Friday 31 March 2023

Insufflation The Lowdown On Getting Drugs Blown Into You

There are a lot of modes of delivery for a medication, some that work better for particular compounds than others. Most of these are known, and at least sometimes used. Like taking something by mouth (tablet, tincture, oil); directly into a vein or muscle (injection, IV); on the skin (cream, patch); up the nose; in the eyes; and even in the private areas (think suppositories). One method not always well explained, is insufflation. And it presents a different form of drug consumption, by blowing the drug into a person.

Blowing drugs inside a person, what does that mean??

When you’re used to pills, and creams, and shots; medication taking seems pretty standard. But there are situations in life for which these standard and popular methods won’t work, and for which something different must be done. Our vast world of medical ability, and vast array of medical issues; dictate that answers might not always be within standard means.

Like insufflation. While the word sounds like a cross between inflating a balloon and suffocating a person, it means neither of these. Insufflation relates to “an act or the action of blowing on, into, or in,” according to Merrian Webster. It goes on to give the examples: “a Christian ceremonial rite of exorcism performed by breathing on a person,” or “the act of blowing something (such as a drug in powdered form) into a body cavity.” The latter is more up our alley for today.

When a medication (or illicit drug) is given through insufflation, it quite literally means a powder or gas is blown into a person via one of their orifices. The term is not specific to an orifice, nor a certain ailment, nor a particular drug. It simply relates that the person is treated by having something actually blown inside them.

Thanks for stopping by. We’ll keep you updated with the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter; which comes full of promotions on cannabis buds, smoking devices and vapes, edibles, cannabinoid compounds (like delta-8), amanita mushroom products, and so much more. Get your ‘feel good’ on here!

They blow what into where??

If it sounds nuts, or creepy, or like something you’d prefer not to deal with in life; consider that there are applications we’re already familiar with. For one thing, when a person stops breathing for whatever reason, and is given mouth to mouth resuscitation, this is a form of insufflation. The oxygen is the drug, and the mouth is the orifice used. Learning mouth to mouth is standard for many professions outside of regular doctoring, and it’s a visual we’re all familiar with from TV and movies.

Now consider an asthma inhaler. You’re not putting something in your mouth and swallowing when using an inhaler. You’re using a mechanism by which when you apply pressure, it blows out medicine; that you breathe in. This makes asthma inhalers one of the most common forms of medication taken via insufflation; although it’s not 100% insufflation. It requires the user to breathe in. Some nasal inhalers, however, are entirely insufflation.

Now think of a person hooked up to a ventilator or breathing machine of some kind. Some of these machines operate by forcing air into a person who can’t breathe properly on their own. This is done through positive airway pressure, which blows out air at a set pressure, to ensure it gets into the person’s lungs. The mechanism is used for different breathing issues, like sleep apnea, and is built off the idea of insufflation.

Another common application is the use of gas insufflation during surgery, to create space for doctors to work. This is common with operations like laparoscopic surgery, where a small incision is made, and a camera stuck in and moved around. Usually carbon dioxide is used for this purpose. In many cases the gas is blown in via an incision into the peritoneal cavity (where the intestines, stomach, and liver live). Other surgeries in other parts of the body include insufflation into a different area. Beyond insufflating gases to make a bigger work space for surgery; this is also done to see more areas internally, and to enhance imaging.

Isn’t shotgunning insufflation?

These days you’ve got a bunch of new age cannabis inhalers to choose from, for both the mouth and nose. Plus, there’s an old-school method of marijuana insufflation; and its one which a large percentage of weed smokers are familiar with, and have used at least once. I expect no one actively thinks ‘I’m insufflating’ while doing it, but regardless, that’s exactly what is done. The good old ‘shotgun.’

When heading to the car, and calling ‘shotgun,’ this is understood to mean that the person calling it, is reserving their place next to the driver. That’s what the term means in this scenario; the front passenger seat. In a way its like saying that the person wants immediate access to the driver; almost like a second-in-command thing. Similarly, when you shotgun a hit of weed, you’re the second person; getting it directly from the smoker.

Shotgunning marijuana
Shotgunning marijuana

A shotgun is when one person inhales weed smoke in some way. It could be from a bong, a pipe, a joint, a vape, a blunt, or a dab. That person inhales, and then when its time to exhale, they put their mouth right on (or close to) the mouth of another person, and blow the smoke directly into the waiting person’s mouth. Kind of like a big weed kiss.

It’s also very much in the realm of recycling. Maybe not the recycling that helps maintain the planet, but rather the kind used when a product is in short supply; and you want to make what you have, go as far as possible. It’s also used in the context of getting a little closer to a person of interest, as the move itself is rather intimate. Shotgunning is possible with any drug which a person inhales. Much like an inhaler, it’s not 100% insufflation, as the second person must actively inhale as well.

Snorting cocaine as nasal insufflation

Snorting is a little bit different. While the two get confused, the main difference is in the action of drug release. Insufflation means something being blown in you; whereas snorting means sucking something into yourself with your nose. When doing a line of cocaine, the cocaine isn’t forcing itself into your nose; its sitting there still. It’s your action that brings it in. Inhalers that don’t contain a pump and/or require a breath, also technically don’t qualify fully. This is often ignored, and the term ‘nasal insufflation’ is synonymous with ‘snorting’. However, by definition, insufflation and snorting are two separate things.

A better example of cocaine insufflation uses a different orifice, the butt. Now, when looking at rectal drug use (yup, it’s a thing – consider all those blood vessels making uptake quick and easy), this generally involves leaving something in there. I remember years ago hearing stories of people soaking tampons in alcohol and shoving them in where the sun don’t shine. Something I heard of as ‘slimming’ back then, but which often goes by the term ‘butt chugging’ now. This idea (usually sans tampon) is applicable to different drugs, and goes by several names, including shelving.

However, I’m talking about something specific. And it came up prominently in the HBO show ‘Industry’. On the show, one guy pulled down his pants, and the other took a straw and blew the cocaine into the first guy’s butt. Now I hear about it more, with a mention in the fourth season of the popular show ‘You’. This involved the character Connie asking his housekeeper to give him a ‘butt bump’, since his nose injury prevented him from the normal way (episode 6 for those interested). We don’t see it, we just hear him speak about asking her to blow it through a straw into his butt; (she refused.)

Realistically, though this action happens way less frequently than standard use, its popularity is growing such that its coming up in cutting edge TV shows. Maybe not everyone is comfortable dropping trow and bending over for a cocaine anal insufflation; but it does seem that more and more are willing to try.

Powder drugs can be taken by insufflation
Powder drugs can be taken by insufflation

Others drugs for insufflation

If you look at snorting as nasal insufflation, then there are tons of drugs that are taken in this manner. From cocaine, to ketamine, to MDMA, to 2C-B, to heroin, and on; plenty can be snorted into the nose. And while this doesn’t fit the exact definition of insufflation, (as it’s a sucking action over a blowing action), ‘nasal insufflation’ has become a common term for snorting a drug.

One last place where the term insufflation applies partly, is with scopolamine. For those unfamiliar, this deliriant hallucinogen, also known as hyoscine and Devil’s Breath, is found in plants like Datura stramonium. Though it’s in the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, it’s also known for its ability to elicit confessions from people and make them docile enough to control. This has led to some amount of criminal use.

Though its hard to say how accurate reporting is, there are many stories out of Colombia (and South America in general) of the drug being blown into people’s faces in order to get them high on it, for the purpose of robbery. How many incidents there are is out with the jury, as is the exact mode of ingestion (sometimes its put in drinks). But if the stories are true, then a fair amount of people have had scopolamine blown in their faces. This, like most asthma inhalers, is only partial insufflation, as it does require the victim to breathe in as well.


And there you have it! The term insufflation isn’t quite as out-there or scary as you thought (apart from scopolamine being blown in your face). And there are plenty of applications that apply to regular life, whether you’re an illicit drug user, a person with sleep apnea, or just an asthmatic. And while it does provide a fancier term for the act of snorting, it also introduces a very different way of looking at drug ingestion.

Hello all! We’re happy to see you here at; an independent news source focusing on the cannabis and psychedelics industries of today. Chill with us regularly to stay on top of important stories; and subscribe to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, to ensure nothing goes on without you knowing.

The post Insufflation – The Lowdown On Getting Drugs Blown Into You appeared first on Cannadelics.



Thursday 30 March 2023

11-Hydroxy-THC Gummies: Discover the Power of This Unique Compound

Looking for a unique and potent cannabis experience? Check out Cali Reserve 11-Hydroxy-THC Gummies, which offer a one-of-a-kind combination of cannabinoids, including 11-Hydroxy-THC, THC-X, THCP, and Live Resin Delta 8 THC distillate. This combination delivers a potent and unparalleled experience characterized by intense euphoria, relaxation, happiness, and an energizing effect.

Choose between the following falvors: Berry Blue, Kiwi Mixer and Tangie Peach. Each pack contains 20 gummies, with 250mg in each gummy, which makes it a very strong edible.

Currently, as part of our Deal Of The Day offers, you can get this top-selling product with a 25% discount, using the Delta25 coupon code.

11-Hydroxy-THC Gummies - Berry Blue
11-Hydroxy-THC Gummies – Berry Blue

Click here to buy 11-Hydroxy-THC gummies

(With Delta25 coupon code)

Attention wholesalers:

Want to source 11-Hydroxy-THC to your shop/distribution? We can get you the real stuff, with supporting COA’s!
Click here for our wholesale opportunities!

11-Hydroxy-THC Gummies: Enjoy a One-of-a-Kind High Experience

What makes Cali Reserve 11-Hydroxy-THC gummies so unique is their high-potency blend of cannabinoids. 11-Hydroxy-THC (AKA 11-HXY-THC) is a metabolite of THC that is produced in the liver when THC is ingested and converted into a more potent compound. Research on the exact effects of this cannabinoid is still limited, but it is believed to produce effects that are comparable in strength to Delta 9 THC.

Due to its strength, it is important to exercise caution when dosing with such high-potency products. Each pack of these 11-Hydroxy-THC gummies contains 20 gummies, with 250mg of cannabinoids per gummy, so it is recommended to start with a small dose and wait a while for the effects before consuming more.

If you’re interested in trying Cali Reserve 11-Hydroxy-THC gummies, now is the perfect time. Cannadelics is offering an exclusive Deal Of The Day promotion, providing a 25% discount on these premium gummies. To take advantage of this discount, simply use the coupon code Delta25 at checkout.

11-Hydroxy-THC gummies - Tangy Peach
11-Hydroxy-THC gummies – Tangy Peach

Click here to buy 11-Hydroxy-THC gummies

(With Delta25 coupon code)

Why Choose 11-Hydroxy-THC Gummies over Vapes or Tinctures?

We all love THC edibles. Gummies are a popular way of consuming cannabis due to their ease of consumption, consistent dosing, and discretion. The new 11-Hydroxy-THC gummies offer an attractive option for cannabis enthusiasts who also can choose between three flavors: Berry Blue, Kiwi Mixer and Tangie Peach.

While gummies are great, some people prefer vapes or tinctures, also a good choice when it comes to cannabis prodcuts:


Gummies are an edible form of cannabis, typically infused with THC or CBD. They are discreet, easy to dose, and offer a tasty alternative to smoking. Gummies take longer to kick in (around 30-90 minutes) due to digestion but provide longer-lasting effects (4-8 hours).

11-Hydroxy-THC gummies - Kiwi Mixer
11-Hydroxy-THC gummies – Kiwi Mixer


Vaping involves inhaling cannabis vapor produced by heating the plant material or concentrated oil. The onset of effects is rapid (within seconds to minutes) but may last for a shorter duration (1-3 hours). Vaping is considered less harsh on the lungs compared to smoking, but potential long-term health effects are still being studied. Currently, aside from flower, vaping in the most popular way of consuming cannabis.


Tinctures are liquid cannabis extracts, usually alcohol or oil-based, that can be taken sublingually (under the tongue) or added to food and drinks. They provide precise dosing and fast absorption when taken sublingually (15-45 minutes). Effects last between 4-6 hours. Tinctures are discreet and can be used for a wide range of therapeutic purposes.

Gummies, Vapes and Tinctures, each method caters to different preferences and needs, so it’s essential to consider factors like onset time, duration, discretion, and personal preferences when choosing the right option for you.

Have you tried the new legal psychedelic tinctures?


To conclude, experience a potent and unique cannabis adventure with Cali Reserve 11-Hydroxy-THC Gummies, featuring a powerful blend of cannabinoids like 11-Hydroxy-THC, THC-X, THCP, and Live Resin Delta 8 THC distillate. Indulge in Berry Blue, Kiwi Mixer, or Tangie Peach flavors, with each pack containing 20 gummies at 250mg per gummy.

Take adavantage of our Deal Of The Day and get a 25% discount on this premium product using the coupon code Delta25.

Click here to buy 11-Hydroxy-THC gummies

(With Delta25 coupon code)

High-potench THCA vapes. Same as THC, only legal…

Keep Yourself Informed

For those eager to stay informed about the latest news and receive exclusive offers on top-tier cannabis and psychedelic products, don’t miss out on the Cannadelics Sunday Edition newsletter. Delivered every Sunday at 11 AM EST, this weekly newsletter features the most important stories, expert insights, and exclusive discounts for subscribers.

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Cannadelics’ Wholesale Opportunities:

Looking to sell 11-Hydroxy-THC products in your shop or distribution network? Explore lucrative wholesale opportunities with a trusted provider of high-quality, COA-backed 11-Hydroxy-THC products. Our offerings include pure distillate, two unique blends – 11-Hydroxy-THC + Delta-8 and 11-Hydroxy-THC + HHC, catering to diverse market demands. Additionally, we also supply pre-filled vape cartridges for added convenience.

To capitalize on these exciting business prospects, simply follow the link below and provide your details in the form provided.

Click here for our wholesale opportunities!

CBD Testers Wholesale Opportunities
Cannadelics’ Wholesale Opportunities

The post 11-Hydroxy-THC Gummies: Discover the Power of This Unique Compound appeared first on Cannadelics.



Tuesday 28 March 2023

The Cannadelics Sunday Edition: Pink Cocaine Dab Rigs Mycoremediation and more

Welcome to The Cannadelics Sunday Edition, our weekly newsletter, going out every Sunday morning at 11am est with the best stories of the week. This week we look into Pink Cocaine, Mycoremediation, Brownie Mary, Amanita and Benzo addiction, DIY Dab Rigs, Functional Mushrooms and more trending stories from the world of Cannabis and Psychedelics.

If you want high-potency products, we have a great product in this weeks spotlight: the new 2g THCP Disposables, offered for as-low as $21/vape. Read more below.

In our deals section, you could find great offers on THCP disposables, Amanita Muscaria powder, and Amanita Mushroom tinctures.

As always, the best offers on top cannabis and psychedelic products are offered to the subscribers of our newsletter, so subscribe below:

 Keep yourself updated with the latest Cannabis & Psychedelic stories, such as DIY Dab Rigs, Pink Cocaine and more.
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The Cannadelics Sunday Edition: Pink Cocaine, Dab Rigs, Mycoremediation and more (3/26/23)


Welcome to the Cannadelics Sunday edition, going out every Sunday with the top trending stories of the week, such as DIY Dab Rigs, Pink Cocaine and more. This Sunday we have an great selection of items, as well as an exciting deal on legal cannabis and psycheelic products. Scroll down to learn more.


Save Big On THCP Disposables

(With Delta25 coupon code)

Save Big On THCP Disposables, dab rigs
Save Big On THCP Disposables

Want to save big on innovative and potent cannabis products? Look no further than our exclusive 25% discount on THCP disposables

These THCP disposables use a unique blend of THCP, Delta 8, and terpene strains to provide users with a powerful and long-lasting high. The disposable aspect of these products means that they are incredibly convenient and easy-to-use, making them a great option for those who are on-the-go or just want a reliable portable product.

But that’s not all! For those who want to try multiple strains, the bundle deals are the perfect choice. With options for 4 packs and 8 packs, users can mix and match their favorite flavors, such as Fruit Loops (Hybrid), Aurora Indica (Indica), God’s Gift (Indica), and Trainwreck (Sativa), to create their perfect bundle. 

And when you use the Delta25 coupon code with the 8-pack, you can get these premium 2g THCP disposables for as low as $21/vape, an incredible deal for a product of this quality.

Don’t miss out on this amazing offer to experience the power of THCP disposables. Order now with the Delta25 coupon code and save big on your purchase.

Click here to save on THCP Disposables

(With Delta25 coupon code)

The week in review:

This week we have a little bit of everything for you such as including coverage about mycoremediation for cleaning toxins from the earth, a profile on activist Brownie Mary, Dab Rigs, Pink Cocaine and more. Scroll down for our most exciting industry stories!

Mycoremediation: Using Mushrooms to Clean Environmental Toxins


By the year 2050, global waste is expected to increase to 3.4 billion tons. Meaning in less than 30 years, there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans. That’s terrifying to think about! To combat global pollution, scientists are looking at numerous different ways to weaponize inexpensive natural resources. Enter fungi. In a process known as mycoremediation, mushrooms and other type of fungi are used to absorb toxins from the earth. 

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Can Amanita Mushrooms Answer the Problem of Benzo Addiction?

Amanita mushrooms are becoming the new name in drugs, for naturally helping people with sleep and anxiety. But do they cause the same issues as the main pharma drugs known for this, benzodiazepines? And if not, can the muscimol from Amanita mushrooms not only replace use of benzodiazepines, but help those with benzo addiction, to come off the pills? Let’s take a look at what’s out there.

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25% discount on high-potency live rosin THCA vape carts

Brownie Mary and Her Contributions to Medical Cannabis

If you’ve ever had a pot brownie, then you have Brownie Mary to thank for that. An elderly woman known for her exceptional baking skills, is not uncommon for many grandmas. Except Mary wasn’t baking treats for her grandkids, she was crafting cannabis edibles for gay men and other people who were suffering from wasting syndrome, a condition common in people with HIV/AIDS.

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Science Meets Nature – New “Living PC” Powered by Mushrooms

mushroom computer, Dab Rigs
Grow It Yourself: Different Drugs You Can Grow at Home

When science and nature meet, you get as close to seeing magic as seemingly possible. Using a new age concept known as “wetware”, a team of researchers from the UK created a “living computer”, which utilizes a mushroom motherboard for power and data storage. The idea combines technology, mycology, and AI into what sounds like something out of a science fiction novel. But it’s not, this is real life, so let’s take a closer look at how it all works.

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Save Big on Amanita Muscaria Powder

50% OFF Amanita Muscaria Extract Powder

Want to make you own psychedelic products? Take adavantage of this huge opportunity and get Amanita Muscaria mushroom powder with 50% discount! 

One of the great benefits of buying mushroom powder is the flexibility it provides. Whether you want to make teacapsules, formulate tinctures, Drinks, or infuse food, this raw powder is exactly what you need. Another great adavantage is that unlike ready-made products, you can now nake your own dosage, tailored to your exact needs. 

TIP: Look for the 1oz, 1/4 LB, 1/2 LB and 1 LB offers, to save big on this legal psychedelic mushroom!

Save big on Amanita Muscaria Powder

Additional Reading:

Important news and stories from the week, such as the one about Dab Rigs, below:

DIY Dab Rig in Your Very Own Home

Dab rig
Dab rig

Dabbing is growing in popularity because it’s a fun, potent, alternative way to get high on weed. Although you can use concentrate on top of flower in bowls and blunts, if you want to actually “dab” in the true sense of the word, you’ll need a dab rig. If you don’t feel like buying one, you can make your own, and it’s pretty easy too!

Continue reading »

Pink Cocaine: Colombia’s New Drug Rage

Pink cocaine, dab rigs
Pink cocaine

When it comes to drugs, there’s always something new popping up. From captagon taking over the Middle East to gas station heroin – a tricyclic anti-depressant sold in corner stores in America; people sure want to get high on something. What’s one of the latest to surface? Pink cocaine, the new rage coming out of South America.

Continue reading »

High-potency 5g THC disposables

What It Really Means to Be Charged with a DUI for Cannabis

cannabis dui, Amanita Mushroom Tinctures
What It Really Means to Be Charged with a DUI for Cannabis

When we think of a DUI, we tend to think of people driving drunk. It makes sense, as a huge number of vehicular accidents are indeed caused by drunk drivers. But as cannabis legalization sweeps the country, the topic of getting a DUI for using cannabis while driving has become of greater interest and importance. We know that smoking weed and driving is illegal, but is it really as dangerous as driving while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs?

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Functional Mushrooms – Boosting Health and Well-being

We cover a lot about psychedelic mushrooms, but what about day-to-day mushrooms that can be used for overall health and wellness? These are often referred to as “functional mushrooms” and can include lions mane, cordyceps, reishi, shitake, and more. These three mushrooms have been used for centuries in traditional medicine to promote physical and mental health, and recent scientific research has only confirmed their potential benefits. Learn more about the different ways functional mushrooms can be utilized.

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Save Big On Amanita Tinctures

If you’re interested in trying legal psychedelics, a new product has been developed just for you: the Amanita Tincture. This potent tincture is infused with 1000mg of muscimol complex, derived from the Amanita Muscaria mushroom, which is known for its psychoactive properties. The tincture offers a unique and trippy experience. The experience may involve feelings of euphoria, a dream-like mental state, and out-of-body experiences.

The Amanita Tincture is available in three enticing flavors – Watermelons, Blue Bliss, and Lemon Dream – ensuring there’s a choice to suit everyone’s taste preferences.

TIP: Get an additional 25% discount using the Delta25 coupon code.

Click here to save on Amanita Tinctures

(With Delta25 coupon code)


THCP Disposables: A Powerful and Effective Way To Get High

THCP Disposables

Introducing the new star of the cannabinoid world: 2g THCP disposables

This innovative product is a known must-have with its powerful and long-lasting high. As you may already know, THCP has been found to be up to 30 times more potent than regular THC. And now, with THCP disposables, users can experience the full power of this potent compound in an easy-to-use and convenient way. 

With our exclusive Deal Of The Day, you can get great discounts on premium cannabis and psychedelic products, like the new 2g THCP disposables. Don’t wait, try it out now and see for yourself why THCP disposables are the new star of the cannabinoid world. 

Learn more about THCP Disposables

Keep Yourself Informed

For all the latest from Psychedelics and Cannabis, plus some exclusive deals on premium products, subscribe to our weekly newsletter.

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Follow us on Telegram, subscribe to the Cannadelics News channel.

News from the Week:

*** Got THC In Your Milk? Maybe You Can…

*** Opioid Lawsuit Money: Where Does It All Go?

*** Ann Shulgin and Her Contributions to the World of Psychedelics

*** Amsterdam: Ban on Cannabis Smoking in Red-Light District?

*** What Gas Station Heroin Says About Our Need to Get High

*** Are Cigarette Butts Recyclable?

25% off high-potency gummies

Dab Rigs, Pink Cocaine, Mycoremediation and more – Conclusion

We hope you enjoyed this week’s review. We work hard to find and verify the best products, so we may include affiliate links to support the maintenance and development of this site. We hope you enjoyed our articles.

The Cannadelics team 

*** Disclaimer: As the legality of cannabinoids and psychedelics changes between state to state, you should always check with your local authorities first.

The post The Cannadelics Sunday Edition: Pink Cocaine, Dab Rigs, Mycoremediation and more appeared first on Cannadelics.



Unleash the Power of 99% THCA Distillate with Live Rosin THCA Vape Cartridge Baked Alien

Introducing the newest addition to Cannadelics’ Deal Of The Day offers – the Live Rosin THCA Vape Cartridge – Baked Alien, infused with premium 99% THCA distillate. While THCA is non-psychoactive and legal in most states, it is converted into Delta-9 THC when heated, providing a potent and flavorful vaping experience. As it is made from hemp-derived THC, you can safely purchase it online. Use the Delta25 coupon code to get a 25% discount and enjoy the unique potency and flavor of Baked Alien carts, which are already selling like crazy.

Elevate your vaping game today and take advantage of our 25% discount on the Live Rosin THCA Vape Cartridge – Baked Alien, made from 99% pure Live Rosin terpenes. Discover the intense and flavorful hits that this new product offers and experience a one-of-a-kind vaping experience.

25% off Live Rosin THCA vape cartridges - With Delta25 coupon code
25% off Live Rosin THCA vape cartridges – With Delta25 coupon code

Click here to buy Live Rosin THCA Vape Cartridges

(With Delta25 coupon code)

Experience the Ultimate Vaping High with Live Rosin THCA Vape Cartridge – Baked Alien, Made from 99% Pure THCA

These new vape carts offers a great vaping experience for cannabis enthusiasts. It combines the potency of premium 99% THCA distillate, which is extracted safely from hemp, with the best terpene experience possible through Live Rosin terpenes.

Get the Ultimate Vaping Experience with Live Rosin THCA Vape Cartridge

THCA, or tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, is the precursor to Delta 9 THC, and the “A” in THCA signifies that it is non-psychoactive. However, when heated, THCA becomes Delta 9 THC, which has a psychoactive effect. Live Rosin is amber-colored, potent, and made without solvents, with a higher terpene count for a more potent and flavorful experience than other concentrates.

With Live Rosin THCA Vape Cartridge – Baked Alien, you get the best of both worlds – potent and flavorful vapor in one cartridge. The product is designed to be compatible with most 510 thread batteries and vaporizer pens, making it easy and convenient to use. Experience an intense and unique vaping experience with these premium vape carts today.

25% off Live Rosin THCA vape cartridges - With Delta25 coupon code
25% off Live Rosin THCA vape cartridges – With Delta25 coupon code

Dosing, Storage, Effects and Legality

When using the Live Rosin THCA Vape Cartridge – Baked Alien, or any other one, it’s important to start with a small dose and gradually increase it as needed. As it is a high-potency product, beginners should start with one or two puffs and wait for the effects to take hold before taking more. The strength of the cartridge can vary depending on your tolerance and experience, so it’s important to use it responsibly and in moderation.

Proper storage is crucial to maintaining its potency and flavor. The cartridge should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent heat and light from degrading the cannabinoids and terpenes. To ensure the longevity of the cartridge, it’s also recommended to store it upright and away from any potential sources of damage.

Another great THCA product is the high-potency THCA diamonds, currently with 25% discount!
Another great THCA product is the high-potency THCA diamonds, currently with 25% discount!

THCA has anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, while Live Rosin terpenes are known for their relaxing and stress-relieving effects. Vaping these Live Rosin THCA carts provides an intense and unique experience, with a heavy buzz that is both mentally and physically intense, providing great relaxation and relief.

THCA is legal in most states, and these carts are made from hemp-derived THC, which makes it legal under federal law. As a result, you can legally get high from THCA vape carts, even if you live in country where cannabis is still illegal…

In summary, this new product offers a great vaping experience that hits harder than ever before, providing potent and flavorful vapor. With its compatibility, proper dosage, storage recommendations, and legal status, this product offers a safe and convenient way to enjoy the benefits of THCA in a unique and intense way.

Order your vape carts today and experience the best of both worlds: the strength and potency of premium 99% THCA distillate and the rich flavor and intensity of Live Rosin terpenes.

25% off Live Rosin THCA vape cartridges - With Delta25 coupon code
25% off Live Rosin THCA vape cartridges – With Delta25 coupon code

Click here to buy Live Rosin THCA Vape Cartridges

(With Delta25 coupon code)

Live Rosin THCA: Understanding THCA – The Precursor to THC

THCA, or tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that is found in the cannabis and hemp plants. It is the precursor to Delta-9 THC, the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis. When cannabis is harvested, it contains high levels of THCA, which is converted into THC when the plant material is heated, such as through smoking or vaporization.

How THCA is Converted into THC

When THCA is exposed to heat, it undergoes a process called decarboxylation, which removes a carboxylic acid molecule from the THCA molecule, transforming it into Delta-9 THC. This process is activated when cannabis is heated to temperatures above 220°F, which is why smoking, vaping, and baking high-THCA products converts them into Delta-9 THC.

Another great THCA product is the high-potency THCA diamonds, currently with 25% discount!

THCA vs. Delta-9 THC

THCA and Delta-9 THC have different chemical structures and produce different effects. THCA is non-psychoactive, which means it does not produce the euphoric “high” associated with Delta-9 THC. THCA has been found to have anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, as well as potential therapeutic benefits for conditions such as epilepsy, inflammation, and cancer.

Delta-9 THC is psychoactive and produces the characteristic “high” associated with cannabis. It has been found to have potential therapeutic benefits for conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety, and nausea, among others.

However, as THCA converts into Delta-9 THC (the regular THC) when heated, both products produce akmost the same effects when it comes to what the consumers care about: getting high. As a result, when using high-THCA products, it’s important to start with a small dose and gradually increase it as needed.

25% off Live Rosin THCA vape cartridges - With Delta25 coupon code
25% off Live Rosin THCA vape cartridges – With Delta25 coupon code

Click here to buy Live Rosin THCA Vape Cartridges

(With Delta25 coupon code)

In conclusion, the Live Rosin THCA Vape Cartridgeis a game-changing product that provides a unique and potent vaping experience. By combining premium 99% THCA distillate with Live Rosin terpenes, the cartridge delivers intense and flavorful hits that hit harder than ever before. And above all, the legal loophole of these products, allows you to get them almost legality, even if you live in a country where cannabis is still illegal…

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Don’t miss out on exclusive deals and the latest news in the cannabis and legal psychedelic industry. Sign up for the Cannadelics Sunday Edition, our weekly newsletter that is sent every Sunday at 11am EST. This newsletter includes all the latest headlines and exclusive deals on premium cannabis and legal psychedelic products. Stay informed and save money on your favorite products by subscribing to the Cannadelics Sunday Edition today.

Have you ever tried THCP? It is so strong…

The post Unleash the Power of 99% THCA Distillate with Live Rosin THCA Vape Cartridge – Baked Alien appeared first on Cannadelics.



Monday 27 March 2023

Why Laws Only Apply to Poor People

When talking about access to justice, one question we should consider is who really has access. Legally, access to justice and fair representation should be afforded to all; but in reality, access is largely dependent on resources and education. Access to practically anything in this world, legal resources included, is based on a person’s finances, opportunities, and connections. Poverty, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality/language, educational level, access to transportation, and physical disability are all factors that can make justice feel out of reach for many US citizens.

Statistics show that poor, minority people suffer disproportionately from the legal system as a whole, and from various individual laws that seem to work against them. But in what specific ways does wealth make a difference? And how does this happen in a country founded on the principals of “equality for all”?

Our legal system in a nutshell

Our legal system starts with the Constitution, which establishes a federal system of government. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America. It specifies the authority of the federal government, establishes the judicial branch, and oversees federal courts. The U.S. Constitution also grants power to the U.S. Supreme Court, the highest court in the nation, which has ultimate appellate jurisdiction over all federal cases and many state cases as well.

Each of the 50 states has its own constitution to regulate government structure and legal codes. Federal courts only have jurisdiction over cases involving federal crimes, conflicts between different states, and international disputes. Most everything else gets handled by state courts.

The American Court system is largely based on the English Common Law system with two sides (the defendant vs the plaintiff), who argue their case before what should be an impartial judge (although we know that is often not how it goes), and sometimes a jury of their peers. In criminal cases, the prosecutor will often act as a plaintiff on behalf of the citizens or state. 

Now, this is where the rich versus poor issue really comes into play. In the US, everyone accused of a crime has the right to legal counsel, meaning they are allowed to have a lawyer assist with their defense. Even if you don’t have money, a public defender will be assigned to your case, free of charge.  

Sounds alright, but there is a catch. Public defenders are often straight of out college and less experienced than private attorneys. Not to mention, public defenders are notorious for being disinterested and disengaged. It should come as no surprise, since they are court employees and get paid the same whether they win or lose. They have even earned themselves a little nickname in many jails and prisons, “public pretenders”.  

Connections matter also. They shouldn’t when it comes to the legal system, but they most definitely do. Say for instance, one of the top rated, most well-connected lawyers in your city knows the judge personally and they play golf every other weekend. That judge will be more naturally inclined to trust his buddy over the random public defender who has no reputation in the industry. It’s unfair, but that’s how it works.  

Laws and poor people

Understanding the links between income, employment, and health is the first critical step to reducing poverty. But one other factor that is often overlooked is legal problems. Not only do poor and middle-class people get targeted by authorities more often than wealthy people, but the impact of the legal trouble is much more detrimental and long-lasting.

For someone who lives paycheck-to-paycheck, even something like a couple-thousand-dollar fine could have a negative effect on their finances for months to come, and felony charges can significantly reduce a person’s job prospects. If someone from a low-income family is jailed, leaving behind only one person to provide for the rest of the family (say dad gets locked up and mom is left to cover everything), that could lead to some serious life changes for everyone under that roof.  

What if the free spouse/parent/other can’t afford the bills and housing payments anymore? They might lose their family home and have to move to a neighborhood that could possibly be more dangerous than where they are currently living. They might lose the ability to feed and clothe their children, they could struggle with transportation, healthcare, and other basic needs, and some might even end up homeless if they can’t find suitable housing with their newly reduced income.  

Compare that to a wealthy family. Even if one person does end up in prison – which happens less often anyway because they have money for bail and good lawyers – they usually have a substantial amount of money in savings and an abundance of assets to keep the rest of their family secure.   

Thank you for stopping in. Head over to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter for direct updates; and get access to awesome deals on cannabis buds, vapes, edibles, smoking devices and equipment, cannabinoid compounds, and some psychedelic products! Go get high responsibly!

The War on Drugs  

The war on drugs, which we can all agree has been an absolute failure, was practically targeted at poor people and was a has been a major contributing factor to the ongoing cycle of poverty around the world. People who use heavy drugs often do so as a result of trauma, mental illness, and other life stressors, so these are people who may have already been marginalized by society before the drug use starts.

The war on drugs took what should have been considered a health and social issue, and turned it into a crime, further stigmatizing users. This resulted in mass incarceration of the of poor and minority individuals, leading to many of the lasting issues described above like less employment and educational opportunities, minimal housing options, and some have even lost their right to vote. Some states will permanently bar a person from participating in our democracy for felony convictions, regardless of what the crime was… how messed up is that?

This continues to be an ongoing issue. Data on current drug arrests is inconsistent and hard to analyze, but NORML estimates that there are still around 350,000 arrests annually for cannabis alone, many of which are black and brown men. And it’s rarely those in charge of the drug trade that suffer these consequences, it’s almost always the users and lower-level dealers, the people who have the most to lose in the first place.


Affluenza refers to a “psychological malaise supposedly affecting wealthy people”, characterized by an obsession with consumerism and wealth. To clarify, it’s not a medically recognized disease. Although the term has existed for a long time, as early as the 1950s, it was popularized in mainstream culture about ten years ago, during the 2013 trial of Ethan Couch.  

Ethan Couch famously used the “affluenza” defense to get off on charges for killing four people while driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. Couch was speeding through a residential area when he hit a group of people who were assisting with a disabled SUV. Four people were killed and another nine were injured. He was 16 years old at the time and driving with a restricted license.  

Couch’s family attorney argued that he suffered from “affluenza”, and he should receive therapeutic treatment rather than prison time. Interestingly enough, the judge agreed, and Couch was sentenced to 10 years of probation and an undermined amount of time at an inpatient facility for therapy. How this defense was actually able to work for him, I honestly have no clue. But it just goes to show that if you have enough money, the impossible becomes much more feasible. Some people might argue that he got off easy because he was so young, but if the driver of such a horrific accident had been a black 16-year-old male who did not have rich parents, he surely would have received jail time.

And it’s not just Couch who benefitted from the privilege of having good legal representation. Like I said before, it’s their family attorney. The entire Couch clan has an extensive history of breaking laws that dates back to the 1980s. Cumulatively, they have over 20 charges against them including traffic violations, financial disputes, reckless driving, and assault. On every occasion, they relied on their wealth and connections to get out of trouble.  

Final thoughts  

It doesn’t really matter where you are in the world, in most places, money talks; and if you’re rich enough, you can even get away with murder (I’m looking at you Laura Bush, John McAfee, Robert Durst, and others). The only people who really suffer from the consequences of their actions are the people who don’t have enough money, educations, or connections to fight the legal system. And they suffer long after they are convicted and have served their time.

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The post Why Laws Only Apply to Poor People appeared first on Cannadelics.



Sunday 26 March 2023

THCP Disposables: A Powerful and Innovative Way to Experience Cannabinoids

For those who are seeking a new and powerful way to experience the benefits of cannabinoids, our Deal Of The Day offers great discount on THCP disposables. These disposables use a unique blend of THC-P, Delta 8, and terpene strains to provide users with a potent and long-lasting high that is unlike anything else on the market.

Now, with the Delta25 coupon code, users can get an additional 25% off their purchase of THCP disposables. This is a great opportunity for those who are interested in trying these innovative products at a discounted price.

Don’t wait, experience the power of THCP: Get 25% off THCP Disposables with the Delta25 coupon code.

Experience the Power of THCP: Get 25% off THCP Disposables with the Delta25 Coupon Code - TrainWreck
Experience the Power of THCP: Get 25% off THCP Disposables with the Delta25 Coupon Code

Save Big on THCP Disposables

(With Delta25 coupon code)

Innovative THCP Disposables: Convenient, Powerful, and Effective

THCP, also known as THC-P, Delta-P or Tetrahydrocannabiphorol, is a brand-new hemp-derived cannabinoid that has been found to be up to 30 times more potent than regular THC. This potency means that THCP can provide users with an incredibly intense and long-lasting high. As a result, THCP is quickly gaining popularity among cannabis enthusiasts who are seeking a unique and powerful experience.

How do THCP Disposables Work?

THCP disposables work in a similar way to other cannabis vape products. They consist of a cartridge that is filled with a blend of THCP, Delta 8, and terpenes, which is then attached to a battery that heats up the liquid to create a vapor that can be inhaled.

The disposable aspect of these products means that users do not need to worry about charging or refilling their cartridges. Instead, they can simply dispose of the product once it has been used up. This makes THC-P disposables a convenient and easy-to-use option for those who want to experience the power of THC-P without any hassle. As most disposable vapes today are also rechargeable, you are fully-covered.

Experience the Power of THCP: Get 25% off THCP Disposables with the Delta25 Coupon Code - Fruit Loops
Experience the Power of THCP: Get 25% off THCP Disposables with the Delta25 Coupon Code

What are the Benefits of THCP Disposables?

There are many benefits to using THCP disposables as it is such a user-friendly device. Some of the most notable benefits include:

  1. Potency: THCP is an incredibly potent cannabinoid that provides users with a powerful and long-lasting high.
  2. Convenience: The disposable aspect of these products makes them incredibly easy to use and perfect for those who are on-the-go.
  3. Variety: THCP disposables come in a variety of different flavors and strains, allowing users to choose the product that best fits their needs.
  4. Safety: These disposable vapes are made using high-quality ingredients and are thoroughly tested to ensure that they are safe for use.
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Choosing the Right THCP Disposable

When it comes to choosing the right THCP disposable, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it is important to consider the potency of the product. Keep in mind that THCP is a powerful compound, stronger than regular Delta-9 THC or HHC, and users should start with a low dose to avoid any negative side effects.

It is also important to consider the flavor and strain of the product. THCP disposables come in a variety of different flavors, such as Fruit Loops, Aurora Indica, God’s Gift, Trainwreck, and Amnesia Haze. Some of them are Indica, others Sativa and you may also choose to buy an Hybrid strain. Each flavor provides a unique experience, so users should choose the one that best fits their needs.

Finally, it is important to choose a reputable and trustworthy brand and to look for exclusive discounts such what you could find in our Deal Of The Day section!

Experience the Power of THCP: Get 25% off THCP Disposables with the Delta25 Coupon Code - Aurora Indica
Experience the Power of THCP: Get 25% off THCP Disposables with the Delta25 Coupon Code

Save Big on THCP Disposables

(With Delta25 coupon code)

How to Use THCP Disposables

Using THCP disposables is incredibly easy. Simply inhale the vapor and hold each hit for a few seconds to ensure that users feel the full effects of the product. It is important to start with a low dose and gradually increase the dosage as needed.

In-fact, other that gummies, disposables are the most convinient and easy to use cannabis product as they are reliable, discreet, portable and above all, highly effective!

Differences Between THC-P and Other Cannabinoids

THCP differs from other cannabinoids in several ways. First and foremost, it is much more potent than THC, Delta-8 THC, and other cannabinoids. Additionally, THC-P appears to have a longer-lasting effect than other cannabinoids, making it a great option for those seeking a more sustained high.

THCP also has unique effects on the body and mind. While THC is known for its psychoactive effects, THCP appears to have a more powerful impact on both the body and the mind. It can provide intense relaxation, euphoria, and pain relief.

Experience the Power of THCP: Get 25% off THCP Disposables with the Delta25 Coupon Code - Amnesia Haze
Experience the Power of THCP: Get 25% off THCP Disposables with the Delta25 Coupon Code

Save big with bundle deals and stocking-up opportunities

For those who want to try multiple strains of 2g THCP disposables, you should choose one of the available bundle deals. These bundles come in a 4 pack or an 8 pack option and include a variety of flavors, such as Fruit Loops (Hybrid), Aurora Indica (Indica), God’s Gift (Indica), and Trainwreck (Sativa). Users can mix and match their favorite flavors to create their perfect bundle.

Not only these bundles are heavily discounted, but using our Delta25 coupon code, you could get an additional 25% discount, which makes this great deal even better! When choosing the 8-pack and using the Delta25 coupon code, you could get these premium 2g THCP disposables, for as-low-as $21/vape, an amazing price for this product!

Save big on 2g THCP Disposbales with these great bundles

Click HERE to save big on THCP Disposables?

(With Delta25 copun code)


THCP disposables offer a powerful and innovative way to experience the benefits of cannabinoids. With their unique blend of THC-P, Delta 8, and terpene strains, these vapes provide users with a potent and long-lasting high. They are also convenient and easy-to-use, making them a great option for those who are on-the-go.

However, as these 2g disposables are strong, very strong, so it is important to use them responsibly and in moderation. Starting with a low dose and gradually increasing the dosage as needed can help users find their sweet spot and also avoid any negative side effects.

Save Big on THCP Disposables

(With Delta25 coupon code)

Amanita gummies, Psychedelic tinctures, Mushroom joints and more…

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The post THCP Disposables: A Powerful and Innovative Way to Experience Cannabinoids appeared first on Cannadelics.



DIY Dab Rig in Your Very Own Home

Dabbing is on the rise, and it presents a different way to ingest weed, which is really just a different form of vaping. If you’re super into dabbing or looking to get started, and don’t want to buy a dab rig, (we all know glass breaks easily); perhaps there’s another answer. You can make a DIY dab rig with regular household items, in the privacy of your very own home. It’s pretty friggin easy… Read on for more information.

What’s a dab?

There’s smoking, which is done in different ways; bongs, pipes, joints, blunts. And vaping, which is also done in different ways; dry herb, oil, dabbing. Today, we’re focusing on dabbing. The difference between dab vaping and standard vaping, is mostly in the equipment used and what is being vaporized. Dabbing requires a smoking device called a dab rig, and is used for concentrates. Much like other forms of vaporization, this means heating the substance to a temperature which releases compounds, without burning the material.

Dabbing isn’t done with dry herb ever, it must be a concentrate. And unlike the vape pens and standard dry herb vapes, a dab rig actually looks like, and resembles, a bong. This kind of waterpipe is specifically meant for the vaping of thick oils and concentrates; and also uses the bong water filtration method to cool and filter the vapor. Like most bongs, dab rigs are made of glass. Unlike a regular bong, a dab rig employs the use of a nail (aka bangor). This creates different functionality from a bong.

Like a bong, a dab rig has a downstem, which is where the weed product is put for heating. However, instead of a standard bowl piece, it incorporates a ‘nail’; a thin, dish-like structure that goes inside the downstem. The nail is often made of quartz; but can also be made of titanium, ceramic, or glass. The nail is where heat is applied in order to achieve vaporization.

Hey there, thank you for stopping by. Get all important updates by subscribing to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter. It comes with great deals on tons of products as well, including cannabis flowers, vapes & smoking paraphernalia, edibles, cannabinoid compounds (like delta-8), amanita mushroom products, and a host more. We want to help you feel good…responsibly!

Sometimes another piece is used with the nail, called a ‘dome’. This goes over the nail and works to evenly distribute the heat, and maintain the vapor. When a dome is used, the nail is heated with the dome put over it, and then the dome removed and the concentrate applied to the nail. Domes aren’t always necessary though, and those which don’t require them, usually have larger dishes, and a hole in the middle for the vapor to go through. A carb cap is another piece that is used in place of a dome.

A carb cap covers the concentrate during heating, and is then removed when the dabber is ready to take a hit. This piece can help regulate temperature and allows for dabbing at lower temperatures; which is preferable to some people, as it makes for a cleaner taste. Dab rigs also use percolators, a cooling device seen in many standard bongs. This makes for the bubbling action of the dab rig. There are several different deigns for percolators, like disc style, stackable, honeycomb, helix, and more.

How is dabbing done?

If the goal here is to help you with your own homemade DIY dab rig, then its best to know exactly what the setup is supposed to do. Understanding the mechanism is important in creating a DIY and workable version. With a standard setup, heat is applied in one of two ways; with a lighter (torch), or electric dab nail. For torches, butane is usually preferred, but this is personal preference. For an electric dab nail (e-nail), there’s generally a digital display to show precise temperature. This uses an electric current to heat rather than a flame.

To get down to basics, the whole thing works by heating the nail, and then applying the concentrate. This creates vapor, which is pulled through the water, and into the user’s mouth. Standard dabbing temps range from 315 – 450º F (157-232º C). A tool, called a dabber, is often required to get the product onto the dab nail, as the product is often sticky, and the nail gets too hot to touch.

If you’ll notice, it doesn’t matter which heating method is used, it’s never directly on the concentrate, as this could burn it. Since we’re not looking to burn anything, the nail is the part heated. And that heat is then used to vaporize the concentrate. Apart from this, and the angle of the downstem in the two smoking devices (bongs and dab rigs); they are nearly identical, and easy to confuse in a head shop when not paying attention.

DIY dab rig – Mason jar method

Maybe you’re not in a location where buying a dab rig is easy. Maybe you don’t have the money for a good one, or maybe you’re prone to breaking glass pieces and don’t want to add to the graveyard. Whatever the reason, you can actually make your own DIY dab rig, in the privacy of your own home. One of the most basic ways to do this is with a mason jar.

DIY dab rig with Mason jar
DIY dab rig with Mason jar

Options 1: DIY dab rig Mason jar materials: 1 Mason jar with a lid, 1 drill, 1 bendy straw, 1 plastic pen with ink removed, 1 titanium dab nail, aluminum foil, and 1 butane torch. The instructions go as follows:

  • With the drill, make two holes in the Mason jar of the same size, which can fit a pen covered in tin foil with no extra space.
  • Then wrap aluminum foil around the pen, and place into either hole to create a downstem for your DIY dab rig.
  • Put the nail inside the pen and hold it in securely with more aluminum foil. Make sure you create a good seal.
  • In the other hole, put in the bendy straw, and make sure its secure with more aluminum foil. Once again it must create a seal so air doesn’t escape. This is your mouthpiece. Some instructions say you can use a glue gun to seal it further, but this is personal preference as that can add more chemicals, especially when heated, (though realistically this is also an issue with using plastic parts like a pen).
  • Next you’ll fill the Mason jar with water. Make sure to use the right amount of water so you’re not sucking it into your mouth, or with too little (which causes harsher, dryer hits). The water should cover the downstem’s bottom.
  • Finally, put the lid on the jar, and use it by heating the nail, and applying the concentrate. This whole thing might only be good for a single use, but should you desire something more durable and longer-lasting, use glass rather than plastic and titanium. Those materials also make for a safer device with less fumes.

DIY dab rig – bong conversion method

Option 2: DIY dab rig bong conversion. This method employs a regular bong, which is made into a dab rig. Materials for this include: a bong, a bong adapter that fits your bong, and a nail that fits the bong’s joint. Follow these instructions:

  • Find your adapter. You might have never thought about bong gender before, so now’s the time. It’s pretty basic; if you put the bowl onto the joint, it’s female. However, if the piece slides into the joint, its male. This isn’t terribly important except for it dictates which kind of joint and which kind of adapter. Joints can range in size between 10-18 millimeters or so, regardless of gender. You will most likely use a male-to-male adapter. Just make sure to get the right one, for whichever bong you choose to use.
  • Get a nail that matches the joint size of the bong. Titanium isn’t the only option, but its generally the most preferable for how it conducts heat and offers some durability.
  • Use it – carefully. Bongs and dabs have downstems at different angles. Bongs are usually 45º, whereas dabs tend to be at a 90º angle. The 90º angle is to ensure that concentrate doesn’t fall out during the process, which it can at 90º. Something to take into consideration when using this method.
Bong can be used for DIY dab rig
Bong can be used for DIY dab rig

DIY dab rig – plastic bottle, hot knife method

Option 3: DIY dab rig with plastic bottle and hot knife. This method necessitates the following materials: metal butter knife with thick handle, dabber or paper clip, plastic water bottle, scissors, electric stove or torch, and optional silicon dab mat. Follow these instructions:

  • Take the water bottle and cut in half. You only need the top half, sans cap. In the bottom of this top half, make a notch which is where the hot knife goes, so make sure a knife can slide in with plenty of room.
  • Then heat the knife with your electric stove or torch lighter, and put it on a flat surface or the silicon mat.
  • Take the dabber or paper clip and use it to collect the concentrate and put it on the hot knife.
  • Take the bottle and move it over the knife using the groove you made. The groove should be big enough that the knife doesn’t come into contact with plastic.
  • Put your mouth on the mouth of the bottle, and inhale.


These are three popular (and easy-to-do) options for a DIY dab rig. You can search the internet to find other options if none of these work for you. These methods can be done in a matter of minutes, and with general household items for the most part; giving you a great ability for your very own homemade dab rig. Have fun and enjoy!

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The post DIY Dab Rig in Your Very Own Home appeared first on Cannadelics.



Delta-8 vs-Delta 9 and Delta-10 THC: Effects Differences and Similarities

What are the effects of delta-8 vs. delta-9 vs delta-10 THC? How do they differ, and where do they overlap? While these questions are stra...