Friday 6 January 2023

Snowed In? Fun Drugs to Ease Your Winter Blues

Winter is in full swing and that means different things for different people. For some, it’s a cozy time to decorate, bake, prep for the holidays, and enjoy other seasonal activities. For others, it’s time for winter athletics like skiing, snowboarding, and ice fishing. For many, winter is simply boring and depressing. But by and large, it’s a time to chill out and stay inside. To spice things up a bit, some people like to get high when they’re stuck in the house, and that’s perfectly fine. So, what are some of the best drugs to use on a cold winter day? Let’s take a closer look.

Winter is on my head  

“Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart.” A quote from Victor Hugo, and one that I couldn’t agree with more. I prefer warm weather anyway. I’ve never been partial to cold and snow, so as soon as that cold midwestern winter finally settles in, I’m already dreaming of spring – blossoming flower buds everywhere you look, warm sunshine peeking through the treetops, snakes and turtles coming out of their winter brumation, and an overall feeling of happiness and revival in the air as everyone begins to ramp up their outdoor activities.  

However, as much as I love those warmer months, there’s still something explicitly magical about winter. The cold cloudy air collides with the bare bones of the empty landscape and it’s so quiet you can hear every crackle and movement around you. And not to mention, nothing really beats being the first person to walk through a soft, sparkly patch of fresh snow.  

Winter is also seen as a time of relaxation and renewal, as well as a period of rebirth as we transition into a new year. That’s a big part of why the winter solstice used to be such a grand celebration. From a spiritual perspective, winter removes the noise and distractions from our lives and offers us a time to rest, recuperate, and emerge back into the rejuvenating light of spring.

All that said, there are still some limits to how much a person can enjoy winter, I mean, it’s freezing after all. Winter blues, or Season Affective Disorder (SAD), a real thing, as lack of exposure to vitamin D can lead to a type of temporary depression that affects roughly 10% of the US population throughout the fall and winter months.  

As a landscape and wildlife photographer I spend a great deal of time outdoors year-round, but I definitely scale it down in the winter (time to ‘rest’) which means I need to find alternative forms of indoor fun. Aside from binge watching Netflix and Hulu, reading a book, or scrolling endlessly on social media, another sure-fire way to make sure I’m entertained at home is with drugs. Nothing crazy (you certainly don’t want to roll into spring with a new substance addiction), but some weed and psychedelics, even the occasional drink or two can add an element of excitement to an another otherwise routine night in.  

Thanks for dropping in. Stay current by subscribing to the Cannadelics Weekly Newsletter, which also gets you access to awesome deals on cannabis flowers, vapes, edibles, smoking paraphernalia, cannabinoid products (including HHC), and a whole lot more. Tis the season to get yourself stoned!

Winter drug use 

It’s a relatively well-documented fact that rates of drug use and subsequent overdoses skyrocket in the winter months. Additionally, areas with extended periods of cooler weather (“cold states” and “cold countries”) tend to have higher rates of day-to-day drug and alcohol use. Addicts are more likely to be inside, at home, and possibly alone when they use drugs in the winter. If they overdose, under those circumstances, it’s more likely they’ll die (as compared to overdosing while out and about, perhaps in public or at a party or social gathering with friends). 

There are several reasons for this. For one, the winter months force people indoors more so than any other time of year. While inside, addicts are more likely to have time on their hands to use drugs, much in the same way that many people tend to exercise less and eat more during the winter. By itself, the additional time spent indoors is a risk factor. 

Add to that, the risk of overdose is greater in the winter. And that’s not just because of the higher rates of use (although that is obviously a major contributing factor), but also because of how our bodies function in colder climates. A Brown University study has linked cold weather temperatures with higher overdose rates, compared to the rates during warmer temperature days. Average temperatures of 52 degrees or more had a 25% lower rate of death by opioid overdose than on days with freezing temperatures. Scientists theorize that this phenomenon is linked to the human lung’s response to cold weather, in conjunction with the lung’s compromised state when using opioids, alcohol, and other depressant substances.  

Let’s take a look at Alaska, as that is one of the most extreme examples of cold weather I can think of, with their long weeks of endless darkness and temps that regularly fall into the negative 30s. Alaska has a somewhat prominent reputation as a state with substance abuse problems, and studies/surveys over the years confirm that.  

report commissioned by Alaskan officials showed that despite Alaska showing some similar drug-use patterns as the rest of the US, Alaskans were among the highest per capita users of substance abuse. Furthermore, Alaska has alarmingly high rates alcoholism and suicide. And what was possibly the most disturbing statistic came from a 2019 report commissioned by the State of Alaska which stated that “nine out of the ten leading causes of deaths in Alaska can be associated with substance misuse.” That’s an overwhelming 90 percent of deaths that can be attributed to either a substance overdose, health issues related to long-term substance abuse, or an accident that occurred while someone was under the influence.

Research states that Alaskans were found to commonly use a large variety of substances including alcohol, cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamines, and prescription medications. Alcohol was the most commonly abused substance though, and accounted for 20-25% of all deaths in the state, and these stats have held true since the 1990s.  

Other “cold countries” like Greenland, Russia, and the UK (the last of which only recently lost its status as one of the colder nations), also have high rates of drug abuse, and even what are considered colder and gloomier states see the same patterns, with some of the highest numbers of drug abuse and overdoses in states like Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Vermont.  


When it comes to getting high, weed is the go-to option for many people (myself included). I smoke every day, but I have noticed that I smoke more in the winter months when I’m hanging out at home without much to do. A nice hot cup of coffee, a good book, and a blunt is a pretty decent way to spend a cold morning indoors. Whether you choose to smoke it, vape it, dab it, or bake it into some edibles, getting stoned is always a fun lazy-day activity. Not to mention, it’s one of the safest, most functional, and most widely accepted ways to get high, especially these days now that the majority of states in the US have either medical or recreational weed available to the public.  


If you want to kick things up a notch, consider psychedelics. A midday mushroom trip is a great option for breaking up the monotony. If you’re in the mood to party, you can chill throughout the day and opt for some MDMA in the evening. Or if you have a lot of time to spare, perhaps an LSD trip is more up your alley? Over my years of experimenting with drugs, and psychedelics in particular, I would say that I’m more partial to shrooms. Not to mention, it’s much easier to adjust the dose with mushrooms than with other substances. You could eat a stem or cap if you just want some good adventurous vibes throughout the day, or you could take a heroic dose and take off to another planet, and everything in between.  


Although I’m not much of a drinker myself, who doesn’t enjoy a few social drinks now and again? Gathering a few friends at the house, putting on some good music and having a few drinks is always a fun way to spend an evening. Or just having a little kickback with your roommates, significant other, or whoever else lives with you is another fan favorite. During the winter, if you’re in the mood for both hot beverages and getting buzzed, you can opt for one of many spiked winter drinks – like mulled wine, spiked apple cider, spiked coffee, and the list goes on. However, it’s worth noting (and I can’t stress this one enough), if you choose to drink at a friend’s house, do NOT drive home until you are sober. Don’t be the irresponsible a**hole that takes away someone’s everything.

Final thoughts

We hope you enjoyed our short list of drugs to cure your winter boredom. Of course, there are many other drugs that people choose to do when they’re stuck in the house with nothing going on, but most of them are dangerous, addictive, and illegal. Alcohol, although not the safest, is legal and socially acceptable everywhere, and cannabis almost so. Psyshcedelics are following the same path as cannabis, but at a seemingly faster rate. And the latter two (cannabis and psychedelics) are about as safe as recreational drugs can possibly get.  

What are your preferred substances of choice for a cool day in? Drop us a line in the comment section below, we’d love to hear your thoughts.   

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The post Snowed In? Fun Drugs to Ease Your Winter Blues  appeared first on Cannadelics.



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