, so subscribe today or use the sign-in form below:

 Keep yourself updated with the latest Cannabis & Psychedelic stories, such as Illegal Synthetics, Amanita hemp cup products and more: 
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The Cannadelics Sunday Edition (2/26/2023) – Illegal Synthetics, Amanita Hemp Cup Products, Cannabis Music Banned and more


Welcome to the Cannadelics Sunday edition, going out every Sunday with the top stories from the cannabis and psychedelics industries. This week we have a mixed bag of stories as well as a few deals from our deal-of-the-day segments.

Thanks for stopping by!


Amanita HHC Gummies

Amanita HHC Gummies
Amanita HHC Gummies

Be a part of history by trying out the latest Cannadelic additions to the 2023 High Times Hemp Cup – the new Amanita HHC gummies and Amanita HHC joints, both featuring psychedelic mushrooms. High Times has never before included these types of products in their hemp cup, making this a groundbreaking event. 

Of particular interest are the more potent offerings, such as the Amanita HHC Amanita gummies and the Amanita D8 joints. The HHC gummies stand out for two reasons: they feature HHC (hexahydrocannabinol), a simplified version of THC, and they’re a rare combination of gummy and chocolate. 

If you’re curious to try them out, CLICK HERE and use the “cannadelics” coupon code to save 20% on your order. 

Click here to buy Amanita HHC gummies

(With Cannadelics coupon code)


This week we have a pretty even mix of both cannabis and psychedelics news. Among this stories, we have one explaining the DEA’s clarification on Illegal Synthetics. We’re also covering a recent ban on cannabis themed music and media in the Dominican Republic, a federal judge’s rule on cannabis and guns in Oklahoma, new Amanita mushroom products in hemp cup and so much more!

Illegal Synthetics:

Illegal Synthetics: DEA Reiterates That Synthetic Cannabinoids Are Illegal

Illegal Synthetics: DEA says synthetic cannabinoids are illegal
Illegal Synthetics: DEA Reiterates That Synthetic Cannabinoids Are Illegal

This debate has been raging on for years- are synthetic “hemp-derived” cannabinoids federally legal or not? Some claim vehemently that they are, while others remain skeptical. However, a recent statement from the FDA offers us some clarity, claiming that synthetic cannabinoids are in fact, illegal, even if they are hemp-derived. 

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Amanita Mushroom Products at 2023 High Times Hemp Cup Kits

Amanita Mushroom Products at 2023 High Times Hemp Cup Kits
Amanita Hemp Cup products
(Screenshot from

The 2023 High Times Hemp Cup is introducing a new product to the competition – Amanita Hemp Cup products that contain muscimol from Amanita muscaria mushrooms, combined with popular cannabinoids. The Amanita Hemp Cup products include gummies and pre-rolled joints containing muscimol combined with HHC, Delta 8 THC, and CBD.

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Special deal on Amanita Muscaria gummies: only $2.4/gummy

Dominican Republic Banned Cannabis Themed Music & Media

Dominican Republic Banned Cannabis Themed Music & Media
Dominican Republic cannabis

While most of the cannabis-related news stories these days show different regions relaxing regulations against the plant, some places, are heading steadfast in the opposite direction. Take the Dominican Republic, for instance. Not only are they not even considering any type of cannabis legislation, they actually took things a step further and banned cannabis themed music and media.

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Uruguay Working Toward Cannabis Tourist Industry to Fight Black Market

Global cannabis tourism
Global cannabis tourism

Although it often flies under the radar in many discussions on the subject, Uruguay is the world’s oldest, legal recreational cannabis market. If we follow what happens there, it can give us a good indication of what may transpire in other legal markets throughout the world. Currently, Uruguay is working on bolstering the cannabis tourism industry in order to thwart the still-thriving black market. 

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Save big on high-THCA flower

THCA Flower Bundle

Introducing an exclusive high-THCA flower bundle – a very limited edition discounted bundle sampler featuring some of the freshest flowers you can buy online . 

This bundle includes 8 eighths of the strains listed below:

  • 3.5g of Afghan THCa Hemp Flower
  • 3.5g of Miracle Alien Cookies THCa Hemp Flower
  • 3.5g of Grand Daddy Purple THCa Hemp Flower
  • 3.5g of Death Star THCa Hemp Flower
  • 3.5g of Hippie Crippler THCa Hemp Flower
  • 3.5g of Gorila Glue Pheno 1 THCa Hemp Flower
  • 3.5g of Green Crack THCa Hemp Flower
  • 3.5g of Blueberry Pheno 1 THCa Hemp Flower

Act fast to get your hands on this exclusive bundle before it’s gone!

Save big on high-THCA flower

Additional Reading:

A few more articles for your reading pleasure, such as the 2023 farm-bill, medical cannabis, salvia, Delta 9 vs Delta 8 etc.

Trainspotting: The Truth about Scotland and Heroin

trainspotting heroin / Illegal Synthetics
Trainspotting: The Truth about Scotland and Heroin

When Trainspotting, written by the Irvin Welsh and directed by the equally wonderful Danny Boyle, was released in 1996, people knew that they had a nuanced and well-thought-out film about heroin addiction on their hands. Trainspotting forced its way into many viewer’s ‘best films of all time’ list and rightfully so. But why did a movie about a group of Scottish friends dealing with drug and life issues become such a cult classic? Perhaps, simply, because told the sad truth about opioid addiction.

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Amanita Muscaria Beginner’s Guide: Everything You Need to Know

Amanita Muscaria Beginner's Guide
Amanita Muscaria Beginner’s Guide

Amanita muscaria, also known as Fly Agaric, is a fascinating old world mushroom that has recently grown in popularity due to the fact that it is very loosely regulated compared to other types of psychedelic mushrooms. If you’re a beginner looking to try Amanita Muscaria, it’s crucial to take the necessary precautions before consuming it, as all good things comes with responsibility and any drug can be problematic when used incorrectly.

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Clearance sale: 50% off THCO carts, disposables, gummies, tinctures and dabs

New Argentina Hemp Law Expected to Widen Domestic and Export Markets

New Argentina hemp law in place, Illegal Synthetics
New Argentina Hemp Law Expected to Widen Domestic and Export Markets

With the help of activist groups like Mama Cultiva, Argentia forced its way into the medical cannabis market. Now, Argentina making even bigger moves by opening the doors for increased hemp production for both domestic and export markets. The announcement for the implementation of the Regulatory Agency for the Hemp and Medical Cannabis Industry (ARICCAME), came out on January 25th, with its first working group to start immediately.

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Why All Types of Alcohol Cause the SAME Hangover?

Alcohol hangover, Illegal Synthetics
Alcohol hangover

Some people swear that certain alcohols produce different types of hangovers, similar to the way the produce different drunk effects. While that may be true for certain people, it’s more of a matter of personal body chemistry rather than the alcohol itself. As a matter of fact, scientific literature indicates that all alcohols actually result in the exact same hangover. 

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Amanita HHC Gummies & Amanita Delta 8 Joints

Amanita Delta 8 Joints
Amanita HHC Gummies & Amanita Delta 8 Joints

Get ready to experience the latest addition to the 2023 High Times Hemp Cup – the Amanita Mushroom products featuring muscimol from Amanita muscaria mushrooms, combined with popular cannabinoids. These products are sure to give you a unique and exciting experience, producing psychoactive effects that will transport you to another world. 
Among the offerings are the Amanita HHC gummies and Amanita D8 joints, both featuring rare and potent combinations. 
posables, dabs, tinctures, and edibles at prices never seen before.

Buy Amanita HHC gummies & Amanita Delta 8 joints

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All the latest from Psychedelics and Cannabis - Illegal Synthetics
All the latest from Psychedelics and Cannabis

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News from the Week:

*** Coco Puffs – What’s the Deal with Mixing Cannabis and Cocaine?

*** What’s The Deal with Shoddy Vape Carts Lately?

*** Worse Than Fentanyl? New Opioid Isotonitazene Deepens Opioid Crisis

*** 2023 Farm Bill Under Construction: What to Expect For Hemp

*** Does A Medical Setting Affect Psychedelic Treatment?

*** How Legal Cannabis Affects Pharmaceutical Sales

llegal Synthetics, Amanita Hemp Cup Products, Cannabis Music Banned – Conclusion

We hope you enjoyed this week’s review. We work hard to find and verify the best products, so we may include affiliate links to support the maintenance and development of this site. 

The Cannadelics team 

*** Disclaimer: As the legality of cannabinoids and psychedelics changes between state to state, you should always check with your local authorities first.

The post Illegal Synthetics, Amanita Hemp Cup Products, Cannabis Music Banned – The Cannadelics Sunday Edition appeared first on Cannadelics.



Amanita Mushroom Products at 2023 High Times Hemp Cup Kits

Although the hemp cup doesn’t get quite as much attention as the ever-popular annual cannabis cups, this year might be a bit different as a new product makes its debut in the competition. In the 2023 judge kits (which are available now for purchase), you may be pleasantly surprised to find Amanita Hemp Cup products containing muscimol from Amanita muscaria mushrooms, in combination with popular cannabinoids.  

Read more below, or go durectly to the new Amanita hemp cup products at the bottom of this page.

Muscimol, Mushrooms & Amanita Hemp Cup Products 

Amanita muscaria, also known as Fly Agaric, or simply, amanita mushroom, is a member of the family of fungi, of the genus Amanita. Although it can be found all over the world today, Amanitas are native to the temperate and boreal regions of the Northern Hemisphere, which includes Europe, North America, and Siberia – where they can be found growing under various types of deciduous and conifer trees, such as birch and pine. 

Amanita muscaria are probably one of the easiest to recognize mushroom species. If you play video games (like Mario or Assassin’s Creed) or watch movies (Sonic, Alice in Wonderland, Fantasia, etc.), you’ve likely seen these shrooms at least once or twice. They have round, dome-shaped, red caps with white spots, white gills, and stout, bulky stems.  

The active ingredients in Fly Agarics are muscimol and ibotenic acid. Muscimol works by activating the major inhibitory neurotransmitter system, gamma amino butyric acid (GABA). As an inhibitory system, muscimol suppresses the activity of certain neurons in the brain, which is how the psychoactive effects are produced. 

The ibotenic acid, which is responsible for the sickness and “toxicity” commonly reported from these mushrooms, converts to muscimol during decarboxylation. Decarbing is a chemical reaction that removes a carboxyl group and releases carbon dioxide (CO2), typically through the application of heat. If amanita products are prepared correctly, then at least 70 percent (preferably more) of the ibotenic acid will become muscimol. 

The high from muscimol is not as intense as psilocybin, but fun and therapeutic nonetheless. In my personal experience with gummies, it was a fun yet relaxing experience, somewhat dissociative in nature, with a wonderfully warm and tingly feeling body high, and a bit of auditory enhancement. It’s something I would definitely experiment with more, as I would like to try different products types and doses.

The Amanita Hemp Cup Products 

Screenshot from hthempcup

Apart from the expected items like vape products, flower, edibles, tinctures, and so on, all make from hemp-derived cannabinoids, and interesting addition in this year’s competition will be gummies and pre-rolled joints containing muscimol combined with HHC, Delta 8 THC, and CBD. 

I could not find a great deal of information on these products, most likely because they are keeping things lowkey while the judge kits are still for sale. However, this is what I was able to find on the amanita/cannabis products that will be in the 2023 Hemp Cup: 

In the psychoactive box, you will find: “25 mg HHC” gummies “dipped in Amanita muscaria mushroom chocolate”, prerolls containing “Amanita pantherina powder blended with organic indoor hemp flower, 250 mg total”, and delta 8 hemp flower “infused with Amanita muscaria powder coating on the outside, 500 mg total”. 

Thank you for stopping in. Head over to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter for direct updates; and get access to awesome deals on cannabis buds, vapes, edibles, smoking devices and equipment, cannabinoid compounds, and some psychedelic products! Go get high responsibly!

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With the addition of amanita compounds, all of these products are considered “psychoactive”, even the CBD flower joints. All of these products are new to the market, so as far as effects go, it’s hard to say how that combination will work. In my personal experience, cannabis works well with just about everything, including muscimol, so I’m curious to learn more about the effects of combining specific cannabinoids with the mushroom extracts.  

New additions to 2023 High Times Hemp Cup competition:
Amanita HHC Gummies & Amanita Delta 8 Joints

Be a part of history by trying out the latest Cannadelic additions to the 2023 High Times Hemp Cup – the new Amanita HHC gummies and Amanita HHC joints, both featuring psychedelic mushrooms. High Times has never before included these types of products in their hemp cup, making this a groundbreaking event. 

Of particular interest are the more potent offerings, such as the Amanita HHC Amanita gummies and the Amanita D8 joints. The HHC gummies stand out for two reasons: they feature HHC (hexahydrocannabinol), a simplified version of THC, and they’re a rare combination of gummy and chocolate. 

Amanita HHC Gummies

New additions to 2023 High Times Hemp Cup competition: Amanita HHC Gummies & Amanita Delta 8 Joints
Amanita HHC Gummies

If you’re curious to try the new Amanita HHC gummies, CLICK HERE and use the “cannadelics” coupon code to save 20% on your order. 

Buy Amanita HHC gummies

(With Cannadelics coupon code)

Want to Become a Judge? 

If you want to participate in the High Times Hemp Cup: People’s Choice Edition 2023, and offer your thoughts on the products in this year’s competition, it’s as easy as clicking here, and buying one of the seven available judge kits that are listed on the website.  

Unlike the market-specific competitions, the Hemp Cup kits will be available for online ordering in all 50 states. Judges will have until April 2nd to explore their kits and test out the various different products received. They will fill out questionnaires and submit their responses, which will be tallied up in time for the cup that takes place on April 16th.   

The kits range in price from $229 to $249, and they are selling fast so make sure to get yours with enough time to thoroughly test out the products and submit your judgements. Some highly anticipate products come from icloud, the hemp doctor, mellow fellow, and psilomart. 

Amanita Delta 8 Joints

If you’re curious to try the new Amanita Delta 8 joints, CLICK HERE and use the “cannadelics” coupon code to save 20% on your order. 

Buy Amanita Delta 8 THC Joints

(With Cannadelics coupon code)


We’re very excited about the inclusion of amanita mushroom products in the High Times Hemp Cup. If you’d like to learn more about the products in this year’s competition, you can buy still buy a judge kit, but your best bet is to subscribe to our newsletter, as we will have some of these products available for a discounted price. If you’ve tested out any of these items already, drop us a line in the comment section below and let us know what you thought of them!

Thanks for making your way over! We appreciate you stopping in at; where we work to bring you the best in independent news coverage for the cannabis and psychedelics spaces. Visit us regularly for daily news, and sign up to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, so you’re always on top of what’s going on.

Save big on Psychedelic Gummies

The post Amanita Mushroom Products at 2023 High Times Hemp Cup Kits appeared first on Cannadelics.



Thursday, 23 February 2023

DEA Reiterates That Synthetic Cannabinoids Are Illegal

It’s been an ongoing battle for a couple years now, with one side (the industry) claiming synthetic (hemp-derived) cannabinoids are legal, and the other (the government) saying they are not. Now, we have a little more clarity on the legal front, which backs up what is consistently said. The DEA recently made a statement that synthetic cannabinoids are illegal, even if hemp-derived.

What are synthetic cannabinoids?

Synthetic cannabinoids can be looked at two ways, and its up for debate how illegal they are. One is that they’re compounds that never existed in nature, and were just made in a lab. When we think of the word ‘synthetic’, that’s the general thought. But there’s another way to see synthetics. If the parts to build something are extracted from a plant, but then go through some sort of synthetic processing, or are put together with other parts that are synthetic; can the product be considered natural? Unfortunately, the US rarely regulates the term.

Truth is, there isn’t a ‘standard’ definition for ‘synthetic cannabinoid.’ Nor, for ‘natural’. Does it mean the whole thing is synthetic? Does it mean part of it is synthetic? Does it mean that at some stage synthetic processing is used? I don’t know because no one does. Far as I can tell, if comparing it to where we do have regulation, like ‘organic‘ regulation, or ISO regulation (International Organization for Standardization), for food or cosmetics, once something unnatural is involved (or involved past a point), it changes the definition.

Right now, the best I can say is that a synthetic cannabinoid relates to any cannabinoid with some amount of synthetic parts or processing, regardless of whether its capable of showing up in nature on its own; but I’m not the authority. Sure, something like delta-8 is naturally-occurring, but not in high enough amounts to extract for product production. It therefore requires synthetic processing for pretty much anything sold. Does it matter if it shows up in nature if we’re using a synthetic version?

Cool to have you with us. We’ve got the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter to get you email updates; and which comes with loads of promos for cannabis buds, vapes and related equipment, edibles, smoking paraphernalia, cannabinoid compounds (HHC, delta-8), and too much more. Head our way for all your cannabis-related shopping!

When it comes to the cannabinoid industry, this becomes problematic due to the definition of hemp; a definition that seems to stipulate any product must come from the plant directly, to be legal. As only ‘hemp’ by definition was legalized, anything that doesn’t fit into the definition, is not considered ‘hemp’, which implies illegality. What about products for cosmetics, food, medication, or treatment of any kind? FDA maintains control, so trying to sort out a hemp definition, or a synthetics definition, doesn’t even matter.

Recent DEA announcement

The back and forth is a little silly, although, to be fair, none of these compounds seem to pose much threat (the government is cool with opioids, remember). Their main ruling-out is more likely a desire to cut into a black market that the government doesn’t profit from, than the oft-touted government line that they’re dangerous (I mean, lowering guidelines for prescribing opioid medications? Come on…)

Are these synthetic cannabinoids a problem? It’s a dirty market sure, but as very few health issues seem to relate to compounds, and instead have to do with things like additives (which can be regulated out to produce cleaner products), the government line about danger is a bit misplaced. Perhaps just a move of subterfuge to get eyes away from the government’s own complicity in the opioid issue, which its involved in by continuing to allow them through regulation. But this article isn’t about whether we agree, its about the fact the government did make clear its position, even if we don’t agree.

Recently the government made an action to back up what it already said time and time again. On February 13th of this year, as reported by Marijuana Moment, the DEA zeroed in specifically on delta-8 THC-O and delta-9 THC-O, along with other synthetic cannabinoids, reminding that they’re illegal. The DEA says both these compound fail to meet the definition of hemp, and are therefore Schedule I controlled substances.

The DEA didn’t make a formal announcement. It did what it, and other government agencies, have done a couple times before; and simply replied to a person/organization that asked a question. In all cases, the answer was then posted as if to say the government organization had made a formal announcement, which it did not. In this case, the person asking the question was attorney Rod Kight, who wrote to the DEA last year about delta-8 THC-O and delta-9 THC-O legality, with a recent follow-up in 2023.

The DEA finally answered via letter by Chief of DEA Drug & Chemical Evaluation Section, Terrence L. Boos, on February 13th. It stated “Delta-9-THCO and delta-8-THCO are tetrahydrocannabinols having similar chemical structures and pharmacological activities to those contained in the cannabis plant.” And that they “do not occur naturally in the cannabis plant and can only be obtained synthetically, and therefore do not fall under the definition of hemp.”

Extracts made into synthetic cannabinoids, are illegal
Extracts made into synthetic cannabinoids, are illegal

Following this, on his blog post, Kight stated: “Although I do not always agree with the DEA’s view on cannabis matters, I agree with this opinion and, frankly, am not surprised. This is what I have been saying for a while.” He continued, “I have been concerned about the proliferation of THC acetate ester (THCO) for a while. It has always been my view that THCO is a controlled substance under federal law. Although it can be made from cannabinoids from hemp, THCO is not naturally expressed by the hemp plant. It is a laboratory creation that does not occur in nature, at least not from the hemp plant.”

Did anything new happen? Nope. Did the DEA make a formal announcement? Nope. Did it say anything it hasn’t said before? Nope. While the DEA itself is pretty bad at responding to many things related to drugs, even to the point of getting sued (lets remember it took Kight a year to get a response), it does seem that sometimes the issue is not liking the answer, more than not getting one.

When else did a government response make headlines as an announcement?

Twice in 2021, for two different reasons. One was about the legal nature of synthetic delta-8 THC (which is pretty much any delta-8 used in products), and CBD, which is often assumed to have a greater level of legality than it actually does.

In terms of delta-8 THC, in September, 2021, the Alabama Board of Pharmacy via Donna C. Yeatman, R.Ph., the executive secretary, requested an answer from the DEA about the legality of delta-8, since there was so much contention on the subject in the media. The DEA didn’t say anything new, just repeated what it has before. It relayed once again that any synthetic does not fit under the definition of hemp.

Yeatman’s original letter was dated August 19th, 2021, and the response was dated September 15th, 2021. The response brought Yeatman through a logical process, starting with “D8-THC is a tetrahydrocannabinol substance contained in the plant Cannabis sativa L. and also can be produced synthetically from non-cannabis materials.” Then after explaining THCs, and their place in Schedule I, it continued, “Thus, D8-THC synthetically produced from non-cannabis materials is controlled under the CSA as a “tetrahydrocannabinol.””

Realistically, if delta-8 could be appropriately sourced to not require synthetic processing, then it would fit the farm bill definition of hemp. But we know delta-8 only exists in minuscule amounts, and requires the kind of processing for product production, that takes it away from this definition. This doesn’t mean that it’s not ‘hemp-derived’, but that term doesn’t rule out synthetics at all. Of course, should the government ever want to clearly define what constitutes ‘synthetic’ when it comes to cannabinoids, we could have fewer of these arguments.

'Hemp-derived' implies synthetic cannabinoids
‘Hemp-derived’ implies synthetic cannabinoids

Another government response statement about CBD

The second example of a letter response from a government agency detailing an already stated policy, had to do with CBD and how it can be used. It happened in regards to Steve Brown, of the Minnesota Cannabis Association board, and a conversation about tinctures and processing facilities that happened in a meeting. Said Brown, “They stated later in the meeting that tinctures are illegal… Then this morning I received information from the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy, sent by a colleague.”

What did it say? It contained a responses by the US’s Department of Agriculture via a representative, saying “The problem here is some of the products you’re mentioning here, Steven, would not be legal food by our definition… The reason for that is all these other cannabinoid products are governed by the Board of Pharmacy.”

Why does this matter? Because a ‘medicine’ (anything to treat something, including supplements), a food product, and a cosmetic, all must get approval by the FDA. It gets worse in terms of ‘supplements.’ Once an FDA approved medication is there, any active ingredient used, is barred from advertisement as a nutritional supplement. Meaning since the FDA-approved a CBD medication, Epidiolex, its not legal to sell CBD for any kind of supplemental, or medical use. As in, its not legally cleared to be used for internal products, or to treat anything, or for cosmetics products, or for food products.

If you caught on, it means it doesn’t matter whether the DEA says its illegal or not. Not when it comes to any consumer products in the categories above. Since all that is regulated by the FDA, whether delta-9-THCO, delta-8-THCO, CBD, or any other synthetic cannabinoids are illegal in general, has no bearing on whether they’re legal in products. Which makes any product containing cannabis compounds, automatically illegal, whether synthetic or not. This is actually a statement I can make, because the FDA never regulated a consumer product for these uses with any cannabis compound; aside from pharmaceutical medications.

In all of these cases, the government agency didn’t make a statement to the press, but had the answer to their question promoted as an answer to the general question people fight over. And in all cases, all that was done, was to point out already existing information to the entities who were confused. Perhaps it would be better if the public understood the difference between general legality (DEA) and product legality (FDA) when it comes to cannabis.


This isn’t actually news, but it is interesting to see the confusion that continues on the topic. We might not agree with the DEA, USDA, or FDA on these matters, but there are answers already for much of it. Are synthetic cannabinoids illegal? Maybe. Probably. But while that answer is murkier due to missing and finite definitions, whether the products that involve these compounds are technically legal or not, is less debatable. Even if we don’t agree.

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The post DEA Reiterates That Synthetic Cannabinoids Are Illegal appeared first on Cannadelics.



Delta-8 vs-Delta 9 and Delta-10 THC: Effects Differences and Similarities

What are the effects of delta-8 vs. delta-9 vs delta-10 THC? How do they differ, and where do they overlap? While these questions are stra...