Thursday 14 April 2022

Low-Key Ideas for A Mid-Week 420

This 420, we’ll be halfway though the week, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of ways to celebrate. Maybe it won’t be a weekend blowout, or an all night rager, maybe you’ll have to be up early the next morning to work. There’s plenty of fun to be had with a low-key mid-week 420.

If you’re looking for nothing more than a low-key 420 this year, check out these basic ideas for celebrating, without going all out. We write on tons of topics in the cannabis industry, and you can keep up by subscribing to THC Weekly Newsletter for daily updates and news reports. You’ll also get direct and immediate access to offers on products like vapes, edibles, and other paraphernalia, as well as on cannabinoid compounds, which are highly popular right now. Make sure to check out our 420 deals, which will keep you sky-high, no matter how you choose to celebrate the day!

Mid-week holidays

Let’s be honest, you always hope your birthday falls on a weekend, right? I mean, who doesn’t. It’s way less fun to go out and celebrate, when you know that the alarm clock will ring early the next morning to bring you back to reality. But that is reality. We have five days during the week, and only two on the weekends, so we’re bound to have some weekday holidays.

Such is the case this year with 420, which falls right smack in the middle of the week on a Wednesday. Sure, there will be plenty of official festivities, and maybe you’ll be able to hit a parade, or go to a party, but the truth is, maybe you won’t want to. Maybe you’ll be tired out from work, and way more into low-key chilling, especially if you’re a busy person and you’ve got a lot to do.

Whenever a holiday falls on a weekend, it always receives the most celebration, because the majority of us are off work. And a 420 weekend is undoubtedly the best. This year, here are some low-key ways to spark up your mid-week 420, without making it the celebration of the year. Not every holiday needs to be at excitement level 10, and sometimes its nice to just chill.


Spend your low-key mid-week 420, hazy

There are some jobs where you really shouldn’t be high. Truth is, everyone is different when it comes to their reaction to weed, so what works for one person, might not work for another. I never was able to drive while stoned, but for most people, weed literally enhances the experience. I can sometimes work well when stoned, but sometimes it just makes me want to snack, and get off focus. Some people can get baked, and then teach a class of students, some can’t think straight at all after a few hits. Knowing yourself, and your own limits and reactions, is very important in making this decision.

If you have a job where getting high during your work day isn’t compatible with the work you do, then best to skip this one. But if you have a job you’re perfectly capable of doing stoned, maybe give yourself a stoned working day. I’m not saying take 10 bong rips before grading papers, but if taking a couple joint hits, or a few vape tokes, makes getting through a bunch of student essays that mush faster and brighter…do it!

Give yourself that extra smoke break, bring yourself in a nice nug, find yourself a comfy place for a private toke, or join the smoking members of your office – really..there are sure to be some. This 420, maybe you have to spend it working, whether that’s in an office or from your home, but you can certainly spend it working with a nice buzz. And if your job doesn’t provide for this, just get through the day, and plan yourself some fun 420 activities at night.

I don’t promote anyone do anything that might threaten their job, so if you’re smoking on the down-low at work, make sure its very, very low. 420 is a horrible day to get fired for smoking at work, and while some workplaces are probably more easy-going, some are definitely not. If you choose to make it a hazy 420 at work, and this is not a usual thing, just be careful!

Take a trip to your local dispensary

This one is good for nearly any holiday, but especially so for this one. One of the best ways to celebrate 420, is taking a trip to your local dispensary. Obviously, this doesn’t apply to a lot of the population, but if you happen to be in a legal location, celebrate it! Even if its just medically legal, and you’ve got a card. Use it for 420! Dispensaries are like the churches of cannabis, and going to one is a great way to show support.

I’m not saying that dispensaries offer the best deals, or are fairly priced, and there’s certainly much to be improved in how dispensaries are run, and the black market around them. But they also represent a legal change. An ability that didn’t exist before, and an ending of a certain kind of persecution. In that way, visiting your local dispensary is like showing your support for whatever progress has happened, even if it hasn’t been a perfect job. A lot of kids are at home instead of in prison because of these new laws, and we shouldn’t forget that.


Anti-marijuana laws were built on racism and persecution. While the collective opinion about the drug has changed drastically over the last decade or so, plenty of people still lose their time to unnecessary prison sentences. This is not just about being able to buy every kind of edible possible, and get nearly 100% THC extractions. It’s also about social justice, and the ability for political progress, even against an overarching federal governmental enemy that keeps fighting back with smear campaigns, even at this point in the game.

This year, it might be a low-key mid-week 420, but you can still celebrate it by buying some weed products, and being glad you have the ability to use them at will (depending on where you are). And if you’re not in a place where you can go to visit your local dispensary, maybe try to get in on a legalization parade or effort, and show that you want things to change.

You can write to your congressman, sign a petition if one’s available, or check out the local chapters of weed legalization organizations like NORML for your area. And of course, if you don’t have dispensaries, it means you probably have a dealer who can hook you up, and keep things going. And that promotes the industry as well, even if not the legal one.

One thing about holidays, is that there are always good deals! If you get into a dispensary, you can take advantage of all the holiday offers. If you can’t, check out these deals for 420 which ship all over the country. Cannabinoid compounds are big at the moment, and you can take advantage of tons of deals on ‘hemp-derived’ products while they last. These products are not everyone’s first choice, but they do make a nice addition for those who cannot get to legal dispensaries, and don’t have a guy to hook them up.

Do some home-420-cooking

A great way to do a low-key mid-week 420 is with some fun in the kitchen. Whether its for just you, or a small party of people, cooking up some 420 foods is sure to get you feeling in the spirit of things. And unlike a few decades ago, when this would have meant making brownies or chocolate chip cookies only, you actually have a ton of options. The world of edibles has grown extensively, and that means you can make all kinds of weed treats.

Like gummies. You can pretty easily make your own gummies! Check out these DIY gummy recipes to see what you’ll need in order to whip up a batch of home-made gummy goodness. And don’t worry, you don’t need official molds, just some cookie cutters, and you’re good to go. Plus, when you do it yourself, you can control for everything that’s put in. Store bought gummies sometimes have lots of extra chemical ingredients, but your homemade gummies can be extra ingredient-free. Choose your color and flavor, and how strong you want them to be.

Let’s be honest, everyone does like sweets, even if there are other options. Cookies? Cupcakes? Brownies? Check out these recipes for CBD treats, which can easily be made into THC treats as well. Sometimes the old standard is there for a reason, and the best way to make your tummy happy, is with some good, old-fashioned, high-inducing, baked goods. These recipes are delicious for the sweet tooth inside you, and provide an excellent throw-back to the 420’s of several decades ago.

cannabis cooking

If you’re thinking ‘but I’m vegan, this is much harder for me’, no worries, there are plenty of recipes for our non-animal-eating friends as well. From the recipes themselves, to how to create vegan cannabutter and oil to put in tons of other recipes, cannabis concoctions now reach the corners of the world. And that means even vegans can have fun in the kitchen on 420. Check out these sumptuous recipes for butternut squash quinoa salad, cannabis chia seed pudding, and cannabis alfredo, and whip up a five star infused vegan meal for this stoner holiday.

If you’re lucky enough to have a slow morning, or a day off, here’s a great way of giving your significant other a fantastic 420 morning surprise. Go ahead and make them the perfect infused breakfast! There’s nothing like waking and baking with your favorite morning foods, like oats to get your started, mouth-watering avocado toast, infused coffee of your choice, home-made weed tea, and fruit smoothies with a special zing. What’s better than a breakfast that leaves you buzzed? Not much! This one is sure to score you some bonus points, no matter who you prepare it for, even if its just for you!


This year it’s a low-key mid-week 420, and that means you might have to work. Still, plenty of ways to enjoy yourself and the holiday, whether in the office, or at home. Whatever you choose to do, if you do it with some nice indoor grown, high-caliber marijuana, it’s sure to be a fantastic holiday, even if you simply pair it with some Netflix…and chill.

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The post Low-Key Ideas for A Mid-Week 420 appeared first on CBD Testers.



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